Home > Pride High _ Book 3 - Yellow(81)

Pride High _ Book 3 - Yellow(81)
Author: Jay Bell

The line clicked and went dead. Silvia’s heart was heavy, when mere moments ago, it had been soaring. But she wouldn’t let the call get her down. Something was broken between them, and now that she knew she was staying, Silvia was more determined than ever to fix it.

— — —

Anthony basked in the full-body relief that always accompanied the end of the school day. He was going over to Ricky’s house to watch another episode of Batman: The Animated Series, the second of a two-parter. Afterwards they would probably raid his fridge, hang out in the backyard, and gossip about boys. Mostly their own, which was great. The mere idea had him grinning, although the expression faded when he noticed Graham Fowler and his goons hanging out next to a row of lockers.

Anthony quickly averted his gaze while keeping them in his peripheral vision. He noticed Graham nudge his friends and nod in his direction just before he passed them. Anthony counted under his breath. When he reached ten, he risked glancing over his shoulder. Graham and some other guys were walking behind him. But maybe not because of him. This hope was dashed when the slurs began.

“Where ya goin’, fag?”

“Dude is so gay it turned his hair pink!”

“What’s the rush, homo? Gotta get to the truck stop?”


“My dad told me that gay guys hang out in truck stop bathrooms. You know… To suck cock.”

“Fucking gross!”

Anthony rolled his eyes. As long as they kept their distance, he didn’t care what the idiots had to say about—

Someone shoved him from behind, causing him to stumble forward. “Would you stop?” Anthony snarled as he spun around.

He was face to face with Graham and four other guys, and even though none of them were as big as their ringleader, he didn’t value his chances.

“Or what?” Graham sneered.

“Or you’ll be sorry!”

It was a bluff, but on TV shows, standing up to a bully was all it took to scare them off. Which was complete bullshit, judging from the way Graham and his cronies laughed. Anthony swallowed his pride and turned around to keep walking. Faster this time while scanning the halls for a friend. Omar, with his skateboard preferably, since it would make a nice weapon. Or even Ricky, because despite being small, he knew a thing or two about self-defense. He was probably waiting next to Anthony’s car at this very moment. So if he could make it there—

Someone shoved him again. He didn’t turn around this time. He picked up the pace, hateful cackles hot on his heels as he resumed his search for a familiar face. When he found one, his relief was short-lived, because it was Diego. Anthony locked eyes with him anyway, his fear meeting apathy. He felt something hook his ankle as he was shoved again. Anthony fell, landing painfully on his palms and knees before someone put the bottom of their shoe against his butt and pushed. His face almost slammed into the floor, but he managed to roll to the side and onto his shoulder.

“I guess fags have limp wrists and limp ankles,” Graham joked.

To a chorus of laughter.

Anthony wasn’t sure if he should get up or stay down. He was frozen with indecision when a black boot landed right next to his face. Except the tip was pointed toward him instead of away. He looked up, following cuffed jeans up to a brown leather jacket, and saw Diego staring down at him with his usual scowl. He cocked an eyebrow before offering one of his huge hands. Anthony stared in disbelief for a split second before he grabbed it like a lifeline. Diego pulled him to his feet—literally—Anthony’s shoes scrambling to find purchase. He still stumbled when Diego let go of him, but he didn’t fall.

“Boy, when it rains it pours,” Graham crowed. “This school has a serious infestation of homos!”

“It’s been overrun by roaches for years,” Diego retorted. “Even though I keep stomping on them.”

He took a step forward, which was enough to make the other guys back up. All except for Graham, who was trying to hold his ground, despite the transparent fear on his face. “What’s the big deal?” he snarled. “I thought the chink was your bitch. Or are you buttfucking them both?”

“What did you call him?” Diego growled.

“The—” Graham swallowed and glanced around for support. The only person still at his side was Troy, who was standing in front of Anthony and glaring like they were about to square off. “The Asian guy,” Graham finished lamely.

“That’s my boyfriend,” Diego said. Then he hooked an arm around Anthony’s neck and pulled him in close. “This is my bitch. Got a problem with that?”

“It’s fucking disgusting,” Troy spat.

“Nobody asked you to watch,” Diego replied easily, as if they were having a casual conversation. “Get your own piece of ass instead of chasing after mine.”

Graham made a face. “We weren’t—”

“Get your own!” Diego growled.

Troy looked to Graham. So did the others. They all seemed nervous.

“Whatever,” Graham said. “You’re both gonna burn in Hell.”

“I’ve already been there,” Diego replied. “They made me their king.”

Graham clearly didn’t know what to make of this. Anthony thought it was badass. And kind of scary, but hey, as long as that burning sword was pointed in someone else’s direction…

“I could wipe the floor with you,” Graham huffed, “but I’d probably get AIDS when you started to bleed so…” He walked around them and kept going. The other guys managed halfhearted laughs before following.

Diego finally released him.

“Thanks,” Anthony squeaked while rubbing his throat.

“I didn’t do it because I like you.” Diego pointed down the hall. “I did it because I hate him.”

“That’s fine,” Anthony said. “I appreciate it anyway. No matter your reasons.”

Diego shrugged and resumed walking.

Anthony hurried to keep up, even though he was moving deeper into the school. “Can we talk?” he asked.


“Okay, then I will, and hopefully you’ll listen, because I’m sorry.”

Diego stopped, raised his face toward the ceiling, and turned toward him with a sigh. “For what?”

“Everything,” Anthony said. “We messed up. When we were younger. We didn’t know how to deal with any of it.”

“Oh yeah?” Diego asked with a scowl. “Because it sure seems like you came up with a solid plan and stuck to it. Just treat your best friend like he died along with his dad. Easy, right?”

“No,” Anthony said with a swallow. “It wasn’t easy, but I—”

“Wanted Omar all to yourself.”

Anthony shook his head. “That wasn’t the reason.”

“You sure about that?”

“I want more of him. All right? It wasn’t about having him to myself. I just wanted more. You wouldn’t understand. Or maybe you would. I don’t know.” Anthony exhaled. “Ricky is meeting me in the parking lot. If you want to say hi to him.”

Diego shook his head. “Don’t think this gives us common ground. Because it doesn’t.”

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