Home > Deserving Reese (The Refuge #3)(22)

Deserving Reese (The Refuge #3)(22)
Author: Susan Stoker

“I’m sure,” he said firmly. As Reese’s shoulders relaxed, he noticed how tired she looked, as if a strong breeze could knock her over. “I’ve got food at my cabin,” he blurted.

She frowned. “Okaaaay?”

Spike mentally slapped his forehead. “What I mean is, we could go there now, you could shower while I make something to eat, then you could get some shut-eye.”

She stared at him for a long moment. “I’m tired,” she admitted. “But there’re a million things I need to do.”

“They can wait,” Spike said firmly.

“You don’t even know what they are,” she protested.

“Shopping, phone calls, work, credit cards…” he guessed. “They can all wait. I’ve got shampoo and soap, T-shirts and sweats you can wear to bed. I can talk to Alaska and Henley about taking you shopping—trust me, they’ll love that—and you told me on the plane that your boss wasn’t expecting you back for another few days. You can take a few hours to nap, Reese.”

“Well, when you put it that way,” she said with a small smile, “I wouldn’t mind a break from everyone. Not that I don’t love my brother, and I’m enjoying getting to know Isabella and the others, but I’m used to spending a lot of time by myself and could use some alone time to recharge.”

Taking the hint, Spike said, “I’ll leave you to it once I let you into my cabin.”

“Oh! I didn’t mean you. You can stay. I mean, that is…if you want. Shoot! I’m not trying to kick you out of your own house. I’m guessing you’re just as tired as me. You said you didn’t get much sleep on the plane, and I was using you as a pillow on both flights. And, I have to admit, I’m not much of a cook. You might be risking me burning your cabin down if you leave me to my own devises in your kitchen.”

Spike grinned. “Yeah? It’s a good thing that I’m a decent cook then, isn’t it?”

“Uh-huh,” she said with a shy smile.

“You want to say goodbye to your brother before we head out?” he asked.

“Will Robert be upset if I don’t stay?” she asked, her brow wrinkling in concern.

Warmth settled in Spike’s belly. He loved how considerate she was. He’d been around more than his fair share of selfish people in his life, and they’d always turned his stomach with how oblivious they were to other people’s feelings. “Not at all. You’ll have plenty of chances to eat his food and tell him how delicious it is.”

Without another word, Reese turned and headed back to the table. Spike followed along behind her. She waved at everyone. “I apologize for bugging out on you guys, but I’m dead on my feet. Spike had an offer I couldn’t refuse…a hot shower, food I don’t have to make, and a bed.”

Alaska’s brow shot up, and Henley chuckled.

Reese blushed bright red. “Er…I don’t think that came out right.”

“Go!” Alaska said with a huge smile. “We’ll catch up later.”

“Do you think you could point me in the direction of some good shops where Isabella and I can get some clothes and stuff, after I wake up?” Reese asked.

“Of course,” Henley said with a smile. “I’d love to show you around and take you to all the best places in town.”

“And there’s a British shop that sells the most delicious chocolates,” Alaska piped in.

Reese smiled. “Awesome.”

“Thank you so much,” Isabella said softly from next to Henley.

“Just come back up to the lodge later, whenever you’re ready. I’ll probably be at the front desk doing some admin stuff,” Alaska told her.

“I will, thanks.”

“It’s good to have you here,” Henley added. “You and Isabella and Angelo.”

“Thanks. It’s good to be here. I’ll talk to you guys later. Woody, if your arm starts hurting, let someone take you to an emergency clinic in town. If you won’t go to the hospital, you should at least see a doctor to get it checked out.”

“Yes, Mom,” Woody told her with a roll of his eyes.

“And speaking of Mom, you should probably call her and Dad and let them know where we are,” Reese told him. “I haven’t had my phone for five days, so I don’t know if they’ve called. But they have no idea you even went on a spontaneous trip to South America—and they definitely don’t know that I followed you down there. You’ll need to do some fancy talking to explain how the hell Isabella and her brother ended up here in the States.”

“Thanks for not telling them,” Woody said. “They would’ve been so worried.”

“As if I wasn’t?” Reese asked with a roll of her eyes.

“You’re the best sister anyone could ask for,” Woody said with a grin.

“I know I am,” she responded.

They smiled at each other.

“I’ll make things right with Mom and Dad,” Woody assured her.

“And I will make sure he goes to the doctor,” Isabella said.

Reese grinned at her. “Good. He can be stubborn.”

Isabella looked at Woody and smiled at him lovingly. “I know.”

“Come on, you’re about to crash,” Spike said, putting a hand on Reese’s arm to steady her. He had a feeling she hadn’t even realized she was swaying on her feet.

She waved again at the table in general, then turned and said, “Hasta luego, Angelo.”

The teenager just looked up briefly.

As they walked toward the door, Reese said, “I know that you guys found drugs in his room, and it’s likely that they were all kidnapped because of those drugs, but I still feel kind of bad for him. I’m glad he’s away from all of that, and safe, but it has to suck to not understand what everyone around you is saying. I know because it’s how I felt when I was in Colombia.”

There she went, being considerate again.

“Yeah,” Spike said, not sure her concern wasn’t misplaced, but not wanting to talk about the kid right now. He wasn’t immediately willing to just believe Angelo’s version of his involvement with the cartel, and would stay on his toes around the kid, but Reese was probably right about not understanding English. It would be hard for anyone new to the States.

As he walked with Reese toward his cabin, he pointed out different parts of The Refuge. The guest cabins, the trail that led to Table Rock, where the other owner cabins were located, the barn. He quickly opened his door when they got to his place, and he studied her reaction as she entered. His place wasn’t huge—none of the owner cabins were—but he’d made it his home. He had landscape paintings on the walls, blankets on the back of the couch and the easy chair, a flat-screen TV and, of course, lots of books.

He’d always been a reader, and while he’d switched to ebooks due to ease and his lack of space, he still loved the feel of an actual book in his hand.

Spike held his breath as he waited to see what Reese thought of his home.

“It’s cozy,” she told him with a smile.

Spike winced. “Cozy-good, or cozy meaning not enough space and you’re being polite?”

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