Home > Dark Swan(11)

Dark Swan(11)
Author: Ever Night


I blew my chance there but I have another one with Hank. My eyes go to him and he glances at me every now and then, as if trying to figure out how we’ll proceed. He better come up with something good because every time, I’ve tried to get away from Nero I’ve failed.


“Ballet eh?” Hank mutters, turning to me. “Have you danced a long time?” When I nod, he adds, “Must be taking a toll on your body.”


“Being the prima ballerina is a heavy price to pay,” I smile, glancing at Nero when he slides a hand down my thigh and cups it as if he’s getting possessive and doesn’t like it when other men have my body on their mind. Even if the question was totally harmless. “But I don’t mind paying it.”


Nero turns to me, his expression softening as if he understands the zeal. “Are you a hardcore fan?” Hank grunts, shoving bread into his mouth and I’m a little surprised how easy he’s taking all of this. He must be a really good actor.


Or he doesn’t believe me.


“I like to think so,” Nero rasps and a warm smile curves his mouth, but then he frowns when he hears a sound from outside. Something slams and he rises. “Raccoons probably, I’ll be right back.” He walks out the door, leaving it open and he stays on the porch while looking out over the grounds.


My eyes immediately flare to Hank’s. “You need to get us out of here. Now. Please...,” I lower my voice even more, “before he gets suspicious.”


“Can’t believe he had the guts to do this.” Hank leans back in his seat. “I’ve known Nero for a long time...”


“He’s not as sane as he seems,” I snap, leaning forward and I’m pleading with my whole body, “He brought me here against my will, now please fucking do something about it!”


Rolling his tongue around in his mouth, Hank nods. “Oh I will, you little plaything.”


The room seems to narrow in on us, walls caving and I pant, “W...what?”


Hank leans forward as well and there’s something sleazy in his eyes. Sliding his tongue along his teeth, he rasps, “You’re not my type, too scrawny but I haven’t had a woman in a long time and I’m getting pretty desperate. Once I tell him what you were trying to do, my man Nero will happily give me some of you.”


A bomb seems to go off somewhere, or maybe it’s just the pulse in my ears. My throat goes dry and it feels as if I’m sliding off the chair and landing on the floor. If I could, I’d curl up in a fetal position right now and my fear tastes like metal in my mouth.


This isn’t how this was supposed to go...I flinch when Nero walks back, unware of everything that’s going on and he gives my shoulder a squeeze before sitting down. “Fox,” he mutters, before glancing around the table, frowning when his eyes land on me. “Monique...?”


I can’t even pretend that everything’s okay and Hank starts laughing, clapping his hands. “Look at her, acting appalled as if she deep down doesn’t want this.” His laughter increases and I curl into myself, while seeing my life flash before my eyes.


“What are you talking about?” Nero asks, cupping my neck and his palm is warm. “You okay?”


Licking my lips, I try to speak but I can’t form words and Hank pushes his chair back, resting his hands on his big belly and I despise the pervert. “Look Nero...,” Hank begins, “I know everything so let’s just cut the pretense. She wrote all of it down on the note.”


“What note...?” Nero asks suspiciously, but his eyes aren’t on me but on Hank. He’s calm, still relaxed as if he just wants to understand what this is about. Hank reaches into his pocket and throws the note on the table.


“This one.”


Oh, fuck, he’s going to snap...


Panic flares in me and I topple one of the candles, the flame licking the paper until it starts burning and Nero lets out a curse. He gets up to grab a rag while I try not to sob. Within seconds, the fires extinguishes, the paper now coal and there’s no trace of what was written on it.


Hank’s eyes narrow and Nero looks down at me.


Looking up at him, I whisper, “S...sorry.”


“I know you kidnapped her,” Hank snaps at Nero before raising his palms, “but don’t worry, I don’t blame you. I’ve wanted to do something similar myself several times but I never mustered up the courage.”


“What the fuck are you talking about?” Nero grits between his teeth, confusion and anger clear on his face and fear licks me the same way the flame licked the paper and I feel like I’m burning up. I’m hot and then I’m cold again and I wrap my arms around me when my trembling gets too much for me.


I can’t even look at the men anymore. They turn blurry. My eyes losing focus. I messed up. Nero will take Hank’s side and then it’s over for me.


“She has told me about the kidnapping,” Hank clarifies, “she has told me you’re a psycho and that you brought her here against her will.”


A frown forms between Nero’s eyes and I pant, “I have no idea what he’s talking about.” I clutch Nero’s arm, desperately clinging to him in an attempt to make him take my side. “I never said that, I swear.”


“Whoa...hold on now...,” Hank starts, sitting up straight as if he didn’t expect this.


Clasping Nero’s arm harder, I look up at him while pleading, “He’s making up lies about me, Nero. And it scares me.”


“Get out, Hank.” Nero’s eyes darken, his face turning into an emotionless mask. “Now.”


“Fuck no, I’m getting my piece of the cake. I won’t go to the cops about this and in exchange you’ll let me share that little cunt with you...”


Flinching, Nero flies across the table but Hank must’ve anticipated the move because he raises the breadknife and I scream when it cuts through Nero’s palm. Nero doesn’t even blink. Without hesitating, he raises the same hand and uses the knife to slice Hank’s throat.


Hank’s eyes bulge out of his skull and at first there’s just thin line of crimson before it starts flooding. Blood bubbles out of Hank’s mouth. He grips his throat, his face freezing in shock before he slides off his chair, dragging the cloth with him.


And falls with a thump on the floor.









Fuck, I shouldn’t have done it in front of her.


“Stop screaming, little swan,” I rasp, kissing the top of Monique’s head and her mouth slams shut, “and look away, I don’t want you to see this.”


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