Home > The Baby Blitz (Varsity Dads #3)(33)

The Baby Blitz (Varsity Dads #3)(33)
Author: Lex Martin

Now I regret not starting repairs with my bedroom and bathroom. I figured it would motivate me to fix things if I woke every morning to a water-stained ceiling and ugly tile. That was dumb.
Once I’m sure my emotions are locked down, I grab my purse and head upstairs to the bedroom across the hall from mine.
I clear my throat, and the four giants turn my way. “I have to go to work, so…” I unhook a key from my ring and hand it to Olly. “That’s yours. I’ll be back this evening. Help yourself to whatever.” Not that I have much food in the house, but they could probably make sandwiches if they get hungry.
“Where do you work?” Cameron asks.
“A small advertising company. I thought it would be cool like Mad Men, and I’d help design ads, but I’m sorry to say I just make coffee, take notes, and file.”
Billy turns his back on me to assemble the bed.
“I’ll walk you out,” Olly says.
“It’s okay. Stay with your friends.” Staring at the back of Billy’s ugly head, I add, “Since you’re ‘giving up the Stallion Station,’ you should take advantage of your freedom while you have the chance. You know, before I chain you to a pipe in the basement or something.”
Damn, that sounded catty.
Cameron barks out a laugh, and Diesel smiles. “I love a woman with a little snark.”
Olly hooks his arm over my shoulders with a chuckle. “Come on, Mags. Don’t bloody my friends before they get to know your sparkling personality.”
He walks me out to my car. After I unlock my door, I turn to him. “You don’t have to do this. I was perfectly fine here by myself before”—I wave at my belly—“and I’ll be fine after. Worst-case scenario? I can take care of myself and anyone else who comes along on my own.”
His brilliant blue eyes go soft. “No one said you couldn’t. But would it be so bad if I were here to help?”
Staring at my shoes, I shake my head. “I just feel guilty. Like I’m tearing you away from what you really want. From your friends and… everything else.” Is he going to miss all of those hookups? I’m nauseous thinking about it.
Because the reality of this is starting to set in—I’m starting to fall for him. But because I’m a practical woman, I know the odds are stacked against us. I really don’t need my heart shattered on top of everything else.
He tilts my chin up. “I can’t be what you need if I’m staying at the football house. Sienna was right about how demanding the season will be. Training camp alone means I’ll be gone for three weeks. We’re required to live on campus for that.”
My gut tightens at the thought I won’t see him for so long. As much as I want to think I’m an island, deep down, I don’t want him to go. “You’ll tell me if you change your mind?”
“I won’t change my mind.”
“Because of me or the babies? If you’re just doing this for the kids, I need to know so I don’t make more of you being here.”
His thumb brushes my lower lip, and chills rush up and down my arms. “I’m gonna be really honest, whether or not you’re ready to hear this. I want to be with you, Magnolia, however I can have you. You said you want to go slow and work on being friends, and I’m down with that, but I think we could be so much more together. So no, this is not just for the babies. This is because I’ve always felt a pull toward you, even when we were younger, and no one I’ve dated in those intervening years has come close to knocking me on my ass the way you do.”
I choke on a laugh. “Is that a compliment?”
He kisses my forehead. “It is. You make me crazy, but in the best way. Let’s let our lives settle in together, okay? Be friends, like we said, and see where things lead. I just need you to give me a chance. To not lock me out before we get started.”
That sounds terrifying. Letting Olly into my heart on top of everything else will be either the best thing to ever happen to me or the worst.
Please, God, let it be the best.
As I wait for the coffee to percolate, I open the fridge. What the hell does this woman eat? Is she part mouse? Because all I’ve found so far is a block of cheese, some lunch meat, and a box of crackers. She knows how to cook. Her brother used to come to school with some of the stuff she’d make. Is this empty refrigerator because of money?
Someone clears her throat, and I turn to find Maggie looking adorably rumpled in a matching pink pajama set and fluffy slippers. “Morning.” She waves. She freaking waves at me.
We’re still in this awkward stage where we don’t know how to act around each other. If we were really together, I’d kiss the hell out of her, but we’re more like roommates at the moment. I’m waiting for her to relax so I can be more affectionate with her. If I could snap my fingers and send us back to where we were the night of my sister’s wedding, I would. She was so playful and sweet and sexy.
She’s sexy now, don’t get me wrong. But she’s obviously uncomfortable.
“I made some coffee. Want some?” I ask.
“Yes, please. Oh, is it decaf? I can’t have full caf.”
“Damn. I forgot. Sorry. I’ll pour this out and make you decaf.”
“Don’t do that. Coffee is expensive. Please enjoy it. I can make some herbal tea.”
“Speaking of money, I can pay rent. I talked to the housing office yesterday, and they said I can use the funds allocated for the football house to pay you. I just need you to fill out a form.”
I expect her to be happy about the news, but she frowns. “Maybe just give me half of that money and keep the rest.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because like Billy said, this place is a mess, and you’re not getting any of the amenities you had at the football house.”
Fucking Billy. “Think of it as both of us investing our money in something for the twins.”
She thinks about that a moment. “Really?”
“Yes, really.” Before I forget, I grab a notepad off the counter. “I’m going to get groceries later. Why don’t you jot down whatever you want me to get?”
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