Home > Rescuing Rosalie(21)

Rescuing Rosalie(21)
Author: Ellie Masters

“But how are you…” It occurs to me he can’t reach that high on his own. Hayes wants to rescue me, but that leaves him subject to the whims of the river.

“Rosie…” The way the nickname rolls off his tongue feels like a warm embrace.

He could call me Rosie for the rest of my life. I’ve never had a nickname. It’s always been Rosalie. When he calls me Rosie, a rush of warmth surges within me.

“You can’t leave me.”

“I’m not leaving you, but I can’t risk your life, either. Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out.”

“But how are you…”

“I’ll try to backtrack, find someplace where I can get out. Failing that…” His attention shifts downriver.

Failing that, he intends to go over the falls.

“I can’t let you do that.”

“You can’t stop me, either.” The firmness of his voice brooks no argument. He’s not discussing this.

“What if we take a quick look? See how big the waterfall is? Then we can figure it out.”

“Do you hear that roar?”

No. I’ve been trying to ignore the waterfall. The deep rumbling sends fear shooting through me.

Hayes doesn’t wait for my answer. He pulls me to him, but when he grips my waist to hoist me up to his shoulders, I loop my hands around his neck instead.

I plaster my body against his and kiss him right on the lips. I’ve never done anything so brash, but I’m not leaving him without a kiss.

“Luv, you certainly know how to distract a man.” His low, husky voice sends a thrill shooting through me.

“I’m sorry. It’s just…” Before I can complete that thought, Hayes grips my chin and lifts my face to look at him.

“You’re a brilliant and amazing woman. Never forget it. Don't stop believing in yourself. If we get separated…”

“We’re not getting separated.” I cling to him, unwilling to let go.

“But if we do…” He’s not letting up. Hayes will do everything in his power to ensure I make it out of this alive. His grip on my arms tightens. “If we get separated, follow the river. Find a road. Keep your head down, don’t attract notice, and find a phone.”

“But… We have to stick together. I’m not leaving you.”

“No buts about it. You find a phone, and you dial this number… Are you listening?”

“Yes.” But I don’t want to. I don’t want to accept we might be separated.

“The number you need to dial is 707-S-O-S-4-E-S-T.”

“Huh?” Expecting numbers, the letters make no sense.

“It’s two words. S-O-S. You’ve got that?”

“Yeah, I got that, but 4-E-S-T?”

“You’ll understand when you meet Forest. He’s the founder of our organization. For now, remember S-O-S and then Forest. Four followed by E-S-T. Repeat it back to me.”

“707-SOS-4EST.” My brows pinch together, confused. “I still don’t get it. How is that a phone number?”

“The letters translate to numbers. You know the ones on the buttons?”

“Oh.” I feel like an idiot for not figuring that out on my own.

“That number goes direct to my team.”

“Okay, but why are you acting like I won’t see you again?”

“Precautions and contingencies. Don’t worry about me.”

“But that’s all I’m worried about.”

“Come on, luv, let’s try to get at least one of us out of this mess.”

“I want both of us to make it out of here. I don’t want to lose you.”

“You won’t. Follow the water. Call that number. We’ll meet back up and finish this together.”

“Do you promise?”

“Promise.” He leans down to brush his lips over mine. “It’s going to take more than a waterfall to get rid of me.”

“I’m not sure about this.” I eye the wall warily, but I trust Hayes with my life. “I don't like being separated.”

“We won’t be for long, and I’ll be able to navigate the falls better by myself. Do you know how to shoot a gun?”

“Excuse me?”

He reaches to his lower back and pulls out a gun. “Have you ever shot a gun before?”

“No, but I’ve seen plenty of guns.”

“Okay, let’s make this quick.”

“I don’t want your gun.” I want him, but I’m not ready to voice that out loud.

“You never know if you’re going to need it.”

For the next ten minutes, Hayes shows me how to use his gun—although he calls it a weapon. He goes over it again and again until he’s satisfied. Putting the safety back on, he tucks the gun under the waistband of my pants and against the small of my back.



“You’ve got this. Put your hands on my shoulders, foot in my hands. I’m going to lift you up. Get your foot on my shoulder, then reach for that root. See that rock there? And the roots?”


“All you have to do is climb like it’s a ladder.”

“And if I fall?”

“I’ll catch you, but you won’t fall. You’ve got this. Don’t grab the vines. They’re rotting and won’t hold your weight. Use the rocks and roots.” He continues to point out the path he wants me to take while my stomach churns.

“I’m going to get sick.”

“Time enough for that later, luv. You’ve got this.”

With Hayes cheering me on, I almost believe I can do this. More than anything, I don’t want to disappoint him. Not to mention, he’s right about the waterfall. I’ll only be a burden to him. A distraction that can prove lethal. He’ll do better without having to worry about me.

With nothing left to say, I give a sharp nod of my head. “Okay, I’m ready.”

“Hands on my shoulders…” He’s already walked me through it once, but I appreciate his commands—his confidence. It makes it easy to break things down step by step.

I place my hands on his shoulders and step into the cradle he forms with his hands.

Hayes launches me up, and I almost catapult over his shoulders, but catch myself. Hands on the canyon wall, I reach for my first handhold as Hayes stabilizes me. He places his hands on the back of my calves.

“Can you reach?”

“Just a little higher.”

Hayes straightens and gives me the height I need. My fingers find purchase around sturdy roots, and before I know it, I’m climbing the canyon wall.

My ascent is ungainly. I slip no less than five times. One of those times, I barely escape a fall into the water. Not that I worry about falling with Hayes spotting me the entire time.

From his expression, he’s more worried than me. But I’m not afraid of heights and not afraid of a challenge.

After scrambling up the sheer wall, I reach the top. Crawling on my belly, I clear the edge and roll to my back, panting with exhaustion.

“Rosie?” Hayes calls out from below. “Are you okay?”

“I did it.”

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