Home > Filthy Little Pretties(14)

Filthy Little Pretties(14)
Author: Trilina Pucci

She turns back to me with a mock offense as I fill the doorway.

“Watch it, or I’ll tell everyone you peed the bed when we were little.”

“That never happened.”

“Yes, but they don’t know that.” She winks, motioning to the room.

Goddamn. I like everything about Donovan—even her fucking threats. I lean my shoulder against the doorjamb, watching her walk to her seat. Still undecided. Nah, she stays. No way do I get her back as delicious as she’s turned out, only to lose out on seeing her daily.

“Mr. McCallist—”

I hold my finger up to my lips to shush the teacher, keeping my eyes on Donovan as she sits down and glances at me, letting out a laugh.

There it is—my favorite sound.

I give her a wink and roll off the frame, taking my leave down the hall and off to my class, making a quick stop in the library first.


An hour later, and one riling political debate later, I push out of the door, Kai in tow, hearing the hinges strain.

“Where’s the fire? Maybe down the pants of that hot piece of ass I gave my seat over to?”

I can feel the irritation that grows across my features as I spin around to look at my friend. He’s not saying anything he wouldn’t usually spout off about, especially about some girl I’m messing around with, but this is different. Donovan’s different.

“Kai, word of advice. Watch your mouth, or I’ll break it. Donovan isn’t a piece of anything, including this conversation. The only thing she gets from you is respect.”

Kai holds his hands up in surrender, backing away, the hint of a smile on his face.

“Touchy. Messaged received. She’s our queen.” Kai’s eyes grow wide as he lowers his arms, linking them behind his back and leaning in toward me again. “Wait, what’s that make Caroline now?”

The memory of Donovan forcing us to promise her that we’d never replace her with Caroline pulls forward, and I shake my head.

“The same pain in the ass she always is.”

Kai’s voice floats over the crowd as I walk away. “Lunch should be fun.”

I turn the corner of the hall, my eyes searching the faces, but no Donovan. So I walk to the last classroom she was inside and peer in, still not seeing her. What the fuck? I told her I’d meet her here.

My phone vibrates, and I pull it out of my pocket, instantly seeing a message from Liam. It’s a selfie of him and Donovan, making silly faces.

Liam: Got our girl. Good mac-n cheese today. Hurry the fuck up.

Me: Hook it up.

Liam: Want me to suck your dick too?

Me: Nah, your mom’s doing a great job.

I pocket my phone and keep the smile that’s threatening my face at bay as I make my way to the dining hall, but the moment I enter, my resolve fades. Every step I take to the table, the more my happiness becomes apparent. Huh, happy. It’s been a while. I set my bag down with a thud, making Donovan’s blonde locks brush my way in surprise. Those gorgeous blue eyes look up at my face, effectively knocking me on my ass.

“Hello, Darren. You were supposed to wait for me.”

She smirks, opening her lime Perrier. “I found a replacement.”

Liam chuckles, sliding my tray over to me. “You mean better model.”

“Boys, please. Don’t fight over me.” She giggles, stealing a fry from Liam’s plate. “I love you equally.”

Grabbing my chair, I heave it out, placing both hands on the back of it, and playfully scowl. “Boy? Again, with that bullshit. I’m all man. Wanna see?”

“Uh, no. And the jury’s still out on your classification. Are you going to sit or stand there flirting with me all lunch?”

I laugh loudly, loving that my flirtation is a foregone conclusion, and lower into my chair.

Liam stands and turns his chair around to straddle it, folding his arms over the top, and rests his cheek on them, giving her all his attention. Damn, he’s laying it on thick. I can’t blame him. I’m doing the same.

Donovan takes a bite of her food and shoots him a glance. Liam’s eyes stay on hers, and she must be smiling because he’s grinning back.

Reaching out, she boops his nose. “Oh, you’re a charmer. Dangerous and too cute for your own good. The girls must go down like shooting fish in a barrel.”

“I’m a virgin. I’m waiting for love. Wanna fall with me?”

Her laugh has us both smiling with her. Liam always did do that to her.

My voice interrupts as I twist the top off my water bottle. “Boy? Cute? I’m starting to feel like we’re losing this challenge, Liam.”

He nods against his arm in agreement.

“She’s friend-zoning us. You’re cruel, Van. Cold as ice. There must be a boyfriend—or maybe a girlfriend?” His head pops up. “Say it’s a girlfriend, and then tell us all about it.”

“Tuck your dick away. Perv,” I laugh, reaching around her to shove his shoulder.

“No boyfriend or girlfriend. I’m abstaining…from both. But it’s cute you guys thought you had a chance. Goals are important.”

Her laugh is evil, but before I can ask about what she just said, Liam reaches up to her hair, his body leaning in closer to her.

“Are those—” My hand reaches out, sweeping her hair over her shoulder as Liam’s fingers wind between her golden locks, to touch colorful feathers intertwined into a small long braid. “What’s this?”

She smiles mysteriously, looking between us. “A fond memory.”

And just like that, she draws me in just a little bit more than I already am.





I’VE ALWAYS CONSIDERED MYSELF RESILIENT, but the real test will be if I manage to survive Grey and Liam. One maybe, but both, unlikely. It’s not a horrible way to die—basking in the adoration of two incredibly hot guys.

I take another drink of my sparkling water and smile at the tray of food in front of me, trying to ignore Liam’s inspection of the feather in my hair. Liam turns his attention to Grey, mumbling something, but I barely register what they’re saying because I’m already lost inside of my head.

This attention won’t last. If there’s anything I know, it’s guys. Once the shine wears off, they’ll back off, and we can go back to being the kind of friends who don’t flirt. I shake my head slightly at my bullshit as I stare at the fruit cocktail occupying my plate.

I can’t fault them for taking a shot. If my circumstances were different, I might let one of them land me. But I’ve caused too much trouble in this area to go down this road again. It wasn’t that long ago that I searched for myself in any willing body, which ironically only made me lose myself more.

The only thing that niggles at me now is that right at this moment I’ve never felt like me more. There’s something about being back here with Grey and Liam that makes the world feel clear. Like I’m back where I’m supposed to be. So, I guess what I’m really terrified of is that I won’t be repeating the same fuckups but that I’ll be making even bigger ones.

“What’s swimming around in that expression? You’ve got thoughts. Serious ones. Spill, Cherry.”

Grey’s voice draws my eyes, but not my voice. God, he’s intense with only a look. “Shine wear off,” my ass. He might lose interest, but I’m not sure I want him to. My chest rises and falls slowly in rhythm with my breathing, but the rest of me is caught in his gaze, unable to escape this moment, that is, until he decides to let me go.

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