Home > Truth (Consequences #2)(114)

Truth (Consequences #2)(114)
Author: Aleatha Romig

Claire interjected as she smiled toward Tony, “I was telling him the only time I’d been there -- was with you.”

Tony placed his arm around her back. “We did go there, didn’t we?”

Courtney said, “I hate to leave this get-together, but we have a lot to do before the rehearsal and dessert celebration.” She addressed Tony and Claire, “You two will be there, won’t you?”

Unsure of their plans, Claire looked to Tony. He replied, “Of course, we will. That’s why we met tonight. I hoped Claire’s reintroductions would be easier if she could meet first with friends. Hopefully this will allow her additional support with increased people.” His arm gently squeezed his ex-wife to his side. She smiled appropriately to his friends.

“Well, you have ours. Oh, Claire,” Courtney asked, “Could I have your cellphone number? I’d love to talk more after the wedding.”

A flashback of a similar situation years earlier entered Claire’s thoughts. Before she could answer, Tony responded. “Courtney, I’ll give her your number tonight. She can call or text, and then you will have each other’s number.”

The women nodded. “We will do that.” Claire said with a smile. Maybe things do change, she pondered.

“Now if you’ll excuse us, we need to say our good-byes,” Brent offered as they turned to leave.

Tony stopped them. “Wait, we should probably go, too. Claire’s had a pretty emotionally packed day. Besides, I believe the four of us need to speak privately. Perhaps, out by the cars?”

Claire’s insides suddenly twisted. She refused to look toward the Simmons; what could he want to discuss privately? Did he know about their clandestine relationship and support?

“All right,” Courtney managed, “But we do have a lot to do.” Her tone sounded as if she were agitated by the delay; however, Claire knew the same concerned inflections would be present if she spoke. So she didn’t.

Tony thanked Tim and Sue for hosting the dinner and the four of them said goodbye to the others. However, before they could leave Sue and asked, “Could you please wait just a minute?” Without waiting for an answer she hurried away toward the stairs.

Courtney seized Claire’s hand. “I think she’s going to get Sean. He’s upstairs with the nanny.”

A lump developed in Claire’s throat, recognizing Sue’s ultimate gesture of acceptance. Through pleading eyes she looked to Tony, silently conveying her desire to stay and see Tim and Sue’s son. He shrugged. Claire turned back to Courtney, “Can you stay for a few more minutes. I know you have a lot to do, and Tony wants to talk...”

“Oh, I always have time for babies. Wait until you see him.” Turning to Brent she asked expectantly, “How long do you think it will be until Caleb and Julia make us grandparents?”

“I’m not old enough to be a grandparent.”

Courtney laughed, “You are, and so am I. But I don’t look like it!”

“No you don’t.” They all lightheartedly agreed.

Moments later, Sue appeared with a pajama clad, very blonde, little boy in her arms. He alternated nestling into his mother’s shoulder and peering at the people around him while all the while, his little arms wrapped tightly around Sue’s neck.

“Claire, I wanted you to meet Sean. I’m sorry. This is past his bedtime and the poor little guy is getting tired.”

Claire’s heart melted, “Hello, Little Guy, it is nice to meet you.” She looked at his small frame, calculated Sean’s age and asked, “He is what, about fifteen months?”

“Almost,” Sue smiled. “He’s so much fun, getting into everything and learning new words every day.”

Tim approached the group; Sean held out his arms. Tim lovingly swung his son into his embrace and added, “Believe me; it makes you think about every word, when little ears are listening.”

The attention made Sean awaken. He smiled mischievously at the Simmons, Tony, and Claire, while intermittently hiding his face in Tim’s shoulder.

“Thank you.” Tears teetered on Claire’s lids as she reached out tussling Sean’s soft curly hair. “I think you might have some difficulty getting him back to sleep.”

Everyone scoffed jokingly and said goodbye.

Tony and Claire followed the Simmons’ out to the cars. Stepping away from the brightly lit home, Claire noticed the black velvet sky sprinkled with millions of stars, exactly as she’d remembered. Pulling her attentions away from the beautiful sky, Claire braced herself as Tony began to speak addressing all three of them.

“I am doing my best to be honest with Claire. And I expect the same from her.” Swallowing, she attempted an innocent expression as he looked down at her and continued, “That is why I thought we should get this out in the open.”



There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...

not going all the way, and not starting.

- Buddha



Chapter 44



“Tony, I think the Simmons’ need to...”

Tony interrupted Claire’s attempt to avoid this discussion. “This won’t take long.” He turned to Brent. “I’ve trusted Brent with many things through the years.” Claire saw Brent’s stance stiffen. Were they all about to be reprimanded? Tony went on, “That’s why I wanted him to be the one to tell you about his progress regarding your brother-in-law.”

Brent visibly exhaled. Apparently, Claire hadn’t been the only one holding her breath. “Yes,” Brent said, looking at Claire as relief shone from his tired eyes. “Well, it seems some new information has come to the attention of the New York State Bar Association. This hasn’t been released to anyone, not even John. If my informant is correct, this new information will cause his case to come up for review soon. We are hoping the review will result in the reinstatement of his law license.”

Claire sprung skyward and clasped her hands with the news. “Oh, thank you.” The tears teetering in the house now spilled onto her cheeks. “Thank you, Brent. Thank you, Tony. I won’t say a word. When will you know if it will be up for review?”

Brent answered, “It’ll take a few months. I should be kept apprised of updates.”

Tony offered his hand to Brent, “Thank you,” he shook Brent’s hand. “I apologize for delaying your departure, but I wanted Claire to hear it from you.”

Courtney’s relief made her giddy, “That’s all right. However, now we need to go. I’m so glad this was good news.” Reaching out for Claire’s hand, “Now you need some rest. Tony’s right, you’ve had too many things thrown at you. Look how emotional you are.”

Claire nodded and managed, “We’ll see you tomorrow night. And, I’ll call.” The words spoken out loud felt liberating.

Tony grasped Claire’s hand, and they walked back to the silver Batmobile. As he opened her door, he bent down and whispered, “A man of my word.”

She smiled all the way to her emerald eyes and kissed his cheek. “Thank you, I really mean that.”

The country roads wound like a ribbon before them. Claire closed her eyes and tried to comprehend the evening. There were so many things to think about. Yet, the only vision which managed to find its way to her consciousness was Sean, the way his pudgy little arms encircled Sue’s neck, his giggle as Tim propelled him in the air, and his security at landing on Tim’s strong stable shoulder. Would their child ever have that? Would Claire’s baby have a father willing to embrace him unconditionally?

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