Home > Lemon Curd Killer(18)

Lemon Curd Killer(18)
Author: Laura Childs

   “Echo contacted me to see if she could borrow some of my silver jewelry to help accessorize her clothing,” Brooke said. “I took one look at her fabulous fashions and said absolutely yes.”

   “I’ve seen Echo’s line,” Theodosia said. “And I loved it.”

   Echo looked thrilled. “You have? You did?”

   “Well, some of it,” Theodosia corrected. “I attended the Fashion Dazzle Show last night.”

   “That was just a teensy tiny sampling,” Echo said. “I think you need to see my entire line.”

   “I totally agree,” Brooke said. “And since there’s an informal showing at the Imago Gallery later this afternoon, I think Theodosia should plan on dropping by.”

   “Yes, why don’t you?” Echo said.

   “I will,” Theodosia said. “I’d love to.”

   “It starts at five,” Echo said. “A kind of cocktail show. Well, art and cocktails, anyway.”


* * *


* * *

   When all the guests were seated and sipping cups of tea that Drayton and Miss Dimple had poured, Theodosia stepped to the center of the room.

   “Welcome to the Indigo Tea Shop,” she said, doing a slow spin so she could see and have eye contact with everyone. “We’re thrilled to have you as guests for our Sterling Silver Tea and promise to fill your teacups as well as fulfill your expectations.”

   There were smiles and light applause from the guests.

   “Of course, that begins with the lovely tea you’re drinking right now,” Drayton said as he stepped forward to join Theodosia. “It’s a silver needle tea, a white tea from China that’s subtle and slightly sweet.”

   “Your luncheon today,” Theodosia said, “starts with triple citrus scones—flavored with lemon, orange, and grapefruit—along with our homemade Devonshire cream. For a second course we’ll be serving tea sandwiches of chicken salad on homemade pineapple nut bread. And your third course, your entrée, will consist of grilled sea bass with capers in lemon sauce and a side of spring peas. For dessert, our award-winning chef has whipped up a Lady Baltimore cake as well as her famous pineapple dream dessert.”

   Drayton cleared his throat. “A pineapple, as most of you know, is the traditional symbol of hospitality in Charleston. Early sailors brought pineapples back from foreign lands and displayed them on their front porches to signify they’d returned safely. Charleston hostesses also graced their dining room tables with pineapples as a symbol of hospitality and care.”

   “Thank you, Drayton,” Theodosia said. “And now . . .” She picked up a tiny silver bell and rang it. “Lunch is served.”

   Haley and Miss Dimple suddenly appeared with trays heaped with scones while Drayton grabbed two steaming teapots and made the rounds. The scones were a major hit, as were the tea sandwiches. But the grilled sea bass was the pièce de résistance.

   “I need this recipe,” Brooke demanded.

   “I’ll get it from Haley,” Theodosia said.

   “Me, too,” said Jill. “For the sauce as well as the fish.”

   “I second that,” said Linda. “Or is that third?”

   “You know what?” Theodosia said. “I’ll put it on our website.”

   “Bless you,” said Echo. “I’m not much of a cook, but I’ll for sure give this a whirl.”


* * *


* * *

   By two o’clock it was all over but the leftovers. Their guests had eaten, sipped, conversed, and shopped their little hearts out. (You see, Theodosia told herself, it’s a good thing I loaded up the highboys with extra tea tins, tea towels, honey, jam, and tea cozies.)

   And with Miss Dimple minding a finally emptied-out tea room, Theodosia, Drayton, and Haley crowded into the kitchen to gulp leftover tea sandwiches for their very late lunch.

   “Yum,” Drayton said. “These chicken salad sandwiches are extra good today.”

   “They’re always good,” Haley said.

   “I try to pay you a compliment and what do I get? Sass.” But Drayton said it with a faint smile on his face. Then, as Haley started for the back door, “Just a minute, young lady, where do you think you’re going with that last piece of cake?”

   “Oh,” Haley said. She stopped in her tracks and turned, showing him the plate with a sliver of Lady Baltimore cake. “Did you want this?” She was suddenly the picture of innocence.

   “Yes, unless you’re going to . . .” Drayton squinted at her. “Wait, you were about to take it outside, weren’t you?” His tone was just this side of accusatory.

   “Maybe,” Haley hedged.

   Drayton turned to Theodosia. “There’s a little squirrel that Haley insists on feeding. The little bugger has gotten so friendly and tame that he comes scampering down the alley and practically knocks on our back door.”

   “Mickey,” Theodosia said.

   Drayton’s eyes fluttered. “You know about this?”

   “Haley’s been giving handouts to Mickey for weeks,” Theodosia said. “A little more training and he’ll be ready to eat with a knife and fork.”

   “What’s the next step once this rogue squirrel becomes domesticated?” Drayton asked. “Will he be invited upstairs to reside with Haley and her stray cat?”

   “Teacake was not a stray,” Haley said. “He was abandoned and then rescued. By me.”

   “Well, Mickey was not abandoned,” Drayton said. “He reigns over his domain in the great outdoors from a lovely oak tree. Where I hope the furry little fellow intends to stay.”

   “I’m sure he’ll . . .” Theodosia stopped as she heard footsteps approaching.

   “Knock, knock,” Miss Dimple said as she pushed open one of the swinging doors and peered into the kitchen. Then her eyes settled on Theodosia, and she said, “You have a visitor.”

   “Okay,” Theodosia said, wiping her hands on her apron.

   Miss Dimple dropped her voice to a stage whisper and added, “It’s that police detective, the big fellow with the appetite to match.”

   “Detective Tidwell,” Theodosia said, a hint of apprehension in her voice.

   “I can’t imagine what he’s doing here,” Drayton said.

   “I can,” Theodosia said.

   Hurrying out into the tea room, she saw that Detective Burt Tidwell had already settled himself at a table and made himself as comfortable as his bulk would allow.

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