Home > The Coworker(63)

The Coworker(63)
Author: Freida McFadden

“Do you think we will?”

Caleb gives me a funny look. I’ve gotten better at reading his facial expressions, but I can’t read this one. I don’t know what he’s thinking. Does he think we won’t end up together? Because I’ve been thinking more and more that I can’t imagine any sort of life without him. And even though he would be better off without me, I selfishly still want him.

“What?” I say.

Caleb doesn’t answer me. Instead, he drops down onto one knee. I stare at him and clasp a hand over my mouth.

“Dawn.” He fishes around in the pocket of his running shorts and comes up with a blue velvet box. He must have been holding onto that for a whole year. Waiting for the right moment. “Dawn, I love you so much.”

I can’t even speak. I don’t cry easily, but I feel tears gathering in my eyes.

A crowd is forming around us, now that people realize what’s happening. He opens up the blue velvet box. I let out a gasp at the ring inside. Instead of a diamond, he got me an emerald. It’s green. Like a turtle.

“Dawn, will you marry me?”

“Yes! Yes!”

Both of our hands are trembling as he slides the green rock onto my left fourth digit. Maybe it’s the endorphins from running, but I don’t think I’ve ever felt this happy. I was dead wrong a year ago when I thought I had experienced everything there was. I have so much left. I’m so grateful to Natalie for stopping me before I made the worst mistake of my life.

I’m glad I decided not to kill her after all.





Caleb and Dawn are so cute you could almost puke.

The crowd is going wild about Caleb’s surprise proposal. The two of them are going to be really happy together. They’re both wicked strange—it will be a good fit. God help any children they make together.

Of course, Caleb doesn’t know quite how dangerous Dawn really is. But if he finds out, it’s not going to be from me.

Seth comes to join me at the registration table, which is empty now that the race has finished. He throws one of his arms around my shoulders and grins at me. He’s been a lot more open about public displays of affection since his divorce went through last month. Melinda put him through the wringer, but she’s out of his life for good. And now it’s just us.

“You did an amazing job, Nat,” he says.

“Thanks. This is our best year yet.”

Dawn catches my eye from her spot in the crowd, where everyone is offering her congratulations. She looks a little overwhelmed like she always gets in large crowds, but she’s dealing with it. I give her a little happy wave, and she waves back. Dawn was a huge part of organizing the 5K this year. I wasn’t sure she would agree to it, but she loved the idea of honoring her best friend, who took her own life all those years ago.

Now it’s fourteen years later, and Amelia is still making a difference in our lives. We have raised a ton of money over the years from the 5K, breaking records this year. Even Detective Santoro made a sizable donation—a peace offering, I suppose.

And of course, I have skimmed my usual share off the top.

I’m careful though. I never take more than a small amount. Enough to help me pay for my lifestyle, but not so much that anyone will notice. Amelia owes me after all the trouble she got me into after her suicide. So many people blamed me for that and I had to resign as class president—one teacher even threatened to fail me! It wasn’t my fault she took her own life—she was weak. My God, it was just a stupid joke.

Last year I had to siphon off a little more than usual from the donations. I had to transfer the money back to the Vixed account before Seth figured out I had stolen from the company. If he had done a more thorough audit, I would not have been able to hide my tracks. But of course, I knew he wouldn’t. If he were more careful, I never would have gotten away with it in the first place.

I don’t feel guilty about it. Vixed is a huge company that’s earning record-breaking profits—our products are selling like hotcakes. Well, except for Collahealth, which had to be recalled a few months ago due to unexpected side effects.

Seth squeezes my shoulders, looking out at Dawn and Caleb, who are now holding hands. “Is this giving you any ideas?”

“I don’t know,” I say. “Is it giving you any ideas?”

“Maybe.” He winks at me. “I’m a free man now, you know.”

Things have gotten fairly serious between Seth and me over the last year. He had been devastated after I broke things off with him and was desperate to get me back. It’s flattering. Of course, the first time we were together, he was reluctant to break it off with his wife. He was meticulously careful to make sure we didn’t get caught.

So I helped move things along. I sent Melinda a little note about her husband’s extracurricular activities. She was devastated, but she didn’t leave him like I hoped she would. So I faked a few threatening phone calls from her, some scarily worded notes. I got Seth to believe his wife was going after me.

And then to my surprise, she really did go after me. Started threatening me for real. I had to back off, at least temporarily.

But she’s out of our lives now. I even managed to get a restraining order against her, not that little Melinda Hoffman is any real danger to me. She can’t hurt me.

I’d like to see her try.

And thanks to the generous donations to the 5K this year, I will have a little nest egg set aside to pay for my wedding dress. When we get married, I can give Seth the child he always wanted. It’s a happy ending for everyone. Well, aside from Melinda.

I stand with Seth, watching Caleb kiss Dawn yet again. They really do make a nice couple. And I’m glad Dawn came to her senses that night and didn’t jump in the water. It’s amazing how close that little mouse came to taking me down. She’s craftier than I gave her credit for.

She and I have an unspoken agreement now. I keep my mouth shut about Tara. And she keeps her mouth shut about all the money she knows I embezzled from Vixed. After all, Seth might be careless, but she isn’t. I knew the second I got that email from her asking to speak with me after work that she knew what I had done. A matter of great importance. That was why I was so desperate to speak with her. So desperate that I went to her house looking for her the next afternoon, which is where I discovered Dawn had vanished and there was all that blood on the carpet.

She wanted me to get caught for embezzlement. She wanted that to be my motive for killing her. But now I know one of her secrets too.

We will keep each other’s secrets to the grave.

Dawn may be dangerous.

But so am I.





Did you enjoy reading The Coworker? Click here to check out other unputdownable psychological thrillers by Freida McFadden, now available on Amazon!






I’ve been working on this book for fifty years.

Considering I’m not fifty years old yet, that’s probably not accurate, but it feels that way. I’ve been working on drafts of The Coworker—referred to in shorthand as “the turtle book”—for several years and several extremely different drafts. I have to be honest: the original beginning was boring. Everyone said so. It took like four rewrites just to make it not-boring (maybe… I hope).

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