Home > Moments Of Madness(31)

Moments Of Madness(31)
Author: T.L. SMITH

“No, because you are mine. Why would I let you go?” I say the words without even thinking. Her brows raise, and she gets this weird look on her face like she isn’t sure if she likes what I said but kind of does. I’m starting to read her better.

“I’m no one’s,” she whispers.

“You aren’t his, but you are mine, Kalilah. The thing is, though, I won’t trap you.” I pause. “Only when you like it.” I wink.

“But you did trap me,” she says, shaking her head. “You made me come here, and you locked me in that room.”

“I couldn’t have you living in that shitbag motel anymore, and you were too stubborn to accept help. Besides, if I was trying to trap you, would I have let you use my car?”

“I don’t want to belong to anyone.”

A knock comes on the door, and I turn to see the doctor and Kenzo. The expression on Kenzo’s face tells me he heard everything.

“Would you all mind giving us some space to work on the young lady, please,” the doctor says. He has been with us for many years and is incredibly loyal. He pats my shoulder as I pass him on my way out of the room. “Shut the door, please.” Kalilah’s eyes stay locked on me as I do as the doctor asks. When I’m in the hallway with the door closed behind me, I see Kenzo standing there staring at me.

“You’re in love,” he says, a smirk teasing his lips.

“I am not,” I grumble.

“You are.” He chuckles and heads downstairs. I follow him all the way to the basement door.

“Do we kill him now, or…” he inquires.

“Later.” I smile cruelly.

The worst thing about death is you know it’s coming, but not when.

That asshole will not know.

And every time we go in to see him, he will think, Is this the time I die?

Not today, asshole.

You have some hell to pay first.









The doctor checks me over and tells me he doesn’t think anything is broken, just badly bruised, then he sticks me with a needle and injects me with some meds. I want to laugh at him because it feels like my whole body is broken.

He is kind as he works, putting me at ease when he tells me about his family. Doc mentions how his wife gets shitty every time he leaves in the middle of the night. But he just shrugs his shoulders and smiles as he talks about her. You can tell he loves her. He proceeds to tell me about his child, who once went down an incredibly dangerous path, and the only people to bring him back were the Hunters. It’s why he’s indebted to them for the rest of his life. But he says it with a smile, like it’s no issue at all, being called in the middle of the night to come and fix up some strange woman. I guess when your son completely turns his life around to become a lawyer, thanks to the Hunter brothers, nothing is too much trouble.

When he’s completed his examination, I feel a little better. The drugs are finally kicking in, and my leg is stitched up. He told me to keep ice on my stomach and lip and that my stomach was going to cause me a lot of pain in the coming days.

When the doctor gets up to leave, Kyson is there. He looks to have showered and has changed clothes.

My eyes are becoming heavy, but the doctor turns back to look at me.

“It was lovely meeting you,” he says. The only thing I can do is give him a small smile as my eyes start to close. He turns to Kyson. “I want you to bring her in, possibly a few weeks, no later than a month. I would like to run a few more tests, make sure everything is doing okay.” I pop one eye open as Kyson nods. “I’ll come back in two weeks and grab some bloodwork to ensure she has no infections.”

I hear him leave and then feel the bed dip. I want to turn on my side and curl up into a ball, but my body won’t allow it.

“Sleep,” Kyson says.

And with that one word, I fall fast asleep with him right next to me.



The pain is a lot to take.

I flinch when I wake up for the bathroom. I feel Kyson jump next to me, half asleep himself. I was trying not to wake him as I got up, but I’ve obviously failed. The meds have worn off, and it hurts. And my bladder is letting me know in no uncertain terms I need to relieve myself.

“Fuck. Just wait, would ya.” Kyson gets up, naked, and comes around the bed. He opens a bottle of water and takes a couple of pills from the bottle. I stare at him, completely entranced.

“Where are your clothes?” I ask.

He looks down, seeming to forget that he has none on, and shrugs.

“You’ll need to shower soon to get rid of that blood, so I’m prepared to help you.” He smirks. Then he crushes the tablets and adds them to the honey on the spoon. He lifts the spoon to my mouth, and I swallow, my eyes on him as I do.

I notice his cock twitch.

I smirk, well, as best I can.

“Can’t help it, your mouth turns me on,” he says without me saying a word. He pulls the spoon out and hands me the water. “Can you wait at least twenty minutes until the drugs kick in? Might be more tolerable than to get up now.” I nod and stay where I am, not wanting to risk lying all the way back down after I have gotten this far. He grabs some pillows and stuffs them behind my back and then heads to the closet.

“I prefer you naked,” I say.

He looks at me over his shoulder, his steel-like ass still in view.

What a fabulous, smooth, toned ass he has. I’m jealous.

“Funny, I prefer you naked as well.” He returns to the bed and sits down at the end. “Do you want to talk? I suck at it, but if it helps you…” he trails off and simply stares at me.

“Where is he?” I ask, wanting to know where my asshole husband is currently being held.

“In the basement. Still alive. For now.”

“Do you plan to kill him?”

He clenches his jaw, then answers with one word, “Yes.”

“But those you kill can’t be found, right?”


“I’d need him found so I could remarry if I want.” My words seem to shock him if his wide eyes are anything to go by.

“You want to marry again?” he asks.

“I don’t know. But I want that option. And I don’t want him to take anything else from me.” He nods solemnly. “Don’t worry, Kyson, I won’t ask you to marry me.” His eyes find mine, and they narrow.

“Would you want to marry me?” he asks seriously.

“I need to pee,” I tell him, changing the subject. I know he doesn’t want marriage, and I don’t even know if I do it again either. But Tony has had so much power over me that it’s time I took it back, and this is something I can have.

Kyson stands and moves to my side, then he offers me his hand for support and places his other hand under my arm to assist me up so there is less pressure on my stomach. As I stand, my back curves to try to protect my stomach. All my muscles are aching, and they really don’t want to move even one inch. I can tell Kyson is about to tell me to sit back down from the worried look he gets for me.

“I’m fine. I got this,” I assure him.

He just looks at me.

I suck in a breath and hope that it will somehow dull the pain.

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