Home > Death in the Romance Aisle(47)

Death in the Romance Aisle(47)
Author: Lynn Cahoon

   “Well, don’t forget to schedule your next appointment. If you let it grow out, it won’t stay that way. Beauty takes maintenance.” He took her cape off. “Pay Salena and make your next appointment with her. I’m heading to the back to take a breath.”

   When Rarity got back into the car, Jonathon nodded his approval. “You look amazing.”

   “Thanks, but I have something better. Trish didn’t keep her hair appointment on the Saturday that Janey died. And she wasn’t happy with Jayne working for me in retail.” She started the car. “We still have time for breakfast. Are you hungry?”

   “Starving.” He held up his notebook. “And I got the next chapter plotted out, so when we hit the bookstore, I can keep writing.”

   * * * *

   By the time they got back to Sedona, Jonathon had already texted Drew with the information about Trish’s missed appointment. So much for having an alibi. Rarity was sure the Tuesday Night group would have a lot to say about this new information, but she wondered if Drew wouldn’t find the killer before the sleuthers’ club even had time to theorize. Trish was her main suspect. The evidence didn’t totally support her decision, but the motive fit. And now she could have done the deed.

   She opened the bookstore, and Jonathon made his way to his table to set up his mobile office. Rarity walked through the building, checked the locks on the back door, and then reviewed Caleb’s plan for the upcoming book club. By the time Shirley arrived at nine, she’d gone through most of the checklist. She handed Shirley the clipboard and a pen. “Here you go. I’ve checked off everything I’ve already done.”

   “Why is Jonathon here?” Shirley nodded toward his writing table.

   “He’s my bodyguard. Well, until you get here. Then you are.” Rarity laughed at Shirley’s face. “I’m joking. Drew just doesn’t want me alone at the bookstore.”

   “That makes sense. Well, Jonathon, before you leave, please go out to my SUV and get the treats. There are two trays and a box filled with sodas. I grabbed a bag of ice as well and a tub to put all the drinks in.” Shirley pulled out a book-themed table covering. “Rarity, you can help me with this while Jonathon brings in the food.”

   “I live to serve.” Jonathon threw the two women a hand salute.

   Rarity laughed and elbowed Shirley. “Thanks, Jonathon. Shirley and I appreciate your help.”

   “Oh, yeah, thanks,” Shirley muttered as she smoothed the cloth on the table. “I’m so nervous to lead a group of teenagers. Babies are easy. I feel like I’m walking into the lion’s den today.”

   As the time for the book club got closer, people started coming in. A few parents came in and bought some books, including the next month’s club read, but then they’d leave, telling their kids they’d be back in an hour or would meet them somewhere downtown. By the time the group started, the only people in the store that were over eighteen were Rarity, Shirley, and Jonathon, who was still trying to work on his laptop.

   As Shirley started the group, he came over and leaned on the counter, watching the group. “It’s a little loud in here to write.”

   “Do you want to use the back room? You’d be doing me a favor. I keep having to shoo couples out of there who think it’s a great place to make out.”

   He snorted as he went to get his laptop. “I’ll go play mall cop for you. I’m pretty sure one look at me would stop all those hormones fast. Maybe we should pair up this group with your Mommy and Me class so they can see what can happen if they’re not careful.”

   Rarity laughed, and Shirley glanced over to see what was happening. She turned to check on Killer, who had tucked himself into the bed she kept behind the counter as soon as people started to show up.

   “I’ll stop bothering you so you won’t get in trouble.” Jonathon went around the counter and through the door to the back room.

   Rarity pulled out the book that the group was talking about and tried to finish reading it. She only had a few more chapters, and before Shirley led the group in a discussion of the cliffhanger ending, Rarity had finished. She tucked the book under the counter and picked up next month’s book. It was still considered YA, but this time, there was a mystery involved. She started reading the book and was surprised when she was interrupted by a young woman with a stack of books to purchase. Shirley’s club was over, and the kids were either hurrying out or wandering through the bookstore. One couple tried to go into the back room but must have seen Jonathon, because they’d backed out and then went outside.

   Rarity smiled at the girl standing in front of her. “Did you enjoy the book club?”

   The girl shrugged. “My mom said if I went, she’d give me fifty dollars to buy more books with. So I came. She’s always trying to get me out of the house. My sister, she loves hanging out with her friends, so Mom worries about me.”

   The girl was so honest, Rarity wasn’t sure what to say. She decided to focus on the books. “Well, we’re glad you came. And these are all amazing choices. I’ve heard good things about all of these, but I haven’t had time to read them. Maybe you could write a review for our newsletter on one of them sometime.”

   The girl blinked. “You want me to write a review?”

   “I’d love it. I don’t have a lot of staff, so readers’ reviews are hard to come by. I’d love to have a book club member reviewing books that we don’t get to cover in the club.” Rarity was making this up as she went along. Then she had a brilliant idea. “I could pay you with a book club credit. If your writing is good enough, that is.”

   “I always get As in English, and I’ve been reviewing on Goodreads for about a year. My mom always reads them before I post, just in case there’s a problem.” She handed over the fifty-dollar bill to pay for her stack of books. “You’re not kidding me, right?”

   “I’m not. It’s a bona fide offer. I’m Rarity Cole. I own this place.” Rarity handed her back her change and a receipt. “ So what’s your name?”

   “I’m Staci Patterson. My mom was your real estate broker. I was so excited to get an actual bookstore in town. Before, I’d have to beg her to take me to Flagstaff or buy them online.” She pushed back a curl that had fallen in her eyes.”

   “Nice to meet you, Staci. Come by when you have a review for me to consider.” Rarity saw Staci’s mom standing outside the bookstore in the courtyard. She waved at the woman she’d worked with to buy the building. “Your mom’s here.”

   As Rarity finished up the last few purchases, Shirley came by and helped put books into bags and to say goodbye to the few remaining stragglers. Finally, the bookstore was empty. “Well, that went better than I’d expected. I was hoping Caleb would show up and help me, but I muddled through.”

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