Home > Midnight Rapture(10)

Midnight Rapture(10)
Author: Anya Summers

The woman was killing him here. He knew she’d been on her own for a while. But just how bad had it been for her? Because from what he was picking up, it’d been horrible.

Jasper cleaned up after their meal. They’d be able to get another day out of the leftovers. Maybe for lunch tomorrow. But then tomorrow evening, he might grill. He’d have to check with Freya on what Maddie would eat. He could toss some chicken breasts or burgers on the grill and maybe a hotdog for the kid since she seemed to love those.

When the dishes were in the dishwasher and dinner cleared from the table, he carted the playpen into the bedroom she’d chosen. The one at the opposite end of the hall from his bedroom. He didn’t take offense. She was a single mother with a kid to protect, and he was a stranger.

As he erected the playpen, he heard the murmur of female voices coming from the bathroom. Maddie’s higher-pitched childish voice, along with Freya’s sweet alto. At the sounds, he rubbed a hand over his chest. Freya loved with her whole heart. And it made him ache. What would it be like if she turned that love in his direction?

Even the mere thought of it thrilled him.

She was here because he wanted her in a way that defied convention. And perhaps over this year, she would sate the gnawing emptiness inside him.

Before they emerged from the bathroom, he exited the bedroom. He figured he’d leave them alone and give them tonight to get settled. Besides, he had some online shopping to do. Because for the foreseeable future, Freya and Maddie were his to look after.






Freya woke with Maddie nestled in her arms. The sun wasn’t quite up yet. It was the quiet, gray gloam right before the sun rose. Her daughter would wake up like clockwork the moment the first sharp cry of a bird rent the air.

But man, Freya didn’t want to move out of bed. This was the most comfortable bed she had ever slept on. The mattress was like sleeping on a marshmallow. There were no mattress springs digging into her back or sagging spots to avoid. The sheets and blankets were incredibly soft and clean. There were no stains on the bedspread or ceiling or floors. There wasn’t anyone holding a shouting match in the room next door. There were no sirens passing by or car horns blaring. It was peaceful. And likely the best night of sleep she had experienced in ages.

After she’d put Maddie down last night, she’d taken a shower in the ensuite bathroom. It was one reason she’d chosen this room. The shower had been utter decadence. She’d stood beneath the scorching hot spray, letting the heat work on her tired muscles. She spent over twenty minutes in there and didn’t lose heat or water pressure.

She’d lain awake after fitting a chair under the door handle just in case Jasper visited her during the night. She didn’t trust him—yet. She doubted she would ever trust him fully. But they hashed out their agreement in writing that he promised to send to his attorney today.

She prayed that the fake persona she’d paid a hacker to build for her had been worth the cash. She’d had to eat ramen for a month solid to afford it.

But this was her riskiest venture yet. If it paid off, a year from now she would be wealthy beyond anything she’d ever imagined. She and Maddie would be living in a foreign country and be well beyond Ian’s reach.

The thought lifted her spirits. Although the situation and her pending nuptials to a virtual stranger left her unsettled. Her soon-to-be husband was a potent, virile male in his prime. And she couldn’t deny her body responded to his proximity. He smelled incredible too. She didn’t know if it was his soap or aftershave or cologne, but the subtle, sensual, deep musky notes with hints of sandalwood mingled with his own body chemistry left her wanting to rub her nose in his chest and inhale him.

Nor could she deny that her libido had awoken like Dracula rising from his coffin, with an, I live type of vibe.

Freya hadn’t been with anyone since leaving Ian. It’s a little hard to have sex with an infant daughter while on the run from your ex. Not that she wouldn’t take care of her needs in the shower when it was warranted. But she’d not been touched in that way in so long that she wondered if her hoohah was re-virginized.

With supreme reluctance, she eased out of bed and trod into the bathroom. After taking care of bodily functions, she washed her face, brushed her teeth, and then her hair. Back in the bedroom, she dressed in cutoff jean shorts and a tank top since it was supposed to be in the upper nineties today. Although her clothes felt shabby in this environment. It was something she would simply have to get over. Maybe she should have asked for a stipend for this year while they were married; that way she could buy each of them some new clothes instead of both of them wearing their secondhand thrift store finds that had seen so many washings they were heading into threadbare territory.

“Mama. Up.”

At the sound of her daughter’s sleepy voice, she turned away from the dresser and crossed the distance, scooping her baby into her arms. Maddie always hated it when they moved into new locations. She’d been fussy all night long. It’s why she brought her into bed with her. It was the one thing that almost always settled her down enough to sleep.

And last night she hadn’t minded putting her into bed with her at all. Freya had needed the reassurance of her warm little body cuddled against hers with all the big changes on the horizon.

Hugging her close, she pressed a kiss against her forehead. “Good morning, my sweet Maddie.”

“Mama,” she murmured on a trembly yawn.

“I know, love. Why don’t we get your diaper changed? Huh. Then we’ll get you some breakfast. I can make some pancakes.”

“Cakes, Mama, cakes,” she sniffled, her hair in disarray.

Pressing another kiss against her head, inhaling her child’s scent, she knew they would get through this trial. The risk of marrying a man she’d tried stealing from would work out in the end. It would give them a life she barely dared hope to dream, let alone contemplated could happen.

“Okay, let’s go explore the kitchen, shall we?” she murmured after changing her wet pants. She removed the chair from the door. Then with Maddie securely in her arms, they quietly padded down the hall. Her feet didn’t make a sound on the hardwood floor.

The kitchen was a thing of beauty. Dark walnut cabinets with dark brown marbled granite countertops. A chef’s style gas stovetop with six burners and dual side-by-side ovens. The appliances were all top-of-the-line stainless steel numbers. And with the groceries they’d picked up, the fridge and pantry were stocked. The fact that she got a chance to cook in a kitchen like this made her giddy.

Not having a highchair would be a problem, but she had been managing her meals without one ever since they left home.

“Wanna help me get the batter ready for the pancakes?”


Freya retrieved the box with the dry pancake mixture and syrup from the pantry, placing them on the kitchen island. Then she took the eggs and milk out of the fridge. She filled Maddie’s sippy cup with milk, then set her in the middle of the kitchen island, which she thought was great fun.

Freya mixed the batter. Then removed a griddle from a cabinet and placed it on one of the six gas burners. She added some oil to the pan, letting it heat, and started cooking the pancakes. While those were bubbling in the pan, she put bacon on a cookie sheet in the oven to crisp, then whipped together some eggs in a bowl. Once the pancakes were done, she’d scramble up the eggs. She got out the watermelon and chopped it into smaller, more bite-sized pieces. They were going to eat like royalty today.

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