Home > A Royal Christmas(35)

A Royal Christmas(35)
Author: Melody Carlson

“You look so regal,” Maya said as they rode the short distance to the coronation in the limousine. “You sure you won’t miss all this?”

Adelaide shook her head. “I’m ready for freedom.”

“But being queen should feel like freedom.” Maya still didn’t get it. “You have everything you could possibly want. Clothes, cars, furs, jewels, the palace, and—”

“They’re not really mine,” Adelaide tried to explain again. “They belong to the royal family. I’m just temporarily using them to represent the kingdom.” She glanced to Lina. “Isn’t that right?”

Lina smiled. “For such a short reign, you do seem to understand. Perhaps better than most royals.”

“Meaning royals are entitled?” Maya questioned

“I suppose those who grow up with privileges do tend to be entitled,” Lina responded.

“So, wouldn’t that describe Prince Farcus?” Maya challenged them. “He grew up as a prince.”

“Yes, but his situation was a little different.” Adelaide pulled the sable coat more snugly around her neck. “Prince Farcus was so much younger than my father, he didn’t get much of the limelight. Most of it was focused on his brother. I think my uncle thought of himself as sort of the black sheep.” She looked to Lina. “Is that how you perceived him?”

“Maybe. I know he wasn’t very popular with the people.” Lina’s expression was thoughtful. “I think perhaps he was misunderstood.”

“Do you know him well?” Maya pointed to Lina.

“Well enough.” Lina tugged on one of her leather gloves.

“Why do you think he never married?” Maya persisted. “Isn’t he in his forties?”

“He’s forty-five,” Lina said. “And he’s had a number of women in his life, but for some reason he’s never settled down.”

“A confirmed bachelor?” Maya patted a stray strand of hair back into place.

“I hope not.” Adelaide felt a little uneasy about Maya’s pushy questioning, but understood her curiosity. “I think a king or a queen needs a partner. It can be pretty lonely.”

Maya nudged Lina with her elbow. “What about her?”

“Maya!” Adelaide couldn’t help but laugh, but she tossed her friend a warning look. “I don’t think Lina needs a matchmaker.”

But Maya looked determined, still eying Lina. “Is it that you don’t like Prince Farcus? Or is he too old for you?”

“Well, he is five years older.” Lina fiddled with the latch on her evening bag. “But that’s not much.”

“And you seem like you’d make a good queen,” Maya continued.

“Maya,” Adelaide put an edge into her voice. “Stop needling Lina.”

“It’s all right.” Lina smiled at Maya. “To be honest, I used to admire the prince . . . from a distance.”

“Aha!” Maya pointed to Adelaide. “See, I was onto something, and you didn’t even know it.”

Thankfully, they reached the cathedral, and all talk of Lina and Farcus was set aside. Still, Adelaide couldn’t help but wonder if Maya really had been onto something. She also wondered if she, as a member of the royal family, might be able to give this theory a few gentle nudges. Her uncle could do far worse than Lina. And yet, she reminded herself, a marriage for love was far better than one of convenience.


Before and during the coronation, Adelaide made sure to keep Lina nearby. Partly because she really needed her help and partly as a way to bring her to her uncle’s attention. The coronation ceremony went off just as smoothly and was very similar to the one two weeks ago. Except that it was Adelaide who was allowed to crown her uncle King Farcus.

Though she would probably never admit it, the ceremony was bittersweet. She was glad to be free of the royal responsibilities and the loneliness, but a part of her had hoped to use the crown to really serve the people of Montovia and to make her father proud. Her extremely short reign had come to an abrupt end.

As she stood on the sidelines, listening to the choir singing before King Farcus made his first speech, she looked up to where sun was streaming through the stained glass window and imagined her father smiling down on her. It was almost as if she could really feel him—like his hand was on her shoulder with the comforting assurance that she’d pleased him. God’s plan in God’s time. Two weeks had been exactly right.


Adelaide felt like she was floating as she and Maya went down to the ballroom for the Christmas Eve party and coronation celebration. She had never felt so free and unburdened since arriving at Montovia. It was as if all the heaviness had been lifted, and she was able to simply enjoy herself. Tonight she wore an emerald green satin gown. This, too, had been selected by Lina, whose fashion sense was so flawless, Adelaide wondered if she’d be able to dress without her. The stylish gown, Maya had pointed out, matched Adelaide’s eyes almost perfectly. Adelaide also wore the diamond necklace, which King Farcus had told her belonged to her. As well as the fur coat.

“Those were gifts from your father. You must keep them!” her uncle had finally proclaimed as they went over final loose ends together. King Farcus still wanted to know her plans for the future. He’d encouraged her to remain in Montovia and make it her home, but as she told him and everyone—including Maya, who asked hourly—she wasn’t sure where her home was anymore.

“You look beautiful,” she told Maya as they went down the palace stairs to the first floor.

“Thanks to Lina.” Maya ran a hand down her burgundy lace skirt. “That woman is amazing. A fashionista with a brain.”

“Speaking of Lina, you remember the plan for when we enter the ballroom?” Adelaide asked under her breath.

“Yeah. I’ll go sit by Albert and his wife while you and your uncle cut the rug.”

Adelaide frowned. “Cut the rug?”

“That’s what my grandpa calls dancing.”

Adelaide smiled as they entered the ballroom. Filled with formally attired guests, the room smelled of enticing food, and quiet music played from the orchestra ensemble. The celebration was ready to begin. As planned, King Farcus, who was seated at the royal table, would stand to welcome Princess Adelaide to the party. The ensemble would play the national anthem with King Farcus saluting the flag and Princess Adelaide a few feet behind him. Then the ensemble would start to play “The Royal Waltz,” and Adelaide would dance with the king. This had been Lina’s idea, and Albert had heartily agreed. Just one more way to reassure everyone that this had been a peaceful and congenial transfer of power.

After their dance ended, King Farcus and Princess Adelaide were expected to choose new partners, and the dance floor would be open to all. At Adelaide’s suggestion, her uncle would invite Lina to dance. Secretly, Adelaide hoped to spy Anton and ask him to join her. However, as she and Farcus twirled about the floor, she discreetly surveyed the guests but didn’t see Anton anywhere. Her heart sank. Was he even here?

The waltz ended, Farcus bowed, and the princess curtsied as the crowd cheered. While the musicians played a brief interlude, the two royals set off to find their next partners. Lina, as instructed, was waiting nearby, looking glamorous in a silvery blue gown. She took the king’s hand with a smile on her face. Adelaide, feeling a bit lost, gave up on Anton and decided to ask Albert instead. She was halfway to him when she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. Turning around, she felt her face light up at the sight of Anton. Looking incredibly handsome in his formal attire, he smiled as he took a deep bow.

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