Home > Pride High _ Book 3 - Yellow(33)

Pride High _ Book 3 - Yellow(33)
Author: Jay Bell

“Looks like it has a…” He hesitated. “A tape player of some kind?”

“Even better,” his father said, reaching into the back seat for a cardboard box. “I’ve got all the music you’ll need right here.” He tilted the box, revealing cartridges, each the size of a small paperback.

“Oh my god,” Anthony said with a snort. “Are those 8-tracks?” He remembered playing with them as a child and marveling that it was possible to switch to another song with the push of a button. Not the start of the song, like with CD players, but usually somewhere in the middle.

“Go ahead!” Joe said, smiling like a madman. “Pick one.”

Anthony gingerly selected one at random. “The Doobie Brothers?” he read aloud.

“That’s right,” Joe said proudly. “If you want to get your boyfriend in the mood, just put that baby on. Actually, go ahead and start ‘er up. Let’s go for a quick drive.”

“Okay,” Anthony said, feeling a thrill as he turned the ignition for the first time. His own car! Rarely had he felt so cool.

The effect was dampened somewhat when his father slotted in the 8-track cartridge and a jaunty little tune began playing over scratchy speakers.

“What a fool belieeeeeves!” his father sang, hitting the high notes surprisingly well.

Anthony noticed that the windows weren’t powered, which meant the neighbors continued to be serenaded as they drove around the block.

“This is so cool,” Anthony said when parking in front of the house. “Can I take it out later with my friends?”

“Hey, it’s your car,” Joe said. “Do what you want! Just be careful. If you wreck it, we won’t fix it. That’ll be your responsibility. Cars cost money, even after you’ve paid them off.”

“I’ll be careful,” he promised. And he meant it, because he was already dizzy with newfound freedom. He’d be able to go anywhere, whenever he wanted! Hell, he could even park and sleep in the back seat if need be, like a mobile hotel room. Speaking of which, he couldn’t wait to show Cameron.

“Thanks, Dad!” Anthony said as they walked toward the house.

“My pleasure, son.” Joe patted him on the back on the way inside.

“Do you like it?” Anthony’s mother asked when meeting them in the entryway. She seemed just as insecure about the choice of car.

“I love it,” he assured her, raving about his favorite details before he went downstairs.

To his surprise, the party was jumping. As in, people were literally jumping around and dancing to the B-52s while Fred Schneider sang about shaking his comic thing. His voice had an edge of queerness to it, making Anthony wonder if he was gay too. He intended to ask Silvia, before noticing that she’d been coaxed out into the middle of the floor by Omar, whose entire body was gyrating to the rhythm. Anthony stared for a moment—because the boy sure had moves!—until Cameron appeared at his side.

“Got a moment?” he asked.

Anthony raised an eyebrow flirtatiously. “For what?”

“I want to give you your present. Somewhere private.”

Anthony shook his head. “Why does everyone keep doing that?”

“Gee, I don’t know.” Cameron fought against a smile before continuing. “Maybe because you’re picky and opinionated?”

“Oh stop,” Anthony said, thwapping him playfully. “I just take my interests seriously.”

“I like a guy who knows what he wants,” Cameron said. “But I really am nervous about this one. Can we go to your room?”

“I have a better idea.”

Anthony led him outside. Cameron was just as excited about the car.

“No more having to borrow my mom’s station wagon!”

“Definitely not. I’ll take you anywhere you want to go. You’ve given me and the others enough rides. It’s my turn. Although I might need to bum some gas money off you on occasion, until I get a job.”

“Aren’t you gainfully employed already?” Cameron asked as they got inside. “I thought you were a big shot reporter for a local paper.”

“It’s true,” Anthony said with an intentionally vain air. “But I do it because I’m passionate about my work. Which is good, because they can’t afford to pay me.” The only money he made was fifty bucks in store credit from Right Round Records each month, for the music reviews he wrote. “What do you think?” he asked, nodding to the back seat.

“Plenty of room for love,” Cameron said with a smile, although his expression became more somber as he took a flat envelope out of his jacket pocket. “What did Omar give you for your birthday? A bag of dead bugs?”

“Huh?” Anthony laughed. “No, we only do the gross-out presents for Christmas. He made me a greatest hits video of our best sketches and home movies.”

Cameron swore under his breath. “That’s a great idea.”

Anthony eyed him for a moment. “It’s not a competition.”

“I know. It’s just…” Cameron sighed and handed him the envelope. “I want points for trying.”

Anthony was puzzled. The envelope wasn’t the standard greeting card size. It was longer, like something you’d get in the mail. He opened it and took out the contents. As he unfolded a sheet of paper, two tickets fluttered down to his lap.

“What’s this?” Anthony asked. “Concert tickets?”

“Yes,” Cameron answered hurriedly, “but not for one of your favorite bands. I really tried too. Omar was the one who suggested the idea, because he said—”

“That I’ve never been to a concert,” Anthony finished for him. “Which makes me feel like a fraud, because music is supposed to be my thing.”

“Not in so many words, but yes. I teamed up with Silvia when choosing a band. Morrissey isn’t touring. Neither is The Cure.”

Anthony couldn’t wait any longer. His jaw dropped as he read the information printed on the tickets. “Nirvana?” he asked in disbelief.

Cameron squirmed. “I know they don’t make your regular rotation or anything…”

“Hey, I listen to them more than you realize. Nirvana is undeniably good! I just try to hide my appreciation for them because I’m a snob.”

“You’re not,” Cameron said, still appearing vulnerable. “You’re wonderful.”

“These tickets are wonderful!” Anthony said, holding them up. “My first concert is going to be Nirvana! And we get to see them in downtown Kansas City at Memorial Hall? That’s about as cool as it gets!”

Cameron perked up. “Really?”

“Yes!” Anthony said with a laugh. “Thank you.”

“I’m so relieved! I had to stand in line for hours to get those.”

“Totally worth it. Now we have something to look forward to.” The concert wasn’t until October, but that was okay. Anthony would use the opportunity to delve into Nirvana’s music, so he was prepared.

“It doesn’t have to be us,” Cameron said. “If you’d rather go with Silvia, because you both like music so much, then that’s fine. Or with Omar, since he’s your best friend.”

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