Home > Time Bomb(11)

Time Bomb(11)
Author: KL Donn












Two nights in her bed, no funny business, and I know without a doubt, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. No one else I’d rather wake up next to for the rest of my life. I laughed at Hale and our dad when they told me I’d be an instant goner when I found the one.

I thought they were full of shit. I didn’t believe in all the fairytales of love. I’ve never done the flowers and romance, but Ophelia has me rethinking everything. She has me feeling like a new man.

One I like infinitely more than I thought possible.

“You’re smiling,” Conley Nichols grunts. He’s not big on change and is overly superstitious.

“And?” Anything bad happens, and he’ll be blaming me now. I know it. I just don’t give a fuck about it.

“Shits about to hit the fan,” he says, going back to cleaning the engine.

“Put your crystals away, Nichols. Happiness doesn’t mean doom,” Kai Watson comments and throws a rag at him as I pass.

“It fucking better not,” he mutters to me.

Stowing my shit, I get ready for my next rotation and grab the paperwork off my desk, left from the last shift’s lieutenant. Nothing exciting happened for them. A couple of accidents, a kitchen fire, and an older couple needed help changing the batteries in their smoke detectors.

As much as I enjoy the adrenaline from a call, I won’t pass up a quiet shift either. Doing mundane things like helping the elderly and assisting on a medic call when needed. Fire means the possibility of death and assured destruction. If there were a way to avoid that for everyone, I’d happily hang up my turnout gear and walk away because it means my city is safe from a debilitating blaze.

Sadly, I know that’s not reality. Fire is fire, and it will always be around; there’s no avoiding it. Just teaching safety to prevent it. Which is what I’m doing today with a second-grade class from a local school. It’s fire prevention month, and I intend to make the most of it.

“Decker!” Turning when I hear Chief Hamilton calling me, I see him waving me to his office.

I don’t hesitate to answer his call. The man is fair, but he has a temper. “What’s up, Chief?”

“You’re taking Nichols with you to the school. He needs to brush up on his interpersonal skills. Kids will put him in his place.” I force back a choked laugh. He has no idea how right he is. Kids can be ruthless as fuck.

“You got it. Anything else?” He shakes his head, a clear dismissal.

“Nichols, grab the school gear. You’re with me today.” He lets out a groan and drops his head back. I don’t bust his balls because I know he'll have gotten over his whining by the time we arrive at the school. He always does.

Waiting for my fellow firefighter by the community truck, I decide to text Philly. We never made solid plans before I left her this morning, and I’d like to rectify that.

Me: Hey gorgeous. Any chance I can convince you to come over tomorrow night?



While I don’t want to push her, I can’t let these opportunities pass me by. I work a risky job, so I know how fragile life can be. I fully intend to grab on with both hands and never let go. Not if I can help it.

Philly: Hmmm. Maybe.



Frowning, I don’t like her response.

Me: I’ll be by after my shift.



Nichols comes out, and I pocket my phone. I hate compartmentalizing, but in my profession, we have to. So, when I feel my phone buzz with her response, ignoring it nearly kills me.

“Let’s get this over with,” Conley grumbles as he gets in.

The afternoon passes quickly as we play games with the kids, teach them about fire safety, and finally finish with the rest of the guys bringing the rig by the school so the kids can explore the inside. That’s always what they want to do, but it doesn’t happen until we ready them for the scenario of a possible fire.

“Kids were good today,” Conley comments as I’m helping the last one out of the engine. His mood has shifted, and I think it has a lot to do with the cute teacher who has been blushing on and off all afternoon whenever he gives her a smidge of attention.

“You’ve got five minutes,” I tell him as I begin packing the rest of our stuff.

“For what?” He’s genuinely confused.

“To get her number. I suggest you hurry before she disappears inside and you have no reason to go back in there.” I grin when he blinks at me before turning and taking off.

They talk for a minute before she finally gives in and hands over her digits. He comes back, staring at the piece of paper in his hand, a huge grin on his face. “Thanks, Lieu.”

Giving him a pat on the shoulder, we head back to the station behind the truck, and when we pull into the lot, I’m surprised to find Ophelia sitting on the bench outside the firehouse.

“Philly, everything alright?” I’m barely out of the truck before all the guys are watching her with keen interest.

“Fine.” A blush works up her cheeks when she notices everyone staring.

“Go do something!” I shout, but they ignore me. Having a visitor at work is an anomaly for me.

“Are you busy? Am I interrupting?” Her fingers fidget with the package in her hands.

“Nope. Just got back from a presentation at a school with a bunch of grade-schoolers. What’s going on?” Taking the box from her, I circle the other around the back of her neck and drag her in for a searing kiss. It wasn’t planned; my body acted of its own accord. I don’t regret it, in any case. Any chance to get my hands or mouth on her is one I’m going to capitalize on. Slipping my tongue past her lips, I take what I want, what she needs, and I give everything back to her. Her fingers dig into my chest as she pushes up on her toes.

Deepening the kiss, I use her hair to tug her head back to angle her to my liking. A sexy little moan slips from her mouth, and I swallow it down. Needing more. So much fucking more.

Hoots and hollers are the only reason I pull back but only barely. Her eyes are hooded with lust, and my dick presses so hard into her belly that I’m confident she feels it. When her hands begin petting up and down my chest, I’m tempted to take her lips again. If only there were no witnesses because now, she’s blushing for an entirely different reason.

“I can never get enough of you,” I say to distract her.

“I brought cookies.” Her lusty eyes slant to the box I almost forgot was in my hand.

“You brought me something?” Christ, could she get any sweeter? Her head nods up and down as she attempts to take a step back. I don’t let her; I need her close.

“It’s no biggie. They were extras from the store. Laken suggested I bring them here. Avoid temptation for her, and all.” Her shoulder shrugs like this is no big deal, but it’s a fucking huge deal because it means she’s thinking of me.

Trailing my hand along her neck, across her shoulder, and down her arm, I grab her hand, bringing it to my mouth so I can kiss the top. Nibbling on the inside of her wrist makes her giggle. A sound unlike anything I’ve heard.

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