Home > Fun House (Welcome to the Circus #1)(30)

Fun House (Welcome to the Circus #1)(30)
Author: Lani Lynn Vale

I felt my eyes sting. “Yes.”

His heart was pounding beneath my hand, strong and steady.

“I wouldn’t let you go right now if I didn’t think you’d be safe with your brother,” he promised. “He’ll get you home. Safe. I’ll be right behind you.”

“P-promise?” I asked.

He held out his pinkie finger. “Promise with all my heart.”

I blew out a shaky breath, then turned in my seat until I was facing forward.

He reached around me to grasp my seat belt, then plugged it in before patting my thigh gently.

Keene waited until I was settled into the truck before he got in himself.

“I’ll be right back there,” he promised before shutting the door.

Keene waited until Coffey was on his bike and right next to us before he pulled away.

“You have five sisters,” Keene said to break the quiet.

I blinked.

“Five?” I breathed.

“Five,” he said. “Caristonia, Valhalla, Zipporah, Crimson, and Hades.”

“Oh,” I said. “And are they all back at the, um, circus?”

His lips twitched. “It does sound really far-fetched, I know. But yes. We all live on a large tour bus together.” His eyes went to the rearview mirror, and I flinched when I saw the motorcycle get caught by a light and Keene make it.

Keene started to slow down, but I waved him on. “It’ll be okay. I’ll be okay.”

I would.


“As for Coffey,” he said as he kept looking back just as much as he looked forward. “He’s our new chef. I know we didn’t finish talking about it.”

“Our new chef?” I asked.

“A few months ago, our old chef quit because he was looking to stay home more with his ailing mother. When we were in Coffey’s hometown, you made him an offer to become our cook, and he took you up on it.” He then went on to explain what had happened from the moment Coffey arrived to the moment I woke up in the hospital.

“Did I kill a person?” I whispered.

Surely, that would be something I’d remember…right?

Then again, I feel like I should probably remember the man that knocked me up, as well as the fact that I had six siblings that I lived in a circus with.

“No,” he replied firmly. “Mary was found dead, body having been moved, in our stock trailer where we keep our practice equipment. Your silks were in there, and that’s where you went to get your equipment out to practice. When you opened the door, Mary fell out, drained of blood. At first, we were worried that she’d been trapped in there, but then we found out that her body had been placed there after death, and she had a bullet wound. You don’t even know how to operate a gun, let alone shoot someone.”

He pulled onto a gravel road, and my mouth all but fell open when we pulled right up to a full-blown, in-use circus.

“Wow,” I breathed, taking it all in.

There were lights and tents, places to hang around and more tents.

“Is that a tiger?” I breathed when I caught sight of the white animal.

“Yes,” he said. “Coco and Melon. You know them. You are the one that feeds them three-quarters of the time.”

“Wow,” I repeated. “Do I do any acts with them?”

Keene shook his head. “No, that’s Tony. Caristonia.”

“Oh,” I breathed. “Well, that’s a bummer.”

He laughed. “Coco and Melon are great, but they take time and effort, and they’re very stubborn, and the only one out of all of us that can handle the headaches that they are is Tony.”

Okay, when he put it like that, the act itself didn’t sound as cool.

I continued to look around.

Nothing struck me as familiar like I’d hoped.

In fact, everything looked very unfamiliar, and the sight of the tour bus with my sisters inside of it in front of me made me want to vomit.

The roar of the bike as it pulled up next to us caused my elevated heart rate to slow.

Coffey was here.

He walked right up to me and stared at Keene as he worked his arm around my waist. “I have to go cook. There’s a place to sleep at my trailer, right?”

Keene nodded.

“Do you think it might be better for her to stay there with me until she can remember?” Coffey asked.

Keene winced. “Probably. They’ll never leave y’all alone if you stay with us.”

Before I could say anything to agree or disagree, five women surrounded us, asking a hundred thousand questions.

Then the closest one, the one with long black hair and green eyes, said, “What the fuck happened to your face, Simi?”

I barely resisted the urge to lift my hand up and touch my forehead.

I had eight stitches in my hairline that I had forgotten about until she pointed it out.

I was still numb—or mostly numb. Feeling was slowly returning, and with it, a dull throb at the very edge of my forehead.

“Um,” I started to say, but it was Keene who jumped into an explanation, leaving out the part about me being pregnant for some reason.

I felt Coffey relax beside me.

“She can’t remember anything?” The woman paused. “I’m Val. You really don’t remember me?”

As if she couldn’t quite believe it. “No.”

“I’m Tony.” Tony held up her hand.

When everyone had told me their name, then their nickname, I looked at all of them, trying to memorize their faces.

Exhaustion nearly bowled me over when Keene said, “Now, why is everyone not at work?”

Zip sighed. “I covered Simi’s shift.” She grimaced as if she didn’t like to cover my shift. “Tony just got finished with her act. We’re on intermission now, but we saw you coming in and we wanted to see Simi. To make sure everything went okay. Everything didn’t, and now we’ll go back to work.”

“Right, now we’ll go back to work,” Val grumbled. “Assuming that you can’t do your act anymore…right?”

Considering I couldn’t remember my act, that probably wasn’t a good idea.

“Um, no,” I heard Keene say at the same time Coffey declared, “Absolutely not.”

My guess was their “nos” were likely due to the fact that I was pregnant, not because I couldn’t remember the damn act.

“I’m also assuming we’re not getting lunch or dinner tonight?” Tony asked wistfully.

As if she was so sad and wanted it so bad.

“I’ll order to-go…” Keene started, but Coffey interrupted. “We’ll get everyone fed. I have everything ready for more sandwiches like last night, at least. That was going to be my go-to lunch because I wasn’t sure how fast I could get to the store. Dinner, on the other hand,” he looked at his watch. “If someone can get to the store and get me fifty pounds of ground beef, I could probably get that done as well.”

“I’ll go!” Zip clapped. “I have the next two hours off.”

“Plans have been made,” Keene said as he headed toward the big van to the right of where we were standing. “Simi’s gonna stay with Coffey tonight in the food trailer. Could someone help pack her a bag during their off time?”

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