Home > It'll Be An Adventure (Masters of the Shadowlands #15)(19)

It'll Be An Adventure (Masters of the Shadowlands #15)(19)
Author: Cherise Sinclair

Zoey huffed and sagged a little. “Okay, not totally. And I heard her tell Dad that”—she raised her voice— “ ‘You’re not doing her any favors by giving her everything, honey.’ You figure that’s what she meant?”
“Maybe? You might ask her.” Smiling, Murphy winked. “Negotiation and diplomacy are excellent life skills.”
“I…huh. Negotiate.” Eyes narrowed, the girl considered the idea.
“Meantime, Zoey, this is Sherlock, and he’d really like a hug from you. Because he’s all proud of finding you in this mess of forest.”
When the girl looked at the dog, Sherlock’s tail started whipping against Murphy’s ribs.
“Oh. Uh, hey, Sherlock.” Zoey held out her hand.
Dancing forward, Sherlock waited for a single pet before he was squirming against the girl, almost demanding a hug, and licking her face.
“Thought I taught him better than that,” came Saxon’s deep grumble.
Murphy smiled. “I think this time he’s going to get away with it.”
“Seems so.” Saxon held out a hand to her. When she took it, he effortlessly pulled her to her feet and said quietly, “Good job.”
It was disconcerting how those simple words of praise lit her spirit.
He bent and handed Zoey a bottle of water.
Eyes lighting, the girl started chugging it.
Studying her, he asked, “Do you have any injuries besides scratches?”
“Uh-uh. I’m good.”
Murphy frowned. He was so calm and steady and…kind. Why hadn’t he been like that with Gabi? Her mouth compressed, and she moved farther away from him.
“Then let’s go, ladies. The storm’s coming in fast.” He motioned to dark clouds filling the sky.
“Storm?” Zoey shot to her feet. “Nooo. I hate lightning.”
Murphy almost laughed. Boy, did the teen live in the wrong state. Florida was the lightning capital of the world. “Time for a fast walk, then.”
Stowing the empty water bottles, Saxon handed the child a granola bar while Murphy checked their location and notified the base.
“That way.” Murphy pointed them toward the best way back.
As they walked through the brush, she grinned as the dog pranced from one person to the next, trying to keep them all herded together.
In spite of the straightforward way back being a lot shorter, the first sprinkles were already falling when they reached the more populated area and out into the parking lot holding the base station. Cheers rose from the people still waiting.
“Zoey!” The shout came from a man who charged across the lot to grab his daughter. Tears were in his eyes as he hugged her, then held her shoulders to glare at her. “You…why did…” He hugged her again.
Murphy’s eyes burned as she remembered when she’d been lost. There’d been no hugs from her father. Lots of yelling. Pa kind of loved her; she had to believe that. He just loved himself a lot more. He came first, then everybody else.
The realization hadn’t happened soon enough though. Not until after the Aaron aftermath when she unburdened herself to a friend taking psych classes. They’d ended up talking about Murphy’s father. Talk about revelations…
But Zoey was obviously at the top of her father’s priority list.
Murphy swallowed. This is what real love looks like. I want that. So much.
She shook her head and managed to smile. This wasn’t about her but about Zoey. Thank goodness the girl had a good daddy.
The woman who must be the evil stepmother stood nearby, obviously uncertain if she’d be intruding.
After a minute, the father released Zoey, and she turned to Saxon. “Thank you for finding me.”
He simply smiled.
Sherlock got a hug, and so did Murphy along with a whispered, “Thanks. Negotiations, huh?”
“And diplomacy,” Murphy whispered back, giving her a reassuring squeeze. “You got this.”
“Yeah.” Zoey headed toward her stepmother.
To Murphy’s pleased surprise, the stepmother was crying as she hugged the girl—and got hugged back.
Excellent. There was love there—even if the dreaded chores had come between them.
A gust of wind spattered Murphy’s face with rain. Overhead, thunder rolled from one side of the sky to the other, and then a downpour let loose.
Oh, wonderful.
“Great job, you two.” Meeting them on the way, Dustin bent to tell Sherlock, “You did good, boy, damn good.”
Sherlock wiggled in delight.
“So, there’s a traffic jam on 54 with some of the side streets backed up as well. It’ll only get worse with this shit.” He tipped his head back in the rain. “I’m not in the mood to sit in bumper-to-bumper hell for hours. The closest hotel offered us free rooms for the night. Those of us still here are taking them up on it. We can clean up, put on dry clothes, and have something hot to eat.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Saxon turned to Murphy. “You?”
The last thing she wanted was to have to be in his company longer. “No, I’m going to head home.”
His penetrating blue gaze swept over her. “Murphy, can you honestly tell me you’re safe to drive?”
She tried to pull herself straighter. Only…he was right. She was already soaked through and exhausted enough that if she had to sit in a warm car in traffic, she’d probably fall asleep. She heaved an annoyed sigh. “No, I’m not. I’ll stay.”
Saxon didn’t speak, just gave her a nod.
Which was wise, since if he’d said, “Good girl,” she would’ve hit him.
By all the gods in all the worlds, hot water was a blessing. Saxon scrubbed the mud off his body, the twigs and leaves from his thick hair.
He grinned at Sherlock, who stood in the bathroom doorway. His fur was still wet from getting scrubbed down, and his wary expression indicated that humans were untrustworthy and might well subject him to another shower.
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