Home > Primal Instincts_ Volume 2(40)

Primal Instincts_ Volume 2(40)
Author: Nicole Edwards

When she finally turned to face them, she wasn’t smiling. I could sense her worry as she stared at Garrison. They locked eyes momentarily, connected on a level I couldn’t possibly fathom. I hadn’t asked either of them what had happened between them because I had promised Garrison I wouldn’t, but seeing this … something had happened. Something that had changed things between them.
“It’s lovely to see you again, Journey,” Hawk said, sliding his hands into his pockets as his eyes raked over her approvingly. “Nice boots.”
It took a moment, but she broke eye contact with Garrison and smiled shyly at Hawk. “Thanks.” She tucked her hair behind her ear. “Nice to see you again.”
“It is that,” he said with a smirk, not an ounce of disappointment on his face despite the fact he had just caught me kissing the woman he’d been mooning over for the past two weeks.
Garrison, on the other hand … he looked like he was ready to strangle me with his bare hands.
Journey glanced up at me. She beamed a smile my way before looking back at them. “We were about to grab some pizza. Care to join us?”
I could honestly say I hadn’t envisioned having an entourage along on my first date with Journey. I imagined a few dozen other things we might do, but having dinner with Hawk and Garrison had never crossed my mind.
Was I disappointed? A little, but it seemed fitting, considering the stunt I had pulled.
Did I intend to punish her for inviting them? I grinned to myself. Yeah. I definitely did.
“A trip to Chicago for deep dish?” Hawk teased.
Journey chuckled. “I was thinking more along the lines of just down the road. But I promise you won’t be disappointed.”
“I’m game if you are,” Hawk said, glancing over at Garrison.
Garrison’s eyes remained hard, and he was now avoiding eye contact with Journey. His response was a grunt.
“We’ll meet you there,” I told them when Journey relayed the name of the restaurant.
Without waiting for them to acknowledge, I put my hand on her lower back and steered her toward the main entrance where my car was parked. I took her bag and put it in the backseat before helping her into the car. I stood tall, realizing for the first time in days that I didn’t feel like an anvil was sitting on my chest.
When I got in the car, Journey attempted to buckle her seat belt, but I stopped her by placing my hand on the buckle.
“Not yet.”
Her lips parted with a small gasp, her eyes dilating as she stared back at me.
I slid my fingers into her hair as I cupped the side of her head. I wanted to taste her again, but more than that, I needed to show her who was in charge. She’d gotten away with so much this past week. Indulging her wasn’t fair to either of us because sooner or later, she’d learn who I was. I wasn’t sure she’d like that man as it was, but at least this way, it wouldn’t come as such a shock.
I let my lips hover over hers. “I missed you.”
“I didn’t miss you,” she countered, but there was a smile in her voice.
“Yes, you did.”
She nodded. “Yes, I did.” Her voice lowered. “But I didn’t want to.”
“That I believe.”
I pressed my lips to hers. This time, I maintained control, not giving in when she attempted to deepen the kiss. I smiled as I pulled back, then reached over and buckled her seatbelt. Once she was secure, I sat back, pulling up the car’s navigation menu. I typed in the restaurant’s name. I didn’t need directions, but this way, she’d have a constant reminder of the deadline I was about to impose.
I shifted the car into reverse and backed out of the parking space. As I shifted into drive, I glanced over at her. “Take off your panties and bra.”
She gasped. “What?”
I refrained from smiling, amused by her shock. “Did you not hear me? Or did you not understand?”
Her mouth opened, but nothing came out. She closed it abruptly, her forehead creasing in confusion.
“I think it’s a fair punishment since I’d been anticipating having dinner, just the two of us, and you thought inviting them would be fun.”
“I was trying to be nice.”
“Were you? Or did you think they could save you from me?”
She laughed softly.
“But I’m serious. Take off your panties and bra.”
She glared at me.
“I don’t do negotiations, Journey. Nor do I care to repeat myself.” I tapped the navigation screen. “You have until we reach our destination to do it.”
Her eyes dilated to the point the blue was so thin, it was nearly gone. She skimmed my face, and I could tell she was having second thoughts. It was good she was. She should.
“You accused me of playing games,” I told her as I drove through the parking lot. “I don’t play games. I control outcomes. I maneuver chess pieces on the board because I can. And those in my life allow me to.” I stopped at the exit, waiting for a break in traffic as I peered over at her. “I can see it on your face. In the past fifteen minutes, you’ve convinced yourself I’m not the man you accused of playing with your feelings. The one you hung up on because you disapprove of my tactics. I was kind to you earlier when you came to my office, and then I kissed you, and now you think I’m not the same man who sent you on a date with Garrison or made you come with my voice while I made Hawk listen.”
She swallowed but remained silent.
I turned my attention back to the traffic. When it cleared, I pulled out.
“I’m still that same man, Journey. I haven’t hidden anything from you, and I don’t plan to start now.”
“And that gives you the right to force me to take off my clothes?”
“Not your clothes,” I corrected. “Your panties and bra.”
“Same difference.”
I laughed. “If I wanted you naked, I would’ve instructed you to strip, hellcat. Keep pushing me, and I might. But don’t mistake my command for force. I will never force you to do anything. I expect you to do it because it pleases me.”
“It pleases you for me to be naked under my clothes?”
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