Home > Rescuing Kaye(47)

Rescuing Kaye(47)
Author: Ellie Masters

I do a slow spin, checking out Carmen’s quarters. “Looks like they didn’t get fancy on the decor. It’s a mirror image of mine and just as plain.” I glance at the furnishings and grin. The furniture’s functional, but utilitarian and in the same uninspired beige palate.

“I guess they spent all their money on all the high tech stuff and don’t have any left for interior decorating.” Carmen pats the cushion next to her. “Come, have a seat and tell us what you’ve been up to all day with Zeb.”

“It wasn’t all day.” I sit beside Carmen, feeling a little embarrassed. “He gave me a tour.”

Carmen and Rosalie exchange glances before Carmen speaks. “That’s it? No romantic strolls? Stolen kisses?”

I shake my head and laugh. “No, nothing like that, but we had fun talking and getting to know each other better.”

Rosalie grins knowingly and nudges me with her elbow. “So, what did you two talk about? Anything juicy?”

I glance away, suddenly very interested in the pattern of the carpet beneath my feet. “Oh you know—stuff. Nothing special really. Just normal conversation.” I shrug nonchalantly, trying to play it off as no big deal when really my heart is pounding out of my chest at the thought of telling them more details of our conversations.

“Well whatever it was,” Carmen says, “it must have been interesting from that blush on your face. Don’t worry though, we won’t pry too much.” She winks as she leans back against the couch cushions and picks up her book again.

Rosalie follows suit and a wave of relief washes over me. Or at least it does until Carmen shuts her book and tosses a pillow at me.

“Come on, you have to spill. Tell us about the night you spent with him.”

Rosalie puts down her book and gives me a most innocent look. Her eyes glint with mischief and she shares a knowing look with Carmen.

“Nothing happened.” I roll my eyes and sit next to Carmen, trying to play it cool.

“Nothing?” Rosalie’s eyes widen. She leans in, her voice an excited whisper. “Really? Not even a little bit of something?”

I shake my head and feel the heat of embarrassment rise to my cheeks. I was hoping she didn’t notice.

“If nothing happened, then why was Rafe ready to kill Zeb when he saw him leaving your room this morning?” Rosalie’s innocent look turns into a smirk as she raises her eyebrows expectantly.

My stomach drops at her words and I resist the urge to bury my head in my hands.

“I asked him to spend the night with me.” I shrug and cozy up on the couch, trying to play it off as no big deal, but my heart races with embarrassment.

“Finally.” Rosalie claps her hands and laughs delightedly. “We’ve been betting on how long that would take.”

“So what happened? Did you two share a passionate night of romance, or what?” Carmen tosses her book aside and grins mischievously at me.

I groan and bury my face in a pillow before answering them truthfully. “No, nothing like that.” I can’t meet their eyes. “We just talked until we fell asleep.”

The two girls exchange a look before bursting out laughing and reaching for their books again.

“It’s ok,” Carmen says between giggles, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “You don’t have to rush into anything unless you’re sure about it.”

“We’re going to have to reset the bet again.” Rosalie nods in agreement before adding teasingly, “But if it does get serious—we want all the juicy details!”

Her words finally make it through my dense head.

“You’ve been betting?” I look at each of them in turn, my eyes widening in shock. “On whether he and I hook up?”

Rosalie nods, her eyes bright as she grins.

Carmen clears her throat before answering. “We placed a bet the first night the two of you met.” Her smile falters when she sees the look on my face. “Oh, it was just in fun.”

“I know.” They mean no harm. It’s just an innocent bet.

Carmen and Rosalie exchange a guilty glance before Carmen extends an olive branch. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“No, but I appreciate it.” I turn to Carmen. “How worried should I be about Rafe’s reaction?”

“He’ll get over it.” Carmen gives a dismissive wave. “As for our bet, we’ve had to reset, and reset, and reset the bet again and again. I will say, the two of you have been quite restrained this past month. I gave it a day. Rosalie said a week. It’s been agony watching the two of you dance around each other, but I’m glad you finally gave in.”

“We haven’t…” No need to finish that sentence. We haven’t had sex, but I watched him stroke himself and watched him come. Whether that counts as sex lies somewhere in the gray zone.

“But you’re interested, right?” Carmen looks hopeful, and I can see why. She and Rosalie are head over heels in love with their Guardians. They just want me to feel the same. “The two of you would make a great couple.”

“I was preoccupied with…” Scott. No need to say his name. They know.

The mood shifts and my friends exchange a worried look as they take in my silence.

“Well, we were wondering why you didn’t jump Zeb’s bones.” Carmen’s gaze dips to my wrists where the ligature marks are still horrifyingly present. “I wish you’d told us about Scott.” Her tone shifts, no longer teasing, she’s concerned and worried.

I take a deep breath and wipe away the tears that form in my eyes. “I was too ashamed. Then when he…” I can’t bring myself to finish the sentence, but my friends know what I mean. “I couldn’t let him hurt you.”

Rosalie shifts on the couch, moving to give me a hug. “I don’t know how I feel about that, to be honest. On the one hand, I want to hug you. On the other, I want to shake some sense into you. You should have trusted us enough to talk about it. Instead, you let him hurt you.”

Carmen nods in agreement and glances at Rosalie before continuing. “We understand why you kept it from us, but it doesn’t make it right for you to suffer alone like that. Don’t ever feel like you can’t confide in us.”

“I was scared.”

“All the more reason to tell us. We aren’t here to judge you. I love you. I love you like I love Rosalie, and Barbi too. We’re a family, the four of us.”

The two of them offer me comfort with their words and I try to hold back fresh tears as they embrace me in a joint hug. I’m lucky to have such amazing friends who are always there for me no matter what.

“Thank you,” I whisper before pulling away, wiping away any remaining tears on my face with the back of my hand. “I’m sorry for keeping it from you.”

Carmen smiles at me while Rosalie nods. They both stand up from the couch, giving me space to process all of this information.

“You don’t need to apologize,” Carmen says firmly before looking pointedly at me again. “But if Zeb ever does something to hurt you, promise you’ll tell us immediately so we can help.”

“I promise.” I cross my heart, making it official. “And now we’re all safe, although my actions brought you back to Guardian jail.”

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