Home > Rescuing Kaye(24)

Rescuing Kaye(24)
Author: Ellie Masters

How do I get myself out of the dreaded friend zone?

“Have you wondered whether she’s waiting for you to make the first move?”

“How is asking her to watch a movie in the dark not making a move?”

“Oh my God, you’re hopeless. That’s exactly what a friend would do. Maybe you should stop doing that kind of shit and march in there, shove her against the wall, kiss her until her toes curl, and rip her shirt off.”

“That’s a bit over the top. Are we talking about me and Kaye or what you want Alec to do to you?”

She and Alec had a bit of a fling the first week we started the protective detail at the townhome. Something happened because the two of them started out strong then crashed and burned. Neither one will say what happened.

“Alec is a total tool.” Barbi dismisses my comment. “I’m talking about you. Specifically about your problem.”

“I’m driving myself insane. That’s what I’m doing, and you know why I can’t do any of that alpha-male stuff. Not after Scott…”

“Please, that douchebag is a Dom-wannabe. He’s nothing more than an asshole pretending to be a man. You’ve got the dominant, alpha vibe down pat. Kaye obviously likes that. You just need to close the gap. Seriously, why am I even bothering?”

“She specifically told me she didn’t like the way Scott treated her.”

“Because he’s an ass.” Barbi stands and smooths out the wrinkles in her dress. “And you’re an idiot. I’m telling you, get yourself back in the game. How about increasing the time you’re here? One day a week is no good.”

“I try to volunteer for more shifts, but Rafe and Hayes always seem to block me.”

“Well, they’re just being overly protective cockblockers. They know what will happen if you and Kaye spend any quality time together.”

“You’re right. I need more time, and I’m counting on you to give me that time.”

“Me? How am I…” She stares at me, then backs away. “Oh, no way. I am not doing that.”

“I haven’t even asked you to do anything.”

“You’re going to ask me to do something with Alec so you can take his shifts.”

“The two of you seemed to be having fun. He’ll give me his shifts. Rafe and Hayes can’t do shit about that.”

“Alec and I were having fun, until we weren’t. If you want Alec’s shifts, talk to him. Hell, talk to Brady or Booker if you have to. Those two haven’t ham-stringed you like Rafe and Hayes.”

“Why don’t you talk to Kaye? Do some recon for me.”

“I am not playing matchmaker between you and Kaye.” Barbi wanders to the hall, heading out. “She’s here for two more weeks before moving to Davis. Whatever you’re going to do, you better do it before she leaves. After that…” Barbi shrugs. “Don’t let that door close on your ass. You’re a good guy. Not my type, but definitely Kaye’s. Personally, I like the idea of you hanging around, but you’re not doing yourself any favors sitting on the couch, pining away, when you should be in her bed.”

“I’m not pining.”

“No. You’re sitting on the goddamn couch while Kaye’s in her room—alone.”

“She’s back?”

“Yeah, dude. Got back from the library about twenty minutes ago.”

“Then why didn’t you say something?”

“Because you’re sitting on the couch like all the other nights. Moping. Go talk to her.”

With that, Barbi departs. She’ll be out all night. The woman is insatiable. She’s just like Alec in that regard. Don’t see why things didn’t work out between them. They’re a match made in heaven.

As for me, I’ll stay up late into the night, patrolling the exterior and interior of the townhouse, while driving myself insane with the thought of getting Kaye alone and fixing this friend zone thing.

Maybe I should take Barbi’s advice?

Fuck it.

I force myself to get off the couch and wander down the hall leading to Kaye and Barbi’s room. At the door, I knock gently.

“Who is it?” Kaye sounds off, like she’s been crying.

“Is everything okay?” I ask cautiously and slowly push open the door.

When I see her, she tenses and looks away. Shoulders hunched, she looks sad, and did she just wipe a tear from her face?

“Kaye? Are you okay?” I cautiously walk into her room.

My heart clenches and I want nothing more than to wrap her in a big hug and make her feel safe, but that’s not what she needs right now.

“I’m fine.” When she looks at me, her gaze is distant, her expression defeated. A heavy sigh leaves her lips and she mumbles something so softly I can’t hear what she says.

“You don’t look fine.” My natural instinct is to comfort her, but there’s an odd distance between us.

Things have definitely cooled off from that initial flash of heat when we met.

“I am.” She turns away from me, giving me her back. “I’m perfectly fine.” Her tone is resolute, yet broken at the same time; an empty shell of her normal vibrant self.

Discolorations around her wrists, and again at her neck, catch my eye and stop me dead in my tracks.

Something is very wrong.

“Kaye, if you need any help. Any help at all. I’m here. All you have to do is ask.”

“I said I was fine. Now if you could please leave me alone? I’m tired and just want to go to bed.”

My stomach clenches and it takes everything in me not to rush to her side, but Kaye’s made it very clear she will handle things on her own. All I can do is wait for her to come back to me, but I know ligature marks when I see them.

And I know exactly what’s got Kaye down.

“You’re back with Scott.” I see it in the way she moves, how distant she is, and the fear simmering beneath the surface.

“What? No!” Kaye’s emphatic in her denial. “I’m not.”

She turns away and takes a deep breath before facing me again. Her gaze hardens into one of determination instead of sadness.

It’s weird, and very out of character, as if her emotions just flipped on their head.

“You’re definitely back with him.” Maybe I shouldn’t press, but Scott’s a dangerous man. I take a step toward Kaye.

I could end this for her. Fight her battle and free her from an abusive man. I have the skills. I know what it takes to bring down a monster, but this isn’t my fight.

At least, not directly.

Ultimately, Kaye needs to battle this herself, but I can help her along the way.

“You can tell me. No judgment. I’m here. Here for anything you need. From a shoulder to cry on to a knight riding in on a white horse.”

My attempt at humor opens her up by a crack. There’s the faintest hint of a smile, but it’s wiped clean before it can take root. Kaye’s definitely hurting.

I move into the room, until I stand beside her, far closer than a friend would stand.

Fuck the friend zone. I’m in full Protector mode now.

I reach out and slowly place my hand on her shoulder. She flinches at first, but then her body relaxes. I say nothing. Not yet. I let the silence between us speak the words I want to say.

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