Home > The City We Became (Great Cities #1)(61)

The City We Became (Great Cities #1)(61)
Author: N. K. Jemisin

The door opens, and three people stand there. Even if Bronca hadn’t been raw inside, she would know them by the sudden, almost painful ring of recognition that sounds throughout her soul. They are kin, battle companions, the missing fragments of her self. They are Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens, and they’re grinning, ostensibly elated at having found Bronca.

“What the shit do you want?” Bronca demands.





Make Staten Island Grate Again(st São Paulo)

Aislyn is up on the roof again, gazing at the distant city in the night, when her mother scares the life out of her by touching her from behind. She yelps loudly enough for her voice to echo from the nearby houses, and turns to glare at her mother. “Mom! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

“Sorry, sorry,” her mom says. “But are you sure you should be up here? That allergy attack you had…”

Aislyn has spent the past twenty-four hours on Benadryl to try to reduce the hives she picked up at the ferry station. They’re mostly gone now, and not as itchy, though the Benadryl has made her dreamy-headed and slow. Sitting on the roof is one of her favorite pastimes ordinarily, but between the drug and the soft, constant song of the city, the experience has become sublime. “I’m good, Mom. It feels nice out here. The wind’s so cool, and you can smell the harbor even from here…” It feels so good, in fact, that on impulse she adds, “Sit down. Look at the city with me.”

The roof of the Houlihan home isn’t much more than an access door and some satellite dishes, though her father jokingly calls it their “rooftop bar.” Aislyn’s put two folding lawn chairs out here, and she knows that her father often takes advantage of them, because she has to pick up his beer bottles and put away his binoculars whenever she comes up. This is the first time her mother has ever climbed up, however, so she watches with some interest as Kendra (she’s thought of her mother as this since her teens, because it’s what her father calls her) settles gingerly into one of the lawn chairs. It creaks and slides back a little beneath her weight, which makes her yelp, then laugh nervously.

“Sorry,” Kendra says again. “I don’t like heights.” But then she falls silent, gazing at the cityscape. Aislyn is pleased to see her mother’s face, too, relax into wonder. Manhattan is scary to contemplate up close—and, apparently, full of bees—but from this safe distance, it is a jewel to behold.

They sit for a few moments in companionable silence, and then her mother says, “So, did you make it to the city yesterday?”

Aislyn starts, her heart constricting, though she doesn’t know why.

Aislyn does not understand her mother. Kendra is basically an older version of herself, black-haired and slender and so pale that sometimes there’s a green cast to her skin. Aislyn often finds herself hoping that she’ll grow up to be as beautiful as her mother, since Kendra has only fine threads of gray hair and a few minute wrinkles, even in her fifties. Black Irish holds the years well. However, Aislyn does not want her mother’s eyes. All of Kendra’s age lives here, not in lines but in constant, darting flickers and a slow, sad weariness. Back when Aislyn was a teenager, she often thought of her mother as dull. Since then Aislyn has come to understand that women sometimes have to pretend to be dull so that the men around them can feel sharper. Adult Aislyn has had to do the same thing, with increasing frequency as she’s grown older. So she and her mother are finally beginning to become friends… but it’s fragile, like any friendship formed amid stress. And her mom has never intruded so far into territory that Aislyn regards as inviolably hers before.

She shifts a little, trying not to show her discomfort, although the rickety lawn chair betrays her by creaking loudly. “How did you know?”

Kendra shrugs a little. “You usually take your car to go shopping. The bus is so slow. But NYPD photographs license plates at the ferry station.”

And her father almost found out anyhow, because of her panic attack. Aislyn sighs in careful frustration. “I just…” And then she can’t think of anything else to say. Her mother has also lived nearly her whole life on Staten Island. How can Aislyn say, I just wanted to leave you and Dad and everything I’ve ever known to go to the city you’ve spent years warning me against? And for what? To meet total strangers who are part of me, part of New York, and I am part of New York, I don’t think I want to be but I am—

And then Kendra destroys Aislyn’s entire image of her, and perception of herself, with a single sentence. “Really hoped you would make it,” she says quietly.

Aislyn flinches hard enough to make the chair shift back. She stares at her mother. Kendra offers another of those tired smiles, though she doesn’t look at Aislyn while she does it. Just keeps her gaze on the city.

“Wanted to be a concert pianist when I was young,” she says, further flooring Aislyn. “I was really good. Got a scholarship to Juilliard and everything. Wouldn’t have had to pay a dime except MTA fare every day.” She sighs softly. “I mean… I was really good. Fucking amazing.”

Aislyn can count on one hand the number of times that her mother has dropped an f-bomb over the entirety of her life. But that isn’t the thing that’s jolted her the most. “Um… I’ve never seen you touch a piano. You don’t even listen to music on the radio, except when Dad does.”

Kendra smiles a little, with just one corner of her mouth, while the rest of her face remains its mournful, immobile self. She doesn’t say anything.

Aislyn can’t believe this. “Because… your parents said no?” Her maternal grandparents are dead now—heart attack for Grandpa, undiagnosed liver cancer for Grammy—but Aislyn remembers them as being very traditional. Stolid, no-meat-on-Fridays Catholics. Aislyn’s strongest memory of them is Grammy telling her how she should dress and carry herself if she wanted a good husband. Aislyn had been seven when she died.

“I was pregnant, love. Married your father not a month after I got the acceptance letter.”

Aislyn knows about this: Conall, the brother she should have had, but did not due to a miscarriage. Aislyn was born a few years later. No one really knows if Conall was going to be a boy, of course. He was a blob with flippers by the time he left the building. But when her father drinks, he talks about what he could have had: a brother-in-arms to help the family face this terrible world, instead of a daughter who is only another useless thing to protect.

Aislyn knows that the idea of working motherhood is anathema to both her parents. But since Conall… wasn’t, and it would’ve only meant working wifehood, Aislyn frowns. “You still could have gone. Couldn’t you? If…” She has tiptoed around Conall for years. Her father still grieves. Her mother keeps her own counsel on the matter because that’s what women have to do sometimes, she has always told Aislyn.

“I meant to go. Your father wasn’t much help with, oh, anything, but I was determined to find a way to make it work.” Her mother smiles again. That little half-a-mouth smile, less than a quarter of her face. Her gaze is distant, somewhere well beyond the city. “That’s why I had the abortion.”

Aislyn’s mouth drops open.

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