Home > It'll Be An Adventure (Masters of the Shadowlands #15)(105)

It'll Be An Adventure (Masters of the Shadowlands #15)(105)
Author: Cherise Sinclair

And then he turned back into this wonderfully caring Master who made her feel so very treasured. It was like he was two men in one—and she loved them both.
“Hey, Murph, where does this stuff go?”
Murphy smiled at Farran who was opening a box of her books.
Around her, other authors were setting up their tables in preparation for the book signing. She was running late after she and Saxon spent the morning at the beach. “Stack a half dozen of each title to the right and left, please, on each side of the pen basket.”
After arranging the books, Farran held up a pen from the swag box. “These are great. Got your name and everything, Ms. ML Chaykovsky.”
She grinned and ignored the funny twinge in her chest at his appreciation. At his being here.
Her brothers had changed. They were interested in her, in her activities. They’d even read her books and were pimping them to their friends.
“I love you, bro.”
Dugan would have turned red, but Farran, always the easiest with emotions, slung an arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple. “Love you, too, sis.”
“Yo, hands off my wench.” Grinning, Saxon strolled up to the table and set down a to-go box filled with coffees. “Here’s your fuel for the signing.”
She stared at him. “What are you doing here? I thought you had a thing with Marcus’s boys.”
“I do. Holt’s firefighters got a call-out, so Marcus moved the time back.” He smiled at Farran’s interest and added, “We’re taking a bunch of underprivileged boys to the fire department to see what they do—and help wash one of the engines.”
“Damn, that sounds like fun.” Farran’s envious expression made Murphy laugh.
“Unfortunately, I can’t stay for the signing.” Saxon leaned across the table, curved his fingers behind her head, and kissed her, long and slow. “I just ran by to make sure you got set up and to wish you a happy event.”
“Oh.” Her heart got all melty. “Thanks.”
“You look great. Very professional—and beautiful.” He ran a hand down her arm before stepping back.
“One of the coffees is for me?” Farran asked hopefully.
“Yep.” Saxon picked up one cup and set it down in the table area next to Murphy’s. “Hey, Josie. Holt wanted me to get you a coffee too.”
Josie straightened from the box she was rummaging through. “Saxon, you’re a lifesaver. Thank you—and tell my man the same.”
“I see you both are set up with helpers.” He grinned at Carson, Josie’s preteen.
“Our assistants will be busy.” Josie smiled. “It’s great to have someone else handle the money while I sign books.”
“She made me practice doing the credit stuff.” Carson looked both proud and embarrassed. The boy was incredibly smart—and a sweetheart. Josie had done a wonderful job of raising him. And wasn’t it lovely the single mom had Holt in her life now. He must be a fantastic role model for the boy.
“I had to practice, too, kid.” Farran grinned at Carson. “I wouldn’t’ve known what to do otherwise. But that credit card app is cool.”
“Saxon, have you heard anything about Andrea and Sally?” Murphy asked. This morning, Gabi called to say that Andrea was in labor at the birthing center. Later, Rainie reported that Sally had also gone into labor and was at the same place.
Saxon grinned. “Galen says Sally’s suite is next to Andrea’s—I guess the place only has three anyway. But the two pre-moms are hanging out in Andrea’s room, complaining about their men, and sharing their miseries.”
“Sally and Andrea?” Josie snickered. “Those poor midwives will be traumatized.”
“What I was thinking too.” Saxon took Murphy’s hand. “I’ll be back to collect you when your signing is over—and we’ll swing by and check on the ladies.”
Babies! “I’d like that.”
To Murphy’s surprise, Dugan had shown up near the end of the signing. He’d said he wanted to see her in action and lend a hand.
Busy with a long line of fans with books for her to sign, she hadn’t been able to talk.
Unfazed, he’d settled down behind the table to help Farran with the money—and offer useless advice to annoy him.
Finally, the doors had closed, and the place was almost empty of readers now.
“There’s Murphy and Josie!” Gabi sashayed up to the table, accompanied by Marcus. Then Jake and Rainie came.
Finally, Saxon arrived, grinning at the line of readers who were ignoring the time-to-leave announcements. They had books and wanted them signed.
How could she say no? Smiling, she kept going.
“Are you going to buy her new book, Saxon?” Rainie asked.
He smirked. “As it happens, I got my copy days before the release.”
“That’s cheating.” Rainie pouted. “I hope you thanked her with a kiss.”
“Well, yeah.” Saxon lifted an eyebrow at Murphy with a wicked smile.
Her face turned hot. His thanks had involved a whole lot more than a kiss.
Jake glanced between them and snorted. “Way to go, bro. I get the feeling you’ll get the next book too.”
“Saxon, you fucking bastard,” a woman said loudly.
Murphy stiffened, recognizing Everly Ainsworth’s high voice.
Don’t react. Instead, she smiled at the middle-aged man whose book she’d signed. “I hope you enjoy the book.”
“I know I will. You haven’t let me down yet.” He smiled back and made way for a woman with a walker.
The woman handed over the book she’d just purchased from Farran.
“Hi there. Did you enjoy the signing?” As Murphy autographed the book, the woman waxed poetic about the wonders of the event.
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