Home > Rescuing Kaye(17)

Rescuing Kaye(17)
Author: Ellie Masters

“Thanks. Although, it won’t be much of an issue for long.”

“How’s that?”

“I’ll be moving in August.” My tone shifts.

“You don’t sound happy about that. Why are you moving?”

“I’m moving to Davis.”

“Graduate school?”

“Vet school.”

“Congratulations. Why aren’t you happy about it?”

“I thought I was.”

“I may be overstepping, and please, don’t attach too much significance to what I say, but I’m a good read of other people. Can I give you a word of advice?”

“Of course.”

“Do what’s best for you. I’ve known you for just a moment, but I sense you’re struggling with the move. You’re not leaving anyone behind. You’re leaving your friends to pursue your dream. That dream may, or may not, include them in the future. If it does, it’s going to be different from what the three of you share now. Don’t be afraid of change.”

“Wow, that’s…”

“Too much?” He arches a brow. “Too direct?”

“Yes and yes, but also no.” I place my hand on his arm and feel the steel beneath his skin. The man is solid. “Your words are far more direct than I’d otherwise be comfortable with, but also incredibly timely. I’ve been struggling for a while, and I think I just needed someone to tell me it’s going to be okay.”

“Trust me.” Paul places his hand over mine. “It’s going to be okay. Walk your path and trust your dreams. In life, we make new friends all the time. People come and go. It’s up to us to recognize the friends who anchor us and keep them around, while welcoming new people into our lives. It’s the way we grow.”

“That’s funny.” I can’t help but laugh. “There’s a Girl Scout song that says just that.”

“I know the one.”

“You do?”

“Yes, my sister Piper used to sing it nonstop.” Paul clears his throat, then surprises me with a voice that can only be described as touched by God.



Make new friends,

But keep the old.

One is silver,

And the other, gold.

A circle’s round,

It has no end.

That’s how long,

I’m gonna be your friend.



“Wow.” I take a step back, truly amazed. “How did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Get in my head like that?”

“It’s what makes me a good Dom. Barbi and Carmen form the foundation of your circle. They’re your gold; the strongest bonds you’ll form. When you leave, you’ll make new friends. Those will be important to you, but never as solid as your foundation.”

“I feel like you’re a sage. Speaking the truths of the universe.”

“Don’t think too highly of me. I may look like I’ve got it all figured out, but even I’m navigating my own minefield.” His gaze flicks up, toward the roof, where Forest and Sara wait.

“Are things…”

“Forest is keeping something from us. He’s trying to be strong—stoic, if you will—when he should be leaning on those closest to him. I wish I could smack some sense into him, but our dynamic follows other paths.”

“You seem to be very tuned into those around you. I don’t know what Forest is keeping from you and Sara, but surely you and Sara, working together, can navigate that minefield together.”

“And that is perfect advice.” He grips my arm and leans down to plant a kiss on my forehead. “I think we have each helped the other tonight.”

Just then, the doorbell rings, breaking the odd spell hanging over us.

“That’s probably the pizza guy. Why don’t you head up with the glasses and plates, and I’ll follow with the pizzas?”

“Sounds perfect.” Paul takes the glasses and plates from me, then trots up the stairs headed to the roof.

It may be me—I’ve never been good at reading other people—but I sense Paul needs to rejoin his throuple.

Whatever that is.

With pizza on my mind, I head to the front door. When I pass Barbi’s room—my room now—I duck inside to grab my purse and dig out a tip for the delivery person. When I make it to the front door, however, there’s no sign of anyone at all.

No pizza.

No delivery guy.

No double-parked car outside.


I lean out, casting up and down the street, but nobody’s there.

“Odd.” I’m about to shut the door when I spy a small package tucked into the corner of the stoop. Not knowing if Barbie, or Carmen were expecting a delivery, I carry it inside and place it on the kitchen counter.

I turn the package over, searching for an address, but there’s nothing. No identifying markings, or hints, as to who left it.

I try to shake off an uneasy feeling. This thing with Scott is making me paranoid.









Since the pizza’s not here yet, I make good use of my time. I trot upstairs and duck inside my old room, Rosalie’s room now. The net sum of her possessions sit on my bed. A small suitcase plus a few designer bags filled with new clothes.

There are just a few of my things left in the closet that need relocation downstairs. I fill my arms with clothes on hangers and a couple pair of shoes. On my way down, the doorbell rings.

“One second,” I call out, then rush to dump my things on Barbi’s bed.

This time, when I answer the door, a delivery driver waits with enough pizza to feed a small army.

“Wow. Thanks.” I give him the tip, and with pizzas in hand, I climb the stairs and head to the fire escape.

“Pizza’s here,” I call out, needing help. Paul climbs down the fire escape and grabs the pizzas. Suddenly, the front door slams shut and I jump at the sound.

“Everything okay?” Paul looks at me eager to help.

“I think I left the front door open.” Although, I’m almost positive I shut the door, but I’ve been wrong before. “I’ll be right up. Just want to make sure it’s locked.”

“Sounds good, but hurry, the sun’s about ready to set.”

“Will do. Be up in a jiffy.” I leave Paul to the pizzas and head back downstairs. Indeed, the front door is open. Which doesn’t make sense. I thought I heard it slam shut.

When I look out at the street, everything appears quiet and peaceful. An old man walks his small ankle biter of a dog a block away. A group of high schoolers laughs and smokes a few houses down. Everything looks completely normal.

For some reason, however, my attention snags on a figure down the street, hanging outside the corner store. Dressed head to toe in black, he’s trying not to be seen. Our gazes connect for a fraction of a second before he turns away, but in that second of contact a strange feeling overcomes me. It’s that heebie-jeebies kind of feeling that screams danger.

Just as I’m ready to go back inside, however, a very familiar SUV pulls up at the curb. Rafe, Hayes, Alec, and Zeb all pile out of the vehicle. My heart quickens when Zeb looks at me. He runs his fingers through his hair, giving it that tousled bedhead look like he just rolled out of bed.

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