Home > The Baby Blitz (Varsity Dads #3)(26)

The Baby Blitz (Varsity Dads #3)(26)
Author: Lex Martin

It’s six a.m. I won’t be able to fall asleep again, so I throw on some gym shorts, grab my phone, and wander down to the workout room. The benefit to living in a house of football players is that we have great amenities. I get some tunes going on my phone, plug in my headphones, and turn up the treadmill to a slow jog. If this injury has taught me anything, it’s the need to warm up and start slow.
It’s what I should have done with Maggie. We should’ve started with some nice dates. I should have wined and dined her, shown her that I’ve grown up and that I’m serious about her.
What did I do instead? Fucked her so hard we broke the headboard and got her pregnant after what she thought was a one-night stand.
Holy shit, I’ve knocked up my best friend’s little sister.
There’s a one hundred percent chance Sebastian is going to kill me. If I were in his shoes, I’d kill me.
If Maggie and I could’ve gone slow, if I’d dated her, I think Sebastian would’ve been cool. But I don’t see how he’s going to take this news well.
After I warm up, I go through the series of stretches my physical therapist taught me. Then I jump back on the treadmill and crank it up until I’m sweating and able to work off some of this anxiety.
By the time I head upstairs, the sun is up and the guys are moving around in their rooms. Johnny’s sitting on the kitchen counter in his underwear, eating cold pizza. He waves it at me. “You work out already?”
“Yup.” I chug water and ignore the sting of sweat in my eyes.
“You gonna miss me next year?”
I tilt my head one way, then the other. “I don’t know. It’s possible.”
“Don’t lie. You know I’m the best part of your day.”
I crack a smile. “Who’s gonna bust my balls when you’re gone?”
“That’s what I’m saying.”
Most of my roommates are graduating and moving across the country for football or jobs. I slap Johnny on the shoulder. “Proud of you, man. Who knew you’d be such a great kicker when you smoke so much weed?”
“This is true. Even my mother’s shocked.” Johnny got drafted. He’s headed to Arizona. I’m gonna miss this crazy bastard. “Gonna smoke a giant bong tonight and go cold turkey. Don’t want anything to mess up my big ride.”
“That’s a solid plan.”
“You know how they say a cat has nine lives? I feel like I’ve already used at least seven. Rider has a kid. Ben does too. You got injured. And the joke is I’m the biggest fuck-up of us all, and look at me. I’m the one who woke up in someone’s yard, buck naked, with wildflowers in my ass, and I somehow managed to get through it all unscathed. Doesn’t seem fair, but I’m not looking the gift horse in the mouth. I’m gonna get my shit on straight before I test fate one too many times.”
“You’re not a fuck-up.” Him thinking this way is half the problem. “Just needed to spread your wings and live a little. No fuck-up I know would babysit as much as you do.”
“That’s beautiful, man.” He pretends to wipe a tear. “But let’s not forget Ben and Rider made me babysit their snotty kidlets.”
I chuckle. As if he doesn’t love those babies.
It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him about Maggie being pregnant, but we said we’d keep it under wraps until she could get in to see the doctor and confirm everything. I feel like I’m going to burst with the news. One minute, I’m elated. I’m having a kid with Magnolia Morales, one of the most beautiful, smart, and feisty women I know. The next, I’m losing my shit.
What if my knee blows? What if I don’t get drafted next year? What if I do get drafted but suck ass? How the hell am I going to afford a kid?
Does this mean Maggie and I should get married? Should I offer? Will she laugh in my face?
“You okay?” Johnny asks. “You’re paler than usual.”
“When do you leave for Phoenix?”
“Two weeks. Why?”
“We should talk before then.”
He lifts an eyebrow dramatically. “Isn’t that what we’re doing now?”
“Got some stuff going on right now. Can’t discuss it yet, but I could use someone else’s perspective.”
He scratches his nuts and smiles. “I’m your man.”
It makes me laugh. I should probably go to Ben, but he and Sienna have a million things going on right now.
“Wanna go for breakfast?” he asks. “That pizza was just a snack.”
“Yeah. Let me shower. Give me ten.”
By the time I get cleaned up and return, I’m surprised to see Maggie in the kitchen chatting with Johnny.
She smiles hesitantly. “I brought you guys donuts.”
This woman is having my kid. Just seeing her leaves me dazed. Her thick hair is in a ponytail, and she’s wearing blue jeans shorts and a t-shirt I’d love to strip off of her. Today she’s sporting those sexy-as-hell glasses. Now that I’ve accepted this thing between us, I want to fuck her until she can’t stand straight.
Slow, asshole. You gotta go slow this time.
Johnny opens the box. “She wouldn’t let me have one until you arrived.” He takes a round donut and is bringing it to his mouth when I slap it out of his hand.
It tumbles back into the box. “What the fuck was that?” Johnny asks.
“I’m doing you a favor.” I turn to Magnolia, suddenly suspicious. We said we’d table the discussion of our grievances, but that doesn’t mean she won’t try to get even in the meanwhile. “Did you put mustard in these?”
She starts laughing. “No, weirdo. I haven’t tried to sabotage your donuts since junior year of high school.”
I turn to find Johnny chomping away at a chocolate-filled donut. “Those are my favorite.”
Maggie rolls her eyes. “I know. That’s why I bought them for you.”
“You remember that chocolate-filled donuts are my favorite?” I dated Amelia for months, and I’m pretty sure she had no clue.
“You also like Boston cream, but they didn’t have any of those.”
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