Home > Primal Instincts_ Volume 2(14)

Primal Instincts_ Volume 2(14)
Author: Nicole Edwards

Admittedly, I’d had a better time with Journey tonight than I’d had with anyone in years. With that said, I didn’t like the direction this conversation was headed.
I knew the moment the words were out of my mouth that I had managed to poke at an old wound. I’d seen it in Garrison’s expression, the way his jaw muscles bunched, and the sparkle in his blue-gray eyes dimmed instantly. And as soon as Garrison had told me what happened with his ex, I saw the walls being erected to keep me out.
I couldn’t help it. I was curious what a woman could’ve possibly done to make him shun relationships for five years. I couldn’t believe it was even possible to go that long without … Well, I guess, in all fairness, he probably hadn’t gone without sex. That didn’t require a relationship. However, to go that long without a date? It didn’t seem feasible.
Luckily, the waiter came to remove our empty dishes, asking if we wanted coffee. I declined because the last thing I needed was caffeine keeping me awake tonight. As it was, I should sleep like a baby thanks to a meal fit for kings.
“Do you travel a lot?” I asked, hoping the drastic change in the subject might eliminate the frown that was creasing Garrison’s handsome face.
Seriously, how was he not bogged down with women wanting to go out with him? The man was gorgeous. The type of rugged masculinity that people write romance novels about.
“It’s part of the job,” he said, his expression wary. “Usually gone a couple of days every week.”
“Sounds stressful.”
“A private jet helps.”
I feigned envy. “I bet it does, high roller.”
I remembered how Creed made me masturbate on the phone while he was sitting on the private jet. I hadn’t realized that’s where he was, but even if I had, I’m not sure I would’ve done anything differently. Since meeting Creed, it seemed I was blowing through all personal boundaries I thought I’d had, emerging from the rubble as a new person. I liked the new me even if I wasn’t sure she was here to stay.
Garrison smiled, and a dimple formed on his cheek. “If there’s ever anywhere you wanna go, just say the word.”
I took a sip of wine. “Hawk said he’d take me to Vegas.”
“His mom lives there.”
I grinned, letting him believe that was the basis for Hawk’s invitation. I didn’t tell him that the offer had come when he was flirting, claiming I was falling in love with him and our third date would be in Vegas getting married.
“What about you?” I asked. “Where’s your family from?”
“Small town in central Texas. Coyote Ridge.”
“So you’ve got cowboy roots?” I teased.
“More or less.” There was a lightness to his tone when he said that, which I took to mean he had fond memories of where he grew up. That or his third vodka on the rocks allowed him to open up a little.
“Do you have any brothers or sisters?”
“Three brothers.”
“Older? Younger?”
“Michael’s a year younger. Leif and Lance are twins; they’re three years younger.”
“Do you get to see them much?”
“I don’t think you could pay ’em to come out here,” he said with a chuckle. “But I get through there a few times a year. Usually around the holidays. I went down there for Christmas. My mama would tan my hide if I didn’t spend it with them. What about you? You see your folks much?”
“Oh, yes.” I grinned as I always did when I thought about my parents. “I hang out at their house at least once a week, sometimes more. We’re close. As for holidays, we don’t do much,” I admitted. “My mom cooks a feast for kings at Thanksgiving and Christmas, but it’s usually just us.”
“No grandparents or aunts and uncles comin’ by?”
“No aunts or uncles on either side. Mom’s an only child, and the dads … their parents didn’t want anymore after popping out twins. Or so they tell me.” I met his stare. “I have two dads, by the way. My mom married them both.” I waved a hand, not wanting to bore him with the details. “Anyway, their parents died before I was born. My mom’s not on good terms with hers. They’re estranged. Have been since she decided to be with two men.”
“They didn’t approve?”
I shook my head. “They’re very religious. Believe marriage is a sacred vow between a man and a woman only.”
“And what do you think about it?”
Honestly, no one had ever asked me that question. “To each his own. If it’s consensual and everyone’s happy, who cares? And my parents … they’re ridiculously happy, so I’ve never really thought about it. To me, it feels natural for the three of them to be together.”
“Not a lot of people who’d think it was normal.”
“Maybe not, but that’s their loss. Narrow-minded people tend to miss out on the best parts of life.”
He smiled, and it reached all the way to his eyes, small lines forming in the creases. A second later, it began to fade. I wouldn’t say he looked sad, simply resigned, though I didn’t know why. As far as I was concerned, it’d been a wonderful evening, the weird strip show in my office notwithstanding.
When he didn’t ask anything more, I figured it was time to draw the evening to a close.
“Thank you for spending Valentine’s Day with me. I know Creed made you come, but I had a great time.”
“He didn’t make me, darlin’,” he crooned softly. “If I didn’t wanna be here, I wouldn’t be.”
The admission felt honest, but his eyes betrayed his words.
“Well, I guess I should get home,” I said, pushing my chair back. “I can call an Uber.”
Garrison was instantly on his feet, as though my movement caused a spring to poke him in the ass and launch him upward. He stepped over and held out his hand like he was going to help with my chair, but I beat him to the punch.
“Mason’s waitin’ for you out front,” Garrison noted, his hands falling to his sides. “He’ll take you home.”
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