Home > Reunited on Sugar Maple Road(66)

Reunited on Sugar Maple Road(66)
Author: Debbie Mason

As he walked over to help move the barriers blocking Main Street, he heard what sounded like Em needs you.

Josh rubbed his ear and looked around. There was no one there. He started walking again and another whisper sent a chill down his spine. It was a male voice, and this time it was stronger and insistent. Em needs you. Fire. Seaton House.

If Em hadn’t told him she’d seen and spoken to Brad, Josh might’ve hesitated, he might’ve second-guessed himself, but he couldn’t take the chance this was real and Em was in danger.

He raced across the road to his truck and pulled out his phone. “Report of a fire at Seaton House. I’m on my way.” He disconnected from HFFD and jumped in his truck. His tires squealed as he backed onto Main Street and turned the wheel sharply, pressing the pedal to the floor as he headed for Sugar Maple Road.

He tried calling Steve, and then Charlie’s mother, thinking they might have gone home after the parade. They were close to Seaton House and could rescue Em, if she needed rescuing. Neither of them answered. Josh tried Em but it went straight to voice mail, and then he started to pray.

Swaths of light from the street lamps illuminated the interior of his truck, and he looked around. There was no one in the cab with him. He didn’t know what he’d been expecting. Maybe that he’d see Em’s fiancé’s ghost like she did or at least sense a presence? But there was no discounting the voice he’d heard. Besides that, he believed Em.

“I’m driving as fast as I can, Brad, but I might need some help keeping her safe. I know you loved her first, and I know how much she loved you, loves you still, but I’m hoping she has enough love left for me. Because I’ve gotta tell you, man. I’m in love with her.”

And right now, he couldn’t care less if he was Em’s second choice or if she didn’t love him as much as she loved the ghost of her fiancé. If she told Josh she loved him and wanted to be with him, no one would be happier than him.

He slowed down as he reached the hairpin curves along the river. He wouldn’t do Em any good if he died. Even though Brad didn’t know what he was thinking, he felt bad for the thought. “Unless someone has figured out a way to throw their voice and they’re pranking me, which to be honest, I’m kind of hoping is the case because that means Em isn’t in danger. But after what she’s told me, I have a feeling it’s you, Brad. Any chance you can give me a sign that I have your blessing? I know I don’t need it but I’d like to know you’re okay with Em moving on with me,” he said, looking around the truck.

He didn’t know what he was expecting. Maybe lights to flash or his radio to turn on and off. But none of that happened; the only he thing he smelled was his old cologne. The scent filled the cab of his truck.

Josh smiled. He wasn’t wearing Armani; he was wearing the new cologne Em had given him. He’d thrown out the last of the Armani the night of his party. “Thanks, man. I appreciate that more than you know. Em told me what you said to her, that you wanted her to move on, find love again, and be happy. I’ll do my best to make her happy, and if she comes out of this okay, and I’ve gotta believe she will, you and the baby can move on. You don’t have to worry about her anymore, Brad. I’ve got this.”

He turned onto Sugar Maple Road. The Camaro was parked in Em’s driveway. He considered checking her place first, but then he saw the smoke billowing up into the night sky. It was coming from Seaton House. He sped down the gravel road and jerked the steering wheel to the right, driving his truck through the gate. He braked hard in front of the steps. As he jumped out of the truck, racing for the front door, he heard the sirens. They were close.

He touched the doorknob. It was hot. He jumped off the steps and ran around the side of the house, heading for the kitchen door, praying that the fire hadn’t gotten that far. But it wasn’t the flames he had to worry about; it was the smoke. He took off his jacket and tied it around his mouth and nose and then he went in through the kitchen door. It was smoky and the fire was spreading fast but he had a feeling, thanks to Brad, he’d gotten there in time. Now he just had to find Em. He called her name.

“Here! We’re trapped in the basement,” she yelled, pounding on the other side of the basement door. Gus was there too and it sounded like Charlie and Mike were also locked down there with them. Josh tried the door but he couldn’t get it to open. The fire was licking up the walls in the entryway.

“Stand back from the door.”

“Okay. We’re good,” Em called a few seconds later.

He took a run at the door, putting his shoulder into it. The door shuddered but didn’t open. It took him three tries. On the last try, the door flew open, hitting the basement wall. “Come on!” Josh beckoned them with his left arm, so relieved to see Em—even if she didn’t look like his Em—that he barely felt the pain in his shoulder.

“Out the kitchen door,” he told the boys as they ran past him. Em disappeared from view. He started down the stairs. “Em, what are you doing?”

She came back in sight holding a flashlight and ran up the stairs with Gus following her. “How did you know we were here?”

He lifted his chin. “Later. We’ve gotta get out of here.”

Several firefighters ran into the kitchen. “Anyone else in the house?”

Josh looked at Em. She shook her head. “No. It was just us.”

“I’m going to get them away from the scene,” Josh told one of the firefighters as he ushered Em, the boys, and Gus away from the house. “We’ll be across the road if anyone needs to speak with us. I’ll have someone check them over.”

The firefighter gave him a thumbs-up while relaying Josh’s message over his radio.

“I’m fine,” Em said as they hurried along the path to the road.

“Humor me, please.” He leaned forward, looking past the emergency vehicles to get the four of them safely to the other side.

The front yard at Seaton House was lit up like it was two in the afternoon. It was crawling with members of the fire and police departments. An HFPD patrol car pulled alongside the road and Todd jumped out, heading their way.

Em and the boys were on their phones. Josh murmured to Em, “Just go along with what I say.” He planned to tell her the truth when they were alone but no one else. They’d think he was crazy.

She frowned, searched his face, and then nodded. “I texted Bri and Cal and your parents so they know we’re all right.”

“Thanks, and now, if you don’t mind, I need to kiss you.”

“Good.” Her face relaxed, and she smiled. “Because I need to kiss you too.” She glanced at Charlie and Mike, who were grinning. “Close your eyes, boys. You too, Gus,” she said as she put her arms around Josh’s neck.

At the weight of Em’s forearm on his shoulder, his knees buckled, and his eyes watered. But when her soft, warm lips touched his mouth, the excruciating pain lessened on a flood of emotion.

Someone cleared their throat, and they raised their heads to see Todd grinning at them.

“I knew you two were meant for each other,” he said. “But it would’ve been nice if you figured that out sooner. Like before they paid out on the betting pool.” His expression became serious as his gaze moved from Em to the kids to Gus. “You’re all good? No one’s hurt?”

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