Home > The Secret Recipe of Ella Dove(40)

The Secret Recipe of Ella Dove(40)
Author: Karen Hawkins

Grandma sniffed loftily, tilting her chin in the air. “I’m going to tell Jules I painted my nails myself. I only got a simple French manicure. And look”—she waved her small bag in Gray’s direction—“I bought some polish in case she asks questions.”

Ella piped up, “Your grandma’s pretty good at figuring out things like that. When she got her hair cut, she brought home some of her hair clippings in a Ziploc and put them all over her bathroom floor.”

“I’m no fool.” Grandma’s gaze narrowed on Gray. “How did you figure out we’d be here?”

“I didn’t. I was on my way to the hardware store and saw you heading into the shop. Ella’s been keeping me company while I waited to say hi.”

“Ah. Well, hi. Now, if you’ll excuse us, Ella and I have some errands to run and we have scant time, thank you very much.”

Gray opened the car door and helped his grandma into the seat he’d just vacated. “I hope you have a lovely day not dying.”

She shot him a sour look. “Don’t you have something to do?”

“Plenty.” He shut the door and looked over the car at Ella, who was grinning ear to ear. “She’s all yours.”

Ella wrinkled her nose. “Thanks.” Her gaze traveled over his face. “I guess I’ll see you around?”

He caught the hopeful note in her voice. She wanted him to ask her out. He knew it, and yet he also knew it was the last thing he should do. To calm his galloping nerves, he took another sip of his coffee before he gave her a calm, noncommittal smile. “I’m sure we’ll run into each other again. It’s a small town.”

And with that, despite his whole being screaming that he was being a fool, that a date with Ella would be the most amazing, fun night of his life, he turned and headed for his truck.

He’d just put his hand on the door handle when Ella called out, “Gray?”

Yessss! He kept his face calm as he turned. “Yeah?”

“I’m not doing anything Friday.”

“That’s nice.”

She waited, and when he didn’t say anything else, rolled her eyes. “We should do something,” she said impatiently.

Despite his agony, he found himself amused at her frustration. He could relate to it so, so well. “Do something like…?”


Act calm. Don’t look excited. He shrugged. “Sure.”

“At seven. Pick me up.” Without waiting for an answer, she got into her car and left.

Gray climbed into his truck and forced himself not to watch her go, even pretending to check his phone for messages until she was out of sight.

The second she was gone, he dropped his phone on the seat and happy-slapped his steering wheel. It might be their first date, but he was going to make sure it wasn’t their last. He’d show up without flowers, without dressing up, without acting as if he were doing anything but a pleasant, friendly-but-not-too-friendly chore. He’d take her somewhere for pizza and, even though it would take every ounce of control he had, he’d keep his distance.

If he wanted Ella around long enough for her to feel something more for him than mere quick-to-evaporate passion, he’d have to work his darnedest to keep some distance between them.

Dating Ella was a delicate, difficult line to walk, but if things worked out the way he hoped, then, boy oh boy, it would be worth it.





In every recipe, there is always the opportunity to add more—more stirring, more sugar, more time in the oven. That cannot be said about subtractions. Plan accordingly….

The Book of Cakes, p. 99

Written: 1792–2019


Ella awoke to the delicious smell of buttermilk biscuits. Yawning, she stretched, listening to the sound of laughter floating up from the kitchen. Ava and Sarah were obviously having a good time making breakfast, which made Ella smile. It was a lovely sound to wake up to.

She pulled her pillow close as she rolled onto her side and saw the morning sun slanting through her window. Outside, huge oak trees swayed in the chilly morning breeze as they cast a moving pattern on the wood floor, the dust motes shimmering like golden sparkles. In the past few weeks, she’d had two coffee meetups and three genuine dates with Gray. They’d all been wonderful, welcome, and laughter-filled. And yet, as much fun as she’d had, they’d left her bemused, unsatisfied, and—oddly enough—intrigued.

She wasn’t used to being the person who did the pursuing, and yet that was exactly what was happening. Most of the time, she was the one who called, who texted, who asked if he was free. Sometimes he said no, although he always seemed happy to hear from her, which encouraged her to continue.

She’d forgotten how much she’d liked talking to him. Still, although this time felt different from the last, she knew it wasn’t going anywhere. It couldn’t, really. They were in two different places in their lives. She had one foot out the door, while he was putting down deep and permanent roots. She sometimes wondered why she was even bothering to see him.

But she knew why.

More than once, she’d caught him looking at her as if she were the last crème patisserie in the bakery case. Those moments never came with a follow-through of any sort, which was as baffling as the man himself.

She thought she’d broken through to him last night. They’d gone to dinner and on a walk through the park on their way home. She’d decided that, once they reached the Dove house, she would kiss him. Once they stepped onto the porch, she’d realized that he’d been thinking about it, too. His gaze rested on her mouth, and before he could think twice and retreat, she’d risen up on her toes and kissed him.

The second her lips met his, the kiss had exploded. It had been a simply astounding kiss, deep and sensual, and had lasted a deliciously long time. When it was over, they were both breathless and shaking. She could feel the beat of his heart against her chest, wild and in sync with her own.

Still fighting to catch her breath, she’d broken the embrace, opened the door, and beckoned him in, sending him a saucy “why not?” smile that had never failed her before.

It worked this time, just not in the way she had intended it to. Gray had pulled her from the threshold, back onto the porch, placed his warm hands on either side of her face and tilted it up. She’d closed her eyes, ready for another passionate kiss, when he leaned forward and instead gently pressed his lips to her forehead.

As odd as it was, the kiss had been sensually intimate. Her body had melted against his, and for a long moment he’d held her there.

But then he’d slowly let her go. Stepped away. And left, leaving her on the porch, wanting him so badly she could have wept.

What on earth was he doing to her? I’m a fool, she told herself. Restless, she climbed from her bed and went to open the window. Chilly morning air breezed in, tossing the lace curtains, tugging at her sleep shirt, and making her shiver. She took a deep breath, catching the sound of the wind rustling through the trees, sending a leaf here and there tumbling to the ground. Other than that, it was blissfully quiet. For the moment, Dove Pond was an idyllic, peaceful place. Still, for all the beauty surrounding her, the warm bed she’d just rolled out of, and the challenge Gray presented, Ella’s restlessness was growing.

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