Home > Honey's Werewolf (Big City Lycans #3)(11)

Honey's Werewolf (Big City Lycans #3)(11)
Author: Eve Langlais

“Did they catch the guy who attacked you?”

“They did. He was executed for his crimes. Now, if we’re done…” She pushed a button, and he had to sprint to keep up on the treadmill.

That evening, he slept on the cot set up where tables and chairs used to seat patrons. He’d eaten a high carb dinner and been measured some more.

He eventually managed to call Honey. No video, though, so she didn’t see his location.

She answered with a perky, “Hey, handsome.”

“How’s my Honeybee?”

“Missing you, but don’t worry. Terror is determined to take your place. He’s keeping my crotch warm.”


“How’s your work going?”

“Fine. Wishing I was with you, though.” Then, because he was a guy, he asked, “What are you wearing?”

“My sexy T-shirt that says Bigfoot is my daddy.” She laughed.

And despite their distance apart, he smiled.

“How was your day?”

They spoke for more than hour, and he might have talked longer, but she yawned.

“Good night, my Viking.”

“Love you,” he murmured.

“Love you more,” she taunted before she hung up.

Argh. Why did he have to be here on a stupid cot instead of snuggled by her side?

The rude awakening at two a.m. via bullhorn sat him bolt upright, heart pounding.

Silver stood at the foot of his cot taking notes.

“What the fuck!”

“Checking your startle reflex. Go back to sleep.” No apology, she just turned and walked off. As for sleep, it happened with one eye open.

The next day was more exercise, along with samples being taken. A needle led to vial after vial of blood being drawn. Hair was snipped. Skin scraped. Even incised. At the end, she handed him two jars.

“Pee in the one with the yellow lid. Ejaculate in the white.”

He blinked at them. “You want me to fill them?”

“Yes you, because I am not holding your dick for you while you squirt.”

“I wasn’t suggesting…” he stammered.

“You know where the bathroom is.”

He trudged over. Peeing was fine. He had to go. But the other? He’d not masturbated since meeting Honey. It felt wrong to do it clandestinely in that bathroom. It helped that he thought of Honey.

He emerged and handed over the bottles, only to blush as she whistled. “Damn, that’s quite the load. You sure you’re shooting blanks?”

The very idea. “I’m a big guy,” was his embarrassed retort. “Not sure why you need it seeing as how I’ve been fixed for years.” A vasectomy was required of all who became Lycan given pregnancy killed.

“Word is you have samples on ice from before the change.”

He nodded. “While I wasn’t sure about the whole kid thing, I wanted the option just in case I changed my mind later.” Having met Honey, he was glad he’d had the forethought. The thought of Honey swelling with his child…

He missed her something fierce.

It was a long four days. Phone calls barely cut it. It didn’t help Honey had begged off early on a few, still feeling off kilter.

Don’t worry, Honeybee. He was coming home today, and he’d wait on her hand and foot until she shook off the bug.

He made it to her place just before supper. He didn’t even have to knock.

Honey flung open the door and welcomed him with a wide smile. “Ulric!” she squealed and threw herself at him.

But when he would have hugged her tight and spun, she protested.

“No twirling unless you want to wear my last meal.”

“Still feeling ill?”

“Yes and no. I’ve got some exciting, if shocking, news.”

“What is it?”

“So I know we didn’t talk about it, mostly because it should have been impossible, only it appears my IUD must have gotten flushed out.”

The more she spoke, the colder he got.

Until he was a frozen cube as she finally blurted out, “I’m pregnant.”






“Excuse me?” Ulric wavered on his feet after her announcement, his expression a mask of shock.

“I’m pregnant,” Honey repeated, even as she realized she took a chance telling him.

Things between her and Ulric had been amazing thus far. A gentle giant who had his alpha-male moments. Holding doors open. Taking out the garbage. Paying every time they went out. He had old-school manners in that respect. But he wasn’t just about doing his part. He seemed obsessed with her pleasure, making her orgasm like nothing she’d imagined. Sex with him had her eager for the next time they were together. Just one look and she was ready. And even better it appeared to be the same for him. He touched her almost constantly. They snuggled for television time. In bed. Walked hand in hand. He was so perfect she waited for the other shoe to drop.

It emerged as puke instead.

She hated vomiting, but it happened the same day he left on his trip. She popped some ginger, and it somewhat settled her stomach. But after four days of it, and with no other symptoms, she ruled out a virus and doubted she suffered from lingering food poisoning, which left one possibility.

On the way to work, she’d hit a pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test. She smuggled it into the bathroom without Francis seeing, and her hand shook as she peed on the strip.

It couldn’t be true. She had an IUD and it was only two years old, so not even close to expired. But even IUDs weren’t 100%. They could dislodge or even exit the body without warning.

She washed her hands and while waiting for the result did an intimate grope to see if she could touch the string for her device. Cervix, check. String… Uh-oh. She might have been worried if she felt pain or cramping, the signs of a dislodged unit, but given her last heavy period, she suspected her body had flushed it out without her knowing.

The IUD had been their line of defense against pregnancy. Although, it should be noted, she’d mostly gotten it because it thinned her periods, and it wasn’t like she was in a committed relationship where she wanted kids. What if she was pregnant?

The question repeated itself as she waited. She waffled between excitement because she’d always wanted to be a mom and fear because she didn’t know how Ulric would react.

Given how he stood rigid and blank faced, he wasn’t pleased. “You’re pregnant?” he repeated, his tone flatter than she’d ever heard.

“Not on purpose,” she hastened to add. “I had an IUD that’s supposed to stop that kind of thing, only it must have slipped out, and, well, you and I have been quite active.” She blushed.

“You’re sure of this? It’s not some other medical issue.”

“I confirmed it with my office ultrasound machine. There’s a peanut growing in there.” Seeing it had her trembling. Because, in that moment, she knew, no matter what, she was having this baby.

Apparently alone as he coldly asked, “Who’s the father?”

The question snapped her head like a slap. “You are of course.”

“That’s impossible. I’m sterile.”

She gaped at him. “It has to be you because you’re the only man I’ve been with.”

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