Home > Truth (Consequences #2)(134)

Truth (Consequences #2)(134)
Author: Aleatha Romig

“Yes, Ms. Nichols. I’ve already shared with Mr. Baldwin that your baby’s vitals are strong.”

“Mr. Baldwin?” Claire asked, puzzled.

“Yes, he said that the two of you...” the doctor’s face blanched. “I know that I shouldn’t have, but I guess I assumed. Ms. Nichols, I’m sorry.”

Claire couldn’t stop the tears. Oh my god! Harry knows I’m pregnant and thinks it’s his! Her thoughts came with such velocity her head spun.

“My head hurts – Doctor.”

“Ms. Nichols, you hit your head very hard. You don’t show signs of a concussion; however, the MRI indicated you’ve had one before.”

Claire nodded. That’s what Dr. Leonard said after her accident. “Yes, I did. That was a while ago. Does that matter now?”

“Well, yes. Any damage to your brain after a previous injury is significant. You also have bruised ribs. You are quite lucky they aren’t broken. Again, I saw evidence of past broken ribs. Ms. Nichols, were you in an automobile accident, in the past?”

Claire inhaled; the action caused her side to hurt. “I had an accident in 2010. Will any of that affect my baby?”

“No, we have pain medicine that won’t hurt your baby. I want you to get some rest. If you do, we can probably release you tomorrow or Thursday.”

Claire’s mind reeled, “Thursday? What day is it?”

“It’s Tuesday. You’ve been unconscious for about thirty hours.”

Thirty hours, why wasn’t Tony here? As happy as Claire was about her baby being healthy, Tony’s absence caused equal sadness. “Please send Mr. Baldwin back in.”

“I will, but you have an entire waiting room of people. Would you like me to let them all come see you?”

“Harry told me they were here.” She failed to sound happy.

Dr. Sizemore squeezed Claire’s hand, “You have a great support system. I apologize for sharing your secret, but everyone is thrilled.”

Although the aching in her heart made it difficult, Claire tried to smile. “Thank you, Doctor, just Mr. Baldwin, please.”

Dr. Sizemore left Claire’s room. Moments later, Harry peered his light blue eyes around the tall, imitation wood door. “May I come back in?” he asked bashfully.

Claire nodded through her tears. “Harry, I remember your voice when Chester was hurting me; please tell me what happened.”

Harry sat on the edge of Claire’s bed, took her hand, and inhaled and exhaled. Chronologically he recounted the events of Sunday night. “I left you at your door. Oh Claire, I’m so sorry I didn’t go in with you.”

She touched his arm. “I remember you weren’t too happy with me. It’s okay.”

“I went to my place and began looking for the number for Chinese take-out. My phone started ringing. It was a blocked number. The first time, I’m sorry to say, I ignored it. The second set of rings I gave in....”


“It was your ex-husband. I wasn’t in a friendly mood. He was talking so fast I had a hard time following. Basically, he knew someone was in your condo and wanted me to get to you as soon as possible. Honestly, I thought it was some kind of set up. I mean, I’m right there, he’s across the country, how could he know what’s happening in your condo?” Harry paused, “I must agree,” he said with a grin, “Anthony Rawlings can be very persuasive. I expected to find you doing inventory in your room. I used my key and entered.” He shook his head.

“Thank you, Harry. I think you saved my life. Mr. Chester said something about taking me...or me going with him.”

“It was his van we saw in your space. Do you remember that?”

Claire nodded. The action made the room lose focus. She closed her eyes, laid her head back, and tried to keep the world still.

“He had a note ready and supplies in the van. Claire, he planned on kidnapping you and ransoming you, to Mr. Rawlings. He wanted more money.”

Claire felt the world slip away... she was supposed to be kidnapped???

“Claire?” Harry’s questioning voice kept her earthbound. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

She looked to the soft blue eyes staring down at her.

Harry continued, “I’m so sorry. You tried to tell me we needed to talk -- I was an ass. I keep saying the same thing, but I want you to know that I’m really sorry!”

“What happened to Patrick Chester?”

“When I started to open the door I heard the commotion in the living room. You were on the ground and he was...” Claire saw the anguish in Harry’s expression; she turned her hand and squeezed his. He continued, “He was pulling you by your hair.” Harry took another breath, in and out. “I screamed at him and at the same time, building security and Phil, you know, the guy you call your bodyguard? They came rushing in. Chester freaked. He started to reach for something. I think we all assumed it was a gun. The security guard shot first.”

Claire listened in horror. “Is he dead?”

Harry nodded. “By that time you were unconscious. This is entirely my fault. I never should have taken you to his house. I never suspected he would see you as a...”

Harry’s voice trailed away as voices in the hall became loud and angry. Claire heard John’s rising above the fray, “You are not welcome here. I can’t believe you would have the nerve to show your face after all you’ve done.”

“I want to see her.”

Claire’s heart leapt -- Tony. “Oh, it’s Tony!” She couldn’t hide the happiness from her voice or expression while simultaneously seeing the pain in Harry’s. “Didn’t you say his call is what got you to me in time?” Harry nodded. “Then don’t you think he should be able to see I’m all right?”

“I don’t think in your condition you need to be upset by him.”

Claire closed her eyes as tears slid down her cheeks, “Please, Harry, before he and John exchange blows.”

Begrudgingly, Harry rose from the side of her bed and walked toward the voices. When he opened the door, the harsh words came even clearer to Claire. She heard Harry above the others, “John, stop. Claire wants to see Mr. Rawlings.”

Emily’s voice prevailed, “I haven’t even seen her yet. She’s my sister.”

“Claire wants to see him now.”

“Thank you, Mr. Baldwin.”

Although Claire heard restraint in Tony’s words, the deep baritone voice filled her with relief. Tears trickled from her eyes as she turned toward the door frame and saw her two men. She remained silent as Tony offer his hand to Harry and the two men shook. It was then she noticed Tony’s wrinkled shirt and slacks, his unkempt hair and evidence of a three day beard. Harry looked as equally unkempt; it was just not as unusual to see him in that condition. They both walked into the room. Though she tried, she couldn’t read Tony’s expression. She watched as he took in her appearance and slowly approached her bed. She wasn’t sure how she looked, but suspected by his darkening eyes and protruding neck muscles, it wasn’t good.

The silence turned deafening as Tony’s presence overtook the small hospital room. Claire turned to see Harry watching Tony suspiciously. She suddenly feared he would try to stop Tony’s progress. Breaking the tension Claire spoke to Harry, “Please give us a moment alone.” She saw his indecision. “Harry, I promise I’ll be fine.” Her words broke Tony’s trance.

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