Home > TYRANT(16)

Author: R.K. LILLEY

Even Heath laughed at that one.

“Iris likely is,” Heath said, laugh dying, serious again. She was his sister, so he knew better than anyone how diabolical she was. “She could pull it off, too.”

“See? My God, she is scary. Do you understand how scary she is, Dair?”

He was smiling fondly at his much younger wife. She saw him, winked, and shook her barely covered, perky ass in his direction.

He was so far gone, I didn’t know why I bothered.

It was like he’d totally forgotten her scorched earth campaign to take his soul. She’d pursued him like a detective on a hot case and upended his whole life in the process.

My eyes narrowed when I saw what they were doing then. “Do you see this?” I asked loudly.

“See what?” Dair asked good-naturedly.

“What they’re doing!”

“Shots? What’s the big deal?”

“Tequila shots!”

I watched them all—except for a pregnant Iris—down the tequila feeling somehow helpless. .

I was certain that it was not a good idea for inexperienced Ro to be doing stuff like this, but I had no clue, and no right, to stop her.

Lourdes broke from the other women and moved toward us with a smile. Well, not us. Toward Heath, her very scary husband.

She was a stunning woman, sex on a stick from the top of her black wavy hair, her bedroom eyes, down her tanned, toned body to her pastel pink toenails.

I remembered all of this mostly from memory. I tried not to look at her directly these days. As I’ve said, her husband was a scary motherfucker.

Not that she’d given me a shot even before she’d met the man, but I’d at least been able to look.

Lourdes joined Heath on his lounger. He pulled her between his legs, her back to his front.

They made a striking couple, him huge, tall, muscular and blond with a golden tan. Her a few shades darker, graceful, lithe, long limbed and just lovely all over. She was some fifteen years older than him, but no one would have guessed it. The woman took care of herself and had some stellar genes to boot.

She murmured something to her husband in her sexy as sin accent. Heath started kissing her neck, his big hands on her toned stomach.

I tried not to notice. I also didn’t bother to tease them about it. He was a little too scary even for that.

Dair had no qualms. “Get a room, Heath,” he said cheerfully.

Heath growled at him. Growled. Like he was a pit bull and Dair had just gotten between him and his food dish.

Lourdes laughed, a low, rich, sexy sound.

I couldn’t help it. “You’re one to talk,” I told Dair. His PDA with his wife was quite notorious. They’d desecrated several rooms in this very house.

I was distracted from my thoughts when a movement caught my eye. The music was loud, Ro had hired a decent DJ for the occasion. Lots of people were dancing, but only one person stood out to me.

Ro was wiggling in her tiny bikini, shaking her ass like it was a Polaroid with Iris and the girls.

“No.” I shook my head. “No.”

I kept watching. She was practically unrecognizable. Her luscious dark, silky hair was down and hugging her curves, her glasses replaced with heart-shaped shades. She was barefoot, hands up in the air while she pulled off some pretty sultry moves.

“Don’t look at her,” I growled grumpily at no one in particular.

It was possible, likely even, that I was talking to myself.

Dair’s head whipped around in surprise. He studied me. “Who could you be talking about?” he asked.

I scowled. “Ro. In that teeny tiny bikini.

“I wasn’t looking at her,” he pointed out. “I was looking at Iris. But why don’t you want me looking at Ro?”

“She’s wholesome,” I said the word with the gravity it deserved. “She should not be acting like this.”

“Acting like what?”

I waved my hand around at her. “She’s drinking tequila! Shaking her ass like she knows what she’s doing! I didn’t even know she drank alcohol! How has she stayed so innocent this long looking like that, moving like that and drinking tequila?”

Dair was laughing. So was Heath. So was Lourdes.

“What is wrong with everyone?” I asked the world. “Is it me? Have I lost my mind?”

“Yes,” said Heath succinctly.

“Absolutely,” Dair agreed.

Lourdes just kept laughing.

Ro did a little move just then with her hips that filled my veins with a heady, electrifying rush.

Why couldn’t I fuck her again?

Just then I simply could not remember.

I snapped.






I WAS MOVING before I’d even realized it was happening. I was on her in a few long strides.

“A moment, if you please,” I said tersely, grabbing her arm and tugging her determinedly around the pool and back into the house.

I took her straight to my office, shutting the door behind me before I said another word. It was an act of utter restraint, when restraint was the last fucking thing I was known for.

She was in front of me, and I pushed her straight to my desk. She was stiff and quiet.

Very, very quiet.

I took a step back, my eyes raking her body, top to bottom.

With a curse, I turned her around, grabbing her hips to perch her outrageously cute, shapely little bottom on the edge of my desk.

I set her precious little heart-shaped shades up on her head so I could see her eyes.

I loomed over her, glaring down.

“You’re not just cute.” My voice was an accusation. “You’re sexy.”

My breathing was labored, like I’d just been running miles instead of walking a short distance through the house.

“What are you wearing?” I asked her pointedly.

“A swimsuit,” she said in that deadpan way of hers. “It’s a pool party. You told me to participate.”

“You do realize it doesn’t fit you, though, right? There’s clearly not enough material to cover your—” I couldn’t even say the word, just waved in the direction of her generous chest. “Where did you get it? It’s indecent! I thought you were modest!”

She huffed. “It fits fine, and Iris let me borrow it. I didn’t have any two-piece suits, and the girls convinced me that I’d stand out if I wasn’t wearing a bikini.”

“Well you shouldn’t listen to them. If I don’t get to corrupt you, they shouldn’t get the privilege either! It’s not fair.”

She was smirking at me. I wanted to bite her in some very creative places. “You’re twisted. Unhinged. Out of control.”

I ignored all that because she was right, and there was nothing I could say about it. “And what was so fucking funny out there? You and I joke all the time, but you never laugh like that for me.”

“Sometimes I do. And girlfriends are different. Besides, your humor isn’t the laugh out loud kind. You’re a different kind of funny.”

She was trying to appease me.

I wanted to shake her. And fuck her silly.

My eyes were on her chest. Her not at all hidden, glorious chest. I was studying it with abject disapproval.

She was a tiny little thing, from her itty bitty hands to her petite feet, which made her abundant, over-spilling breasts and perfectly shaped, plump ass seem all the more disproportionate.

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