Home > Pride High _ Book 3 - Yellow(55)

Pride High _ Book 3 - Yellow(55)
Author: Jay Bell

“You’re a man of integrity,” Anthony said, nodding in approval. “I don’t suppose your goal is to become principal someday?”

“Never,” Mr. Finnegan said with a theatrical shudder. “No, I will always be a newsie at heart. What about you? Do you think writing will factor into your future career?”

“Yes!” Anthony said instantly. “Just don’t ask me how. I spent most of the past few years convinced that I’d be working in a recording studio.”

“Doing what exactly?”

“Having stuck-up opinions about music, of course.”

“You could become a critic. Your reviews have certainly resonated with your fellow students, from what I’ve gathered. But I wouldn’t limit yourself to such a narrow field just yet. Not before you’ve had a chance to romp through other pastures. On that note, I’d like to speak with you about your class selection for next year, in particular the creative writing elective.”

Mr. Finnegan paused when a group of students walked by. One of them noticed Anthony and snorted before whispering to his friends, “That’s the gay guy!” This was followed by snickering.

Anthony shrugged it off. “It’s probably the hair,” he explained, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Mr. Finnegan wasn’t amused. “Let me tell you a secret about creative work,” he said. “While it often doesn’t pay much, it does come with one hell of a perk: Anything ugly that life throws at you goes into the larder of inspiration, allowing you to turn it into something beautiful. Much like you did with the article you wrote. Not everyone who was touched by your words is gay. Human emotions and experiences are universal when you strip away the details. Mastering that language isn’t easy, as you are discovering, but think of each bully as a tutor and each injustice as a test. You’ll look back someday and recognize that small-minded people and unkind circumstances never had any power over you. But they can, if you allow it, empower you and your creative endeavors.”

Anthony took a deep breath. Then he nodded his understanding. As much as he tried to shrug off little slights, he was still human, and it did hurt. But in the future, he would recognize that he was getting stronger, and wiser, with each hardship that he survived.

— — —

Ricky’s heart was pounding in anticipation or fear. He wasn’t sure which. Probably both, because this was a big risk that would lead to a huge moment. His first time with Diego! Ricky was determined to make it happen, even if that meant getting in trouble again, but he’d taken every precaution. He crept to his bedroom door and turned around, staring at his bed while pretending to be a concerned mother. It sure looked like someone was sleeping there! Although the hair visible above the sheets was way too crazy, even for bed head, so he walked over, sat on the edge of the mattress, and stroked the wig Mindy had loaned him.

“Go back to sleep, sweet boy,” Ricky cooed before laughing. He quickly covered his mouth. After listening to make sure the house remained silent, he patted the head affectionately. Then he began playing the bongos on it so he could hear the hollow sound of the cantaloupe he’d used. Barely resisting another fit of laughter, he adjusted the bundles of clothes he’d used to create the curve of a body beneath the sheets. After returning to the door to check again, Ricky felt satisfied.

Creating the illusion that he was still in bed wasn’t the only precaution Ricky had taken. He had waited. The first week of his ungrounding had been extremely frustrating. All his friends were busy after school, either with the play, their jobs, or in Anthony’s case, detention. That had forced Ricky to return home each day, his dad continuing to arrive earlier than usual to check on him.

The weekend had been better. Ricky had hung out with Anthony on Saturday. They’d gone to Archie’s Pizza Pi to visit Omar at work and to play video games. Embarrassingly enough, his mother had called Anthony’s house to confirm he was there. Then his father had shown up at Archie’s to pick up a pizza. And to spy on him, of course. They probably thought that Diego would meet him there, not understanding that his estranged boyfriend didn’t get along well with the others.

Cameron had stopped by on Sunday, but even then Ricky’s mother had made way too many excuses to check on him, as if they would start sucking on a bong the second she turned her back.

These experiences made him feel justified in being so cautious. He’d wanted nothing more than to see Diego over the weekend but had resisted. Good thing too. Now it was Monday night. His parents were tired from working all day. They would never expect him to make a move now. And if they did, his cantaloupe-headed doppelganger would throw them off the scent. Unless it started to ferment. Then the smell would give him away. But he intended to be back before that happened.

Only one obstacle remained in his way. He needed to sneak out of the house without getting caught. Ricky shut the bedroom door behind him, and took the stairs one at a time, pausing whenever his weight caused a creak. He went to the rear of the house instead of the front, figuring the sliding glass door that led to the backyard would make the least noise. And it was farther away from his parents’ bedroom. Ricky opened the door with the same excessive care as the stairs. Once his bare feet were on the cold stone of the patio, he turned and closed the door. Then he made a break for it, running across the yard and out the side gate, only stopping to grab the shoes and socks that he’d hidden behind the air conditioner unit. He didn’t bother putting them on. All that mattered to him now as he jogged down the sidewalk was getting away. He only slowed when turning the corner, but when he saw the Trans Am waiting for him, he broke into a sprint.

Diego got out and opened the passenger side door for him.

“Hi!” Ricky said before leaping inside.

He was pulling on his socks and shoes when Diego got in.

“Good thing you finally showed,” his boyfriend said. “I was about to use my boner like a battering ram to break down the front door.”

“It can’t be that big,” Ricky said.

Although he was about to find out!

Diego was looking him over with an amused expression. “Why are you wearing pajamas?”

“In case one of my parents woke up when I was trying to sneak out. If I was fully dressed, it would have been impossible to explain.”

“Good thinking,” Diego said as he started the car. “Ready to go?”

“Almost.” Ricky climbed over to kiss him. Repeatedly. He only stopped when he had a vision of his parents rushing down the street while calling his name.

“I can’t wait to get you home,” Diego said, revving the engine before he peeled out.

“I thought Frankenstein was supposed to be a slow monster,” Ricky said as they raced through town. “If we get pulled over…”

“Good call,” Diego said. He eased off the accelerator.

There! If only his mother could see them now. She thought Diego didn’t have his best interests at heart. And yes, maybe he was a little reckless, but not intentionally so. Diego really cared about him!

“I’ve missed you,” Ricky said, nearly choking on the confession.

A smile tugged at Diego’s cheek. “Yeah?” he asked, glancing over. “How much?”

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