Home > Primal Instincts_ Volume 2(23)

Primal Instincts_ Volume 2(23)
Author: Nicole Edwards

“Me, too.” She turned her head on my shoulder, peering up at me. “Can I ask you something?”
“Anything, darlin’. I’m a book to be read.”
“Am I misreading the signals here?”
I looked out at the water and considered my answer carefully. I wanted to tell her there were no signals to be read, that I was merely doing a favor for a friend.
It wouldn’t be a total lie, but it would’ve felt like one. Right this minute, I didn’t give a fuck about Creed or what he wanted. The only thing that mattered to me was this woman. Her safety, her security. I wanted to make her smile, to hear her laugh. I wanted her to say my name in that husky rasp of hers. Since our encounter at the coffee shop, when she confronted me about cutting the line, Journey awakened something in me. Creed had riled that fucking beast with his game last night. I should’ve refused to indulge him because we wouldn’t be here right now if I had. Maybe.
“I’m sorry,” she said softly, turning back to the water. “I didn’t mean to make things uncomfortable.”
I captured her chin with my finger and turned her face back to mine. Leaning forward, I pressed my lips to hers, just the barest brush of our mouths. I wanted to kiss her, but I refused to cross that line. Creed gave me carte blanche, but I didn’t think he had realized what he was doing. If he thought for a second I would find myself falling for a woman after all these years of remaining cold on the inside, surely he wouldn’t have sent me here. However, he trusted me, and he knew I was loyal. I could resist her, even if it killed me. For him.
I pressed my forehead to her temple, breathing her in. I wanted to memorize her sweet scent.
“You’re not misreadin’ anything, darlin’.”
Her arm tightened over mine, and she relaxed into my hold. We sat there for long minutes, the night settling over us, all of our problems lost in the city behind us for a bit longer.
“I really like you, Garrison,” she whispered.
“Feelin’s mutual, darlin’. Definitely mutual.”
By the time we arrived back at my parents’ house, some of my tension had disappeared. I knew I had Garrison to thank for that. He’d provided me with a much-needed distraction. Unfortunately, I knew the moment he dropped me off, I’d return to the anxious mess I had been when he arrived. I wasn’t ready for that.
“Can you stay for a while?” I asked when he helped me out of his truck.
His eyes shifted to the house momentarily.
“If you can’t, I understand,” I added quickly, hating that I had put him on the spot.
Garrison’s gaze darted back to me. “It’s not that…”
“Then what—”
“I’d like to stay,” he quickly added, although I was certain his shoulders were tenser than they had been.
I could’ve questioned his hesitance, but his acquiescence soothed me, causing my muscles to relax again, so I decided to be selfish. The thought of having a pity party for myself wasn’t appealing. Not when I could spend a little more time with him.
“Do you like popcorn?” I asked as I unlocked the front door.
“Only when a beautiful blonde makes it.”
“I think she left,” I told him, glancing over my shoulder as I stepped into the house.
I caught him eyeing my butt, a smile curving his mouth.
“No. She’s definitely here.”
This man had more charm in his pinky than most men had in their entire family tree.
While I made the popcorn, Garrison got comfortable in my parents’ living room at my urging. When I joined him, I found him on the sofa, his feet propped on the ottoman, the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up to reveal his muscular forearms.
“So what’s on the agenda?” he asked when I passed him the popcorn bowl. “Chick-flick? Action movie? Porn?”
The last one got a laugh from me. “I’ve honestly never watched porn.”
His eyes narrowed. “Really? Twenty-four years old and never watched porn?”
“It’s true. But I do read a lot,” I admitted. “Erotic romance is my jam. The hotter, the better.” I got situated on the sofa beside him, snuggling close and pulling the blanket over my legs.
“Erotic romance, huh?” His grin was sinful. “Any chance there’s a movie with that theme?”
“There is an excellent channel for that. Passionflix. Have you heard of it?” I chuckled when he frowned. “Anyway, it’s good, but I’ve watched all those movies at least a dozen times, so why don’t we skim what’s available on Hulu or Netflix and decide from there?”
His arm came around me, the popcorn propped on his knee. He brushed my shoulder with his thumb, and I sighed.
There was something about Garrison Walker that made me feel incredibly safe, cared for. I had a feeling he was a gentleman in the bedroom, but what I wouldn’t give to have this man unleash all that sexy maleness on me. A girl could dream.
I didn’t know when I drifted off, but I came awake when Garrison picked me up, holding me to his chest as he carried me from the living room toward the stairs.
I snuggled in close, inhaling the scent of leather and musk—a combination I was wholeheartedly addicted to—holding on tight and not letting go as he checked each door he came to.
“It’s the next one,” I muttered against his neck.
He chuckled softly and continued down the hall. He opened the door and walked into the dimly lit room, heading right for my bed. He settled me onto it like I was made of glass, pressing a knee on the mattress, leaning over me.
Before he could move back, I tightened my arms around his neck. “Stay with me tonight.”
“You need your sleep, darlin’,” he whispered in my ear.
I probably should’ve told him I didn’t want to be alone, but I opted for the truth. “I need you more.”
A soft rumble sounded in his chest as he peeled my arms from around his neck. I opened my eyes to see him staring down at me, his expression reflecting his confliction. I wasn’t sure why he was debating, but I decided I wouldn’t beg. I would have if I had thought it might make a difference, but I could tell Garrison was a man with principles. If he thought he should leave, he’d leave.
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