Home > Safeguarding Kelly(47)

Safeguarding Kelly(47)
Author: Zoe Dawson

Serena’s gaze flicked to Kelly, pain filling every word she spoke, but her eyes were empty, terrifying black pits of despair and rage, scaring Kelly down to her bones. “You want to know where my brother is stationed? He’s in a cemetery about five miles from here. He’s dead, Kelly. He died from complications when he was wounded. They gave him several medals.”
The light-headed sensation turned into something akin to full-out panic, and Kelly worked hard at trying to get back her balance. Suddenly the room was very, very hot. Wiping her clammy hands on her jeans, she drew a shaky breath, then schooling her face into an appropriate expression, she met Serena’s devastated eyes.
“I’m so sorry for your loss. So very sorry.”
“You’re an ME, you see so much death.” Her mouth twisted with unpleasantness. “Doctors like us have to deal with it every day, but when you lose a loved one…”
“I can’t imagine, Serena. Words are so inadequate.”
“They are.” Her expression altered, her face growing solemn and introspective. “Sometimes they’re so meaningless. I got condolences from the Marines and the government and all I have now is a folded flag and some scrap metal.” She touched her brother’s face, tracing his features, her thoughts clearly focused on what had to be devastating pain.
Kelly didn’t know what else to say. She just needed to get out of there. “Is Kiko going to be all right?”
That snapped Serena out of her thoughts and back into doctor mode. She blinked and looked around like she was coming out of a trance. “Yes.” She set down the photo. “She’s developed a sinus infection from her head cold. I’ve already instructed my receptionist to call some medicine into your pharmacy. Fill it right away. She should improve quickly but make sure she finishes it all. If she doesn’t improve overnight, contact me tomorrow.”
She nodded.
Kelly was never sure afterward how she got out of the office and back to her car. Once inside, though, she sagged in the seat and closed her eyes, her legs shaking so badly that she wasn’t sure she could even drive. Kevin Anthony Moore. A Marine, a hero. Serena’s brother was dead, he’d died from his wounds. Somehow, she suspected he played an important role in all of this, but she couldn’t be certain, and didn't want to say anything until she confirmed her suspicions. God, it was all beginning to make sickening sense.
Her brother was the spitting image of Allen Smith.
Had she been triggered by him?
She would have had access to Dr. Blake’s ID and his computer.
She would have had access to his home. She could have planted the drill.
Had he been nothing but a patsy to hide her involvement?
She needed to get home, but first, she had to take care of Kiko.
A rap on her window brought her back from all the questions racing through her mind, and she turned, a flurry of alarm taking off in her chest. It took a moment for the face at the window to register, and she managed a weak smile when she recognized Serena’s receptionist. “Ms. Hu, you forgot your purse.”
Kelly thanked her and drove away, feeling suddenly light-headed. She couldn’t control the gnawing feeling in her stomach. There were just too many pieces that connected with Serena.
She stopped at the pharmacy and picked up the antibiotics, then drove home. After giving her daughter the first dose, she tried calling Jason, but the call just went to voicemail. She left a message about Kiko’s infection and reassured him she was okay, then asked him to call her.
After the phone call, she grabbed her laptop and accessed the military database. She pulled up Kevin’s file and discovered that he was wounded in Afghanistan when his Forward Operating Base had been overrun, then died later at a field hospital. She took a hard breath and scrolled down to his health report.
She gasped when she read the information; a sickening rush clutched at her when it all became clear, just as she’d suspected it would. The sharp rush of reality gave way to fear.
Kevin Moore’s injuries were listed out: broken femur, right leg, three broken ribs, facial laceration, left side, puncture wounds in the scalp, and broken clavicle, right side. But he didn’t die from injuries sustained in combat. He had an adverse reaction to morphine.
Kelly’s doctor, the one she’d placed trust in and had allowed to treat her precious child, was a cold-blooded serial killer. She’d murdered four adults and an unborn fetus.
She had to tell Jason.
When her cell rang, she reached for it. It was Jason.
“How is Kiko doing?”
Kelly heard a scuff behind her, rising, thinking Kiko had gotten up, she started to turn. “Why don’t you ask—”
Something hit the side of her head, a stunning blow and she fell, landing heavily on the hardwood floor, her cell clattering next to her. She could hear Jason.
“Kelly? Kelly, what happened?” Gray blurred the edges of her sight.
Then the gray turned to black, slipping over her, taking her into its dark embrace and her final thoughts were of her beloved Kiko, vulnerable and sick, and the man she loved more than life. Jason.
Coffee landed next to his hand as he stared at the computer screen trying to discover where Serena Moore had taken Kelly. He’d arrived at Kelly’s to find her gone, her computer telling him everything he needed to know. With fear gripping him, he’d raced up the stairs only to find Kiko in her bed, sleeping and unharmed. He’d called Jenny, and his daughter, after a teary reunion, was safe and sound with Kelly’s neighbor, albeit distraught as to the whereabouts of her mom.
Jason reached for the calm that he knew as a rescue swimmer, deliberately keeping his thoughts focused on what they had to do, rather than thinking about failing Kelly. He refused to acknowledge the sick feeling churning in his belly, or the fear that was fighting to surface. Panicking right now wasn’t going to help matters or find the woman he loved. He was determined to get her back, pushed back the fear of losing her to Serena’s revenge. It was obvious that she blamed all medical professionals for letting her down. It was clear that Kevin Moore hadn’t reacted well to morphine and during the overwhelming casualties, hectic heat of battle, and saving lives, it had been missed and it had killed him.
Everyone had assembled after he’d called Kai and headed to Pendleton. Amber was checking real estate records, Derrick was on the phone at lock-up questioning Adam Blake, Austin was looking at phone records, and Kai was keeping them all supplied with coffee.
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