Home > Behind His Eyes - Consequences (Consequences #1.5)(13)

Behind His Eyes - Consequences (Consequences #1.5)(13)
Author: Aleatha Romig

Often, when he first got home, Tony would go to his suite or office and relax before joining Claire. On those days, he turned on the feed to her suite and watched as she prepared for his arrival. Tonight, it was too late for him to check the video feed, and honestly, he was too anxious to use her and forget his long day. It didn’t matter. Her behavior had become reassuringly predictable.

In stunned disbelief, Tony opened Claire’s door to an empty suite. He walked to the closet/dressing room and then to the bathroom. With each unoccupied space, his sense of gratitude for her recent obedience swiftly morphed into a combination of alert and anger. Where the hell was she? Why wasn’t she where she was supposed to be?

Throwing the wallet—the reward he’d meant to present to her—onto her table, he stormed out of her suite. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he called out for Catherine. She’d better damn well know Claire’s whereabouts. As he turned the corner, the glow of the pool’s colored lights illuminated the windows at the back of the sunporch. The movement of the water caught his attention. He’d found Claire.

He stood unseen within the darkened room and watched her every move. It was like his hidden cameras, but somehow more intimate. Claire moved slowly, floating on her back and staring up to the sky. It wasn’t that he gave his acquisition much thought; however, there were times that it amazed him that Claire could find pleasure in the most mundane of activities.

As he watched, his thoughts of anger and betrayal returned. She was outside enjoying a swim, when she was supposed to be available to him! She had the whole damn day to do whatever she wanted. Disappointment and fury overcame him. Perhaps he was wrong to present her with a new freedom. After all, he’d thought they were past reinforcing the most basic of his rules.

Cloaked in the shadow of the night, he stepped from the house and approached the pool. Within seconds his linen shirt dampened and clung to his back. Each step away from the air conditioning reminded him of the oppressive summer heat. Even in the darkness, he felt the heat of the day’s intense sun roll off the concrete deck. His voice boomed over the hum of the pool’s filter and the distant call of country crickets. “Claire, what in the hell are you doing?”

She didn’t move as she blissfully floated, staring upward. Momentarily, Tony followed her gaze. It was a sky and there were stars. He saw no reason for her to give it her full attention. “Claire, get out of the damn water!”

Each insubordination added fuel to his nearly combustible disposition. Walking out of the shadows to the edge of the pool, he saw how the brightly illuminated water ebbed and flowed over Claire’s flat stomach and her bathing-suit-clad breasts moved with her steady breathing. Her hair floated in a halo around her face, and the streaks of blonde that infiltrated her chestnut hair reflected the fountain’s colorful display. She wasn’t watching the stars: her eyes were closed. His volume decreased, but his tone remained determined. “Claire, you know better. You know my rules. You’re supposed to be in your suite.”

It was then her eyes sprang wide and she righted herself, beginning to tread water and twist her head from side to side. “Tony, you startled me. Catherine said you wouldn’t be home until late.”

He stared at her for a moment, waiting—he wasn’t sure for what, perhaps an apology, perhaps an explanation. She continued to tread water as she looked up at him with her damn green eyes. It wasn’t his plan for the evening, but as the perspiration dripped from his shoulder blades to the middle of his back, Tony knew what he wanted.

Without speaking, he stepped back into the darkness and ridded himself of his encumbering clothing. With each article removed, he felt the weight of the day lift, as oppression transformed into a newfound source of energy. His goal for the night—his chosen activity—hadn’t changed. Tony knew what he wanted, and without question, it would be his. The destination of his conquest was truly insignificant, and besides, the water looked increasingly inviting. Moments later he dove into the colorful liquid and seized the object of his quest.

He didn’t need to ask permission or engage in customary expected conversation. She was his for the taking. When he surfaced mere inches away, he wrapped his arms around her body, and Claire gasped. Her soft, cool skin did nothing to cool his desire. Turning her to face him, his mouth emphasized his claim while his skillful fingers removed the top of her bathing suit. A simple pull of two strings and her round supple breasts were his for the taking.

The pressures of the day and the disappointment of her empty suite erupted in a force of energy he had no wish to control. As her hard nipples pressed against his chest and their tongues united, his anger waned. The fury that had been building found a new outlet. Walking toward the deep end of the pool, he tugged at the strings on the side of her bathing suit bottom and it too floated to the depths.

Lifting Claire momentarily away, his eyes scanned up and down her newly exposed flesh. Dutifully, her gaze met his. Releasing his hold, her small hands reached for his shoulders. It may have been due to the depth of the water, but that was not what Tony chose to believe. In his mind, it was her silent way of accepting what he had to offer. As she wrapped her legs around his torso, he fought the urge to take her right then. He could do whatever he desired, but rushing was not his plan.

When his mouth once again found her breasts, his teeth nipped at the hard nubs, and his fingers explored and caressed. Her wordless moans encouraged, and despite the coolness of the water, when Claire’s back arched, allowing him better access, his body responded.

No longer was he thinking about his day at work or his dinner meeting. Even memories of Claire’s empty suite were lost to their new world. No one else existed within their colorful abyss. He nipped and taunted, cheered on by Claire’s wordless sounds. He watched as her beautiful body stiffened and convulsed within his hold. By the time she fell slack against his shoulder, tried to steady her breathing, and held tightly to his neck, Tony knew what he wanted next. Carrying her to the steps, he helped her from the pool. She took his hand and followed him on wobbly legs to one of the large cushioned lounge chairs hidden in the shadows. Even in the darkness, he watched as her eyes fluttered and her body accepted him without question. He didn’t need to verbally direct her movements. A simple touch and she responded to his desire.

With their bodies damp and their breath resuming normal inhales and exhales, Tony grinned. He watched the clouds of uncertainty dissipate from her emerald eyes as they glistened with the reflection of the pool’s fountains. “Good evening, Claire.” Her responding smile quickly faded when he added, “I wasn’t happy when you weren’t in your suite.” He touched her lips, stopping whatever it was that she was about to say, and continued, “But your idea of a swim on this hot evening was much better than what I had planned.” As the words left his lips, Tony felt her body relax and watched her smile return.

Allowing his own grin to emerge, Tony asked, “Maybe we should go back into the water to cool off again?”

“That sounds nice,” she agreed, as she willingly placed her small hand in his, and followed him back into the pool.

By the time they’d returned to Claire’s suite and showered, Tony remembered his gift. The sight of her walking toward her side of the bed, wrapped in only a black silk robe almost pushed the conversation from his thoughts; however, he was interested in her reaction. He recognized that the best weapon in his arsenal that had worked to keep her compliant was her seclusion. Even with the vast expanse of his estate, she had limited personal interaction. Tony wasn’t sure if she had truly accepted her fate, or if she were just so lonely that she would settle for his presence. Either way, it was obvious that Claire craved interaction. Whenever he presented the opportunity, she could talk for hours. Sometimes she spoke about her family or her previous life, but mostly it was about books or movies or nothing at all. During those times, it was as if a day’s or a week’s worth of conversation had been backlogged and suddenly released. He didn’t mind. Actually, Tony learned a lot about Claire Nichols during those times.

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