Home > Rescuing Kaye(10)

Rescuing Kaye(10)
Author: Ellie Masters

We’re concerned about the effect recent events have had on our friend. Carmen basically lost her home and her father in one fell swoop.

“I’m good.” From the bounce in her step and the lightness of her tone, it’s easy to believe what she says.

I reserve judgment. Carmen’s entire world imploded and that kind of thing tends to leave extensive damage. I’m worried.

“When you say good, it feels dismissive.” I plop down on the edge of the bed and give it a good pat. “Sit and tell us the truth.”

“I am good.” Carmen’s attention shifts between me and Barbi. When Barbi crosses her arms over her chest and gives Carmen one of her looks, Carmen puffs out a breath and gives in. “I really am good.”

She sits beside me and I drape an arm over her shoulder, bringing her in for a hug. “Well, if good means getting kidnapped and losing your best friend in the jungle…”

“The two of you are my besties too. This doesn’t change anything.” Carmen leans against me and Barbi joins us on the edge of the bed.

“I wasn’t talking about Rosalie coming between us. That’s the last thing on my mind. What I’m worried about is…”

“Your dismissive attitude.” Barbi, who never beats around the bush, finishes my sentence with a sting.

“My, what?” Carmen pops to her feet and spins around to face us. “What does that mean?”

“Look, I’m thrilled Rosalie is here. I’m thrilled she’s going to be living with us. But I’m concerned how you’re acting like everything’s normal. Like your entire life isn’t in upheaval.”

“Everything is normal.” Carmen refuses to give ground.

“If normal is having Guardian supervision 24/7, then we need to discuss what is, and is not, normal. Don’t you think you might be sweeping things under the rug? I’m worried about you.” Sometimes Barbi’s direct attitude is absolutely perfect and appropriate.

I applaud her for saying the things I’m thinking, but don’t want to say out of consideration for Carmen’s feelings.

“I’m good. Everything’s good.” The one quality Carmen and Barbi share is their bullheadedness. Neither one of them knows how to back down from an argument.

This usually leaves me to play peacemaker.

“Zeb mentioned Rafe and Hayes wanted you to stay on Guardian HQ grounds, but you refused.” Barbi’s tone stings with the weight of judgment. “I’m worried. If they’re concerned, shouldn’t you be too? Shouldn’t we all be a little concerned?”

“Rafe and Hayes want to lock Rosalie and me up in their ivory tower.” Carmen leans against Barbi’s dresser. “If it were up to them, we’d never set foot beyond the perimeter fencing. I can’t live like that and Rosalie needs to get used to living here before she hits campus in the fall.”

Barbi and I just stare. What else can we do? We want to support Carmen—Rosalie too. “I kind of agree with Barbi. If the two of you would be safer with the Guardians, shouldn’t you be there instead of here?” I hold up my hands. “I just think we need to look at things from all sides. The last thing we want is for something to happen to either one of you.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that, and I know, and see, and feel, your thoughts churning.” Carmen pins me down with a soft smile.

“We’re just worried.” I can’t help but shrug.

Barbi scoots over to sit beside me. She slings her arm over my shoulder. “We support whatever you choose, but we’re concerned.” That’s as close as Barbi will come to laying down a gauntlet.

“Look…” Carmen breathes out a soft sigh. “My father’s entire operation is defunct. He’s not a vindictive man.”

“He’s a human trafficker.” Barbi scoots back on the bed and folds her legs underneath her. “Sorry, I don’t mean to bash your dad, but he’s a human trafficker. I kind of think that implies he’s exactly the kind of man to be vindictive. Aren’t you the least bit concerned about retaliation?”

“My father is the devil. He’s destroyed scores of lives over countless years, all while pretending to be an agent of the people.” Carmen focuses on Barbi. “I don’t excuse what he did, and I hope he stands trial for his crimes, but my father has a lot on his plate right now. Lots of fires to put out. The last thing he’s going to do is come after me, or come after Rosalie. My dad doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Rosalie. Now that Matias is dead, she’s no longer worth anything to him.”

“But what about you?” I can’t sit there in silence. “He had plans for you.”

It’s not worth going into the details about the arranged marriage her father put in motion to secure his bid to take over the presidency of Nicaragua. Without his daughter greasing the political machine, his hopes have gone up in smoke.

“The Guardians think he won’t bother with me.” Carmen pulls at her chin. “And I agree with them. I no longer have any value when it comes to my father.”

“Sheesh, I’m sorry.” It’s hard to internalize the horrors Carmen endured. “It’s just…”

“We want to be helpful.” Barbi reaches for my hand, squeezing it lightly.

“And I love that about both of you.” Carmen rejoins us on the bed. She pushes us aside and squeezes in between us. Looping one arm around my shoulder, and the other around Barbi, she pulls us in for a hug. “We’re going to be fine, and I can’t wait for you to get to know Rosalie better. Which is why I wanted to come here in the first place.” Carmen lowers her voice. “Rosalie needs normal. I thought moving in would help with that and thought maybe we could all go out tonight?”

“Out?” My brows scrunch together.

“Yeah, to the pier?” Carmen looks at me, then at Barbi. “Rosalie wants to try San Francisco’s famous clam chowder.”

“Sounds good.” Barbi rocks back and forth in agreement.

“And…” The timbre of Carmen’s voice changes; takes on a tone I know all too well. She’s up to no good.

“And what?”

“Well, there’s the four of us and four Guardians…”

“Oh my God!” Barbi squeals. “You’re playing matchmaker?” She squirms on the bed. “Please tell me you’re playing matchmaker. Alec is too hot for words, and Kaye and Zeb seem to be hitting it off.”

“Really?” Carmen gives me a look. “You and Zeb?”

“Just talking. Although Barbi’s already got us twisting the sheets.”

“You totally want to twist those sheets with Zeb.” Barbi reaches for me, tickling me in the ribs.”

I squirm and leap off the bed.

“And Barbi’s got the hots for Alec.” Carmen isn’t one to miss an opportunity. She pokes Barbi in the ribs, tickling her until Barbi squirms and giggles. They fall back in a pile, teasing, tickling, poking, and generally having fun, while I look on from a distance.

I’ll miss this.

I gaze around the room, taking in the sight of my friends. Their laughter is honest and carefree. When I head to my apartment at UC Davis, these are the things I’m going to miss.

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