Home > My Roommate Is a Vampire(56)

My Roommate Is a Vampire(56)
Author: Jenna Levine

    This chapter describes several of the most popular modern methods for bringing a human to orgasm using one’s mouth. The key, as we will discuss in more detail below, is to obscure your fangs. At the end of this chapter, you will be guided step-by-step through a series of practice exercises that, when implemented in bed, will leave your human lover immensely satisfied.


Frederick convinced me to take an Uber with him back to the apartment. Though convincing was an overstatement; I’d agreed as soon as he’d suggested it. After all, he’d done amazingly well picking up the public transportation basics on our earlier El adventure. If he felt uncomfortable with the process of riding the train, we could try again another time.

   More to the point: Uber would get us home faster than the train. After what had just happened at Sam’s party, I was eager to get home as quickly as possible.

   It was obvious Frederick felt the same way. Once we were in our seat belts and our driver pulled away from the curb, Frederick’s hands were on me again—touching my shoulders, in my hair. He looked at me with a guarded, hopeful expression.

   I was only too ready to pick up again right where we left off. But first, I had some questions.

   “Taylor Swift, huh?” I smirked at him, enjoying the way he fidgeted in his seat. “You’re a Swiftie?”

   He winced a little at the term. “No. It’s like I said earlier. I just studied before the party.”

   “I guess you did.”

   He nodded. His fingers played idly with the hair at the nape of my neck, sending shivers of pleasure down my spine. “I wanted to be certain I’d have something to say to people at the party, and my research indicated she was particularly famous among people between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-eight.”

   “She is,” I agreed.

   His eyes fell to my lips, pupils dilated. His arm left his side and wrapped around me, pulling me closer. I could sense he was quickly losing interest in this conversation.

   “It only took me two hours after you were in bed last night to memorize everything I could about her. Easy cheesy.”

   I smiled, and was about to tell him that the expression he was looking for was easy peasy—but before I could form the words he was kissing me again, his lips achingly soft against mine.

   “Wait.” I pulled back a little, trying to catch my breath. I inclined my head towards our driver. “Maybe we should wait until we get home.”


   “We have an audience.”

   “Ah.” His eyes twinkled with mischief, a smug smile playing on his lips. Now it was my turn to stare at his mouth. Our faces were so close. “The driver can’t see what we’re doing.”

   I glanced at the driver. His eyes were on the road in front of him, not in his rearview mirror—which plainly showed me and Frederick tangled up in each other in his back seat.

   “He doesn’t see what we’re doing?”


   An uneasy chill crept down my spine. “Why not?”

   Frederick sighed, then pulled away from me, flopping back in his seat. My body protested at the sudden loss of physical contact.

   “Vampires have . . . a certain degree of magical ability.” He pulled a face, then made a seesawing motion with his hand. “No. Calling it magical ability isn’t quite it. Suffice it to say that I have the ability to do some things humans can’t. The vast majority of vampires can use some degree of glamour on humans to make things appear different from how they are in reality.”


   Frederick nodded. “Our driver thinks we’re each absorbed in our respective cell phones, keeping hands and all other body parts to ourselves.”

   I paused, processing this. What he was telling me—that vampires had the ability to make people see things that weren’t there—was more or less in keeping with vampire stories I’d heard over the years. Then, suddenly, something occurred to me.

   The prominent fangs I’d never noticed before I kissed him at Sam’s party.

   “Is that why I never noticed your . . . your teeth until tonight?” I raised an accusatory eyebrow. “Were you glamouring me, before?”

   He looked surprised. “I didn’t realize you noticed my fangs at the party.”

   I huffed. “Kind of impossible to miss them with my tongue in your mouth. Those things are . . . I mean, they’re massive. And really pointy.”

   Frederick fidgeted with his seat belt. “It wasn’t intentional, hiding them from you before. Generally speaking, humans are simultaneously a threat to us and our next meal. Using glamour to hide our fangs from humans in our midst is a self-defense mechanism. A reflex, really. When that particular glamour drops into place it’s usually as involuntary as breathing.” He rubbed at the back of his neck, adding, “The glamour only falls away again once we are completely comfortable in our surroundings. With people we trust.”

   He looked at me then, his gaze so open and guileless I understood at once the implication of his words.

   He trusted me.

   I could see, from my peripheral vision, that we were nearly at the apartment. A few minutes without a seat belt would be okay, right?

   Before I could talk myself out of doing it, I unbuckled my seat belt and crawled onto his lap, straddling him, as the Uber guy continued driving us home, oblivious. Frederick’s entire body went rigid, his thigh muscles flexing and tensing beneath me as I situated myself.

   His large hands slid up to clutch at my hips, his eyes so wide with surprise I couldn’t help but wonder how long it had been since he’d last been intimate with someone. He’d certainly picked up kissing quickly enough, but the little I knew about the era before he’d fallen asleep suggested he might not be used to doing much more than kissing.

   Would this be an opportunity for me to teach him some of the other modern skills he may have missed during his long coma?

   There’d be plenty of time to figure that out later.

   For now, I simply leaned forward until my mouth was at his ear, our torsos pressed together. Frederick’s breath hitched, his fingertips now digging into the soft flesh at either side of my waist.

   “Do you have any other magic powers?” I pressed a lingering kiss to his earlobe, my right hand trailing down his chest until it rested over his long-dormant heart. “Or is glamouring people the only one?”

   He chuckled, the reverberations of his laughter warm and gentle against my palm. “There’s one more,” he admitted.

   “What is it?” The car was parallel parking now, coming to a complete stop in front of our apartment. I pressed a kiss to Frederick’s lips; a promise of what was to come when I got him inside. “Tell me.”

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