Home > The Secret Recipe of Ella Dove(65)

The Secret Recipe of Ella Dove(65)
Author: Karen Hawkins

Time to go. That’s what she’ll be saying to me in a few days. He stabbed a green bean with more force than was necessary. “Are you ready for the bake-off?”

“Sunday can’t come fast enough. Way too many people in this town take this event far too seriously. Honestly, the only thing I’m looking forward to is the caramel apple cake demonstration with Aunt Jo. We’re doing it early in the day Sunday, and she’s super excited about it. I had to convince her that we didn’t need to wear matching outfits.”

“I would pay to see that. Aunt Jo is an event all by herself.”

Ella pretended to shiver. “Imagine her with a mic.”

“I’m afraid to. Mom said your assistant has been a big help with the bake-off.”

“Grace is over the moon about that, too, as it lets her and the committee focus on some of the other events.”

“I bet so.”

“Tiff and the crew are coming in Friday morning. They’ve reserved a block of rooms at the Last Chance Motel. Ava’s disappointed I didn’t invite them to stay with us, but I don’t think she realizes how young and loud Tiff and her crew can be. They need a place where they can socialize without keeping me up until all hours of the morning.” She winced. “I sound old, don’t I?”

“You sound normal. I’d hate that, too.” He watched her take the final bite of her meatloaf and smiled when she closed her eyes.

“Mm.” Ella pointed with her fork to where her meatloaf had been. “Amazing.”

“Mark’s a pretty good chef.” And a darned good brother, too, despite his overbearing ways. It was funny, but since Grandma had come to town, Gray had started appreciating his brother more.

When they finished eating, Ella put down her fork and leaned back in her folding chair. “That was delicious.”

“I hope you saved some room for dessert.” Gray set out the boxes that held their pieces of cake.

She opened the box. “There’s always room for coconut cake.” She took a bite and closed her eyes. “Oh my.”

He tried not to watch her lick her fork, and failed miserably. To regain enough of his ability to think to maintain the conversation, he feigned a huge amount of interest in his own piece of cake.

Ella looked around as she took another bite. “When are you moving in?”

“Soon, if things go okay. The hot water heater is being delivered tomorrow.”

“You have furniture here, then?”

“I’ve already set up my bedroom upstairs. My living room and dining room furniture is in a stall in the barn, under a tarp. I’ll bring it all in when they’re finished—”

She’d placed her hand on his knee. His jeans didn’t stop the wave of heat that instantly crashed through him.

Startled, he met her gaze.

She pointed to his hand. He still held his plastic fork. Curls of smoke were coming from it, and it was sagging, melting in his too-hot touch. He dropped the fork and pushed himself from the table. “Ella, no. We can’t do this.”

“Why not?” she asked impatiently. When he didn’t answer, she tilted her head to one side and frowned. “I can’t figure you out. Sometimes I’m sure you want me, but then you stop. Why?”

Tell the truth, Trav had said. It’s time. Gray raked a hand through his hair. “It’s like this. When we started talking again, I wanted it to be different. I wanted this—us—to matter.”


He nodded, wishing he knew what was going on behind her gray-green eyes. “I wanted to take things slow and for us to get to know each other without the distraction of the chemistry we have.”

“Can’t we do both?”

“I wish. But no, I don’t think we can. What we’ve been doing has been working, at least for me. We’ve been talking, Ella. Really talking. And it’s been wonderful.”

“Wonderful… and frustrating.”

He had to smile. “That too.”

Her gaze moved across his face as if searching for something. “I’m going to miss you when I leave. I didn’t expect that.”

That was promising, and it was far more than he’d hoped for. He slid his hands into his pockets and took the plunge. “There’s a solution to that. You could stay here. In Dove Pond.” With me. It was hard, but he managed to keep that last bit to himself.

“Gray, that’s… I don’t know what to say.”

“Then don’t say anything. Just think about it. But I know you don’t have plans after this, so why not stay here? Why not give us a chance, Ella? A chance for something that will last longer than a couple of too-short months?”

Her gaze moved past him to the window. “It’s beautiful here, but I… I don’t know, Gray. I want something bigger. Something more. Do you know what I mean?”

He did. Trying not to let her see how much those words hurt, he gave her a brief nod. “I guess that’s that, then.” He collected their trash and put it in the paper bag. “Would you like to see Adorbs now? I hear him calling.”

Ella’s gaze stayed locked on him. “There’s no rush, is there? We could go see Adorbs later.”

He was tempted. God, how he was tempted. She’s not going to make this easy, is she? “We should go now. He won’t stay near the fence for long.” Gray went to the door, opened it, and waited.

She crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair. “Maybe I want to stay here, with you.”

“I can’t do that, Ella. I’m not interested in one-night stands. Not with you. I want more than that. I want dates, and kisses, and intimate conversations, and anniversaries, and family dinners, and… hell, I want it all.”

“Gray, don’t.” She placed her hands on her knees and leaned toward him. “Look, I feel something for you. I do. But I can’t promise you more than this moment. I just can’t.”

“Why not? We’re good together. We always have been. You’ve enjoyed this past month, haven’t you?”

“I have. A lot, to be honest. But I don’t ‘settle down,’ and I don’t make promises I can’t keep.” She took a deep breath. “Once the bake-off is over and I’ve settled a few things, I’m leaving.”

Every word felt as if she were shooting arrows through him. He had his answer. There was precious little left to say. It took every ounce of effort he possessed not to argue with her, to try to change her mind, but he bit his tongue. “Do you want to see Adorbs before I take you home?”

Ella’s eyes looked shiny, but she didn’t offer another word of hope. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to say goodbye.” With a tremulous smile, she got up and walked past Gray, leaving the door open behind her.

He followed, wishing with all his heart he could find the words that might change things. She headed for where the cows had gathered by the fence under an apple tree. He matched her step for step, pausing only to take a deep, steadying breath, catching the scent of strawberries and coconut. He’d told her the truth, and now he had his answer.

“Hi, Adorbs.” Ella picked up an apple from the ground and held it over the fence. “I love these shaggy critters.”

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