Home > Banshee's Lament(5)

Banshee's Lament(5)
Author: Darlene Tallman

“Now that we’ve taken care of that, got a call from Wrecker out in Cedar Creek this morning,” Brick announces. “Dragon, had him start calling as they need some brothers to come out and help them with a fucked-up situation they’ve found out about. It’s bad, they’ve got women, men, and children there for some seriously screwed up shit.”

“What do you mean?” I question.

“They’re trying to breed women so they can build up their commune or some bullshit,” Brick bites out. “Cedar Creek’s president, Dragon, is inside right now, along with Wrecker’s ol’ lady’s sister, who is being used in that capacity.”

“What the fuck!” Scythe, our enforcer, bellows. “That’s just fucking sick! Didn’t they learn anything from World War II, for fuck’s sake? Hitler tried that and look how well that played out for over six million Jews!”

He’s not wrong, and sadly, there are people who don’t believe the Holocaust was real. Dumbasses, all of them. I may not be the world’s best scholar by a long shot, and I still remember that part of my history lessons. No amount of sanitizing can change the fact that millions of innocents died at the hands of a fucking mad man. And now, there’s apparently a cult or something of that sort trying to do the same thing?

Yeah, no. Not as long as the Royal Bastards are breathing. Especially since it sounds like an ol’ lady’s sister is in their clutches. She may not be part of our chapter, but by proxy, she’s RBMC family and nobody fucks with our family and lives to tell the tale.

Scythe got his road name because of how he mows down the enemy. He cuts a swath through them and barely breaks a sweat, and right now, he’s so livid, I can see a vein protruding in his temple. It’s not a good look, but I like my jaw right where it’s at, so I remain silent. Not too sure it could be rebuilt a second time, since a lot of the hardware I got years ago is in my face.

“Yeah, and from what they’ve been able to figure out so far, if the ‘subject’ isn’t compliant, they kill them,” Brick states. “It’s well and truly fucked up is what it is, and I told him, since Banshee was going to be coming, I’d see if anyone else would like to join in.”

Scythe and Kracken both yell out, almost in unison, “I’ll go!”

I smirk; having the enforcer and the SAA, or sergeant-at-arms, at my back isn’t a hardship. Both men are big, with bulging muscles, and the force behind them to cause major damage. I’m no slouch myself, but these two are almost poetic when they have to use their muscles.

“Then that’s settled,” Brick decrees. “Anything else? I’ve got more painting to supervise. Y’all will head out in the next hour. No detours, no wasting time because it’s of the essence. Gypsy, you work on the route so they’re able to ride wide open with no issues.”

“Got it, Pres,” Gypsy, who is our tail gunner, replies. He also does our routes much like a road captain would if we had that position, so I’m sure we’ll be covering some ground in areas no one would consider driving through.

It’s okay, though, because our girls are built to ride hard. All of us have taken our Harleys and customized the hell out of them; some are chromed out, others have fancy paint jobs, but each one has an engine designed for speed.

As I stand to leave with the rest of my brothers, Brick grabs my arm. “Hang back a sec, Brother.” I nod and retake my seat, wondering what he’s going to say.

Once the room is clear, I look at him and say, “Spit it out, Brick.”

“Wrecker said as soon as y’all deal with the fundamentalist fuckers, he and his ol’ lady, Harper, will help you,” he quietly says. “Thinking maybe I should come too.”

I’m already shaking my head before he finishes. “No. My sister is pregnant and doesn’t need to be traveling, remember?”

He snorts. “Yeah, she’s been a little stressed since getting that call from Madame Laveaux, that’s for sure.”

“Maybe if she wasn’t so damn cryptic with her messages, it wouldn’t be so bad,” I retort.

“This is the truth. Hell, Voodoo wasn’t able to offer any clarity at all. Now I feel as though I’m constantly looking over my shoulder for hidden danger.”

“We’re always doing that,” I remind him. “But we haven’t had any issues since we wiped out the fuckers who started all of this.”

“Hard to find evidence when the Tonopah Reapers came in with their own brand of assistance,” he wryly replies.

I nod because by the time they’re done reaping the souls of evil fuckers, there’s nothing left except maybe a little bit of ash. Everything else ends up in the pits of Hell, just where they’re meant to be. “Still, I’ll have Scythe and Kracken with me, along with any of the brothers from other chapters who come in to assist. I’ll be fine, Brother.”

“You better be. Don’t want to have to explain to your sister what happened.”

“She won’t take the club business party line, huh?” I ask, chuckling.

“No. Reminds me of how your mom used to be whenever your dad would say that.”

At that, I burst into laughter because my mom was a loving, caring woman, but she was a biker’s ol’ lady and as such, she was able to bust his balls without breaking a sweat. I’m pretty sure she knew more than she ever let on because there’s no way she would’ve been content to stay in the dark.

“Yeah, I think she takes after our mom in that respect. But the brothers and I trust you’ll never share anything that would get her into trouble.”

“You got that right. Okay, go pack, Ban. Keep me apprised of the situation and if you think I need to send more men out y’all’s way, let me know. Hell, if you need me, I’m there.”

“Got it, Pres.”




Approximately two months ago



“You stupid motherfucker,” I seethe as I carefully pull myself up from my prone position on the floor. “You have no clue what you’ve done.” A whimper of pain escapes my lips when I finally manage to stand upright.

Slowly making my way into my bathroom, I wince when I see my reflection in the mirror. My face is black and blue, and my left arm is dangling somewhat uselessly. I walk back into my bedroom, taking shallow breaths because I suspect my ribs are either cracked or broken as well. Grabbing my duffel bag out of the closet, I start putting clothes inside, then hit up the hidey-hole I have underneath the floorboard, where my money stash has been slowly growing over the past six months.

Yeah, I had set plans in motion to leave, and a lot of my stuff is already in the small RV that’s out in the shed, but today’s beating clinched it for me. Carrying my bag while fighting back the nausea from the pain, I drop it by the back door then go looking for my cat, Sassy.

That’s what started this latest ‘discussion’ according to Patrick. He didn’t like her, said she was ugly, and when he went to pick her up and she scratched him, he flung her against the wall. Then I jumped on him because of his actions, momentarily forgetting that he had almost eight inches in height and about a hundred pounds in weight on my petite frame.

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