Home > Truth (Consequences #2)(147)

Truth (Consequences #2)(147)
Author: Aleatha Romig

“Hopefully?” Claire asked.

“Your transaction must be complete. Temporary identities are one thing; securing a permanent identity with a new residence is expensive.”

Claire nodded. She wondered how much money the Switzerland account held.



Phil left Claire at a cafe in Burlington, a suburb of Cincinnati. From there she called a taxi which took her to the Cincinnati International Airport. She had to admit, he was smart. The curbs at the airport had video surveillance. With this plan, if she were to be identified, he wasn’t connected.

Claire realized she was flying international with nothing more than a carry-on; Phil supplied her with the basics. She would need to purchase everything else new in Italy. His plan provided her with enough starter cash to sustain her until she completed her financial transaction in Geneva.

The first security check was unnerving. Claire summoned every mask she’d ever worn. Once she passed to the other side of the check point and nodded to the last TSA agent, she sighed with relief. From that point on, Ms. Lauren Michaels confidently met each agent and scan head-on.

Lauren was thirty thousand feet in the air, crossing the Atlantic Ocean, by the time the police finished searching Anthony Rawlings’ estate. The striking green-eyed woman with deep amber hair rode economy-class, wedged between a mother with a sleeping child and a man in a cheap suit. The man to her left was not only a barrier to the aisle, but after he consumed too many seven dollar beers, his attempts at flirting made her debate the pros and cons of committing assault and battery.

It took all her self-restraint to not pull the large diamond from her purse and wiggle it under his nose. In her daydream she curtly said, “Leave me alone, jerk; I’m engaged.” But sadly she realized that was no longer true.

The diamond was the only instruction from Phil, Claire didn’t follow. She could leave her Prada purse, her overpriced clothes, and her Cartier sunglasses... just not the ring. Claire closed her eyes and remembered the afternoon she’d finally accepted it...

It was a Saturday; Tony was working from home. She’d spent most of the morning out in the gardens. Before, when they were married, Claire longed to work in the gardens, planting and tending his beautiful plants. Back then she worried it wasn’t appropriate. Now she didn’t care and didn’t ask. One day she started talking with James, the gardener. He helped her find the tools. Tony never complained. On the contrary, he delighted in her hobbies, often asking questions about her plants and supporting her desire to get her hands dirty and tend the small living things.

On that particular Saturday, after digging, dividing, replanting, and weeding, Claire decided to cool off in the pool. Tony must have seen her swimming. She’d only been in the cool water for a few minutes when he joined her. While they talked and swam in liquid bliss, he reached for her hand. Seeing the dirt still under her nails he mentioned, “I think you need a manicure after all this manual labor.”

Claire giggled and pulled her hand away. “I wasn’t planning on having anyone look that closely. Besides, I haven’t had a chance to shower yet.”

“Now that sounds intriguing!” His eyes twinkled as his lips formed a mischievous grin. “In the meantime, I know a way to deflect people’s attention from your nails.”

She was holding his shoulders and the moment for no particular reason felt right. Later, Claire decided it was the ordinary calmness she liked; nothing special, just realness that comes with every day. Her answer surprised him, “Well, that shower I’m about to take...” Her emerald eyes returned his sparkle. “Perhaps if you can figure a way to bring the ring in there, I’d slip it on. I mean...” She cooed into his ear, “I wouldn’t want it to go down the drain.”

Grasping her growing waist, he gently pushed her away and stared deeply into her eyes. Claire remembered feeling the familiar tug as his gaze lingered. “Are you finally saying yes, you will be Mrs. Rawlings again?”

She nodded and kissed his neck. Her insides tightened at the sound of his responding growl. When her lips finally released his neck, she replied, “I’m willing to go from dating to engaged – can we not rush the married part?”

His dazzling smile melted her completely. Claire wanted the shower, the ring, and whatever would come next. However, his gaze turned serious as did his tone, “There is one condition.”

After trying so long for her to accept his proposal, the addition of a stipulation surprised Claire. “Yes?” she asked tentatively.

“I don’t want to have to track it down again. Do not sell it, give it away, or leave it any place but on your beautiful finger.” It was one of those non-debatable statements.

Nodding with a seductive smile, Claire whispered, “I promise.” She sealed the deal with a lingering kiss.

She couldn’t leave the ring behind.



Three days later...

Tony stared at the monitors in his office. The large screen was sub-divided into many smaller screens. At the top was a live feed from outside his office door. He didn’t want intruders. Below were multiple smaller screens changing constantly with various locations on the estate. The bulk of the screen held two videos. He controlled the speed and sound of each one. On the left he saw Claire in his garages, rushing to the key cabinet and removing the key to a Mercedes Benz. In the lower right corner the date read: 01/17/12. On the right was the video of Claire walking casually to the key cabinet which no longer held a lock. He watched as she removed the keys to a BMW and calmly walked toward the car. The date in the lower right corner read: 09/04/13. Repeatedly, he paused the action and scrutinized the scenes. With all his might he tried to read Claire’s facial expressions.

In twenty twelve, he saw fear as Claire looked nervously all about her. On the video recorded only days earlier, Tony wondered what he saw. No, he knew her look; it was a mask of steely determination. What he didn’t know was the emotion hidden underneath.

The police also saw the twenty thirteen video. They believed it proved she left of her own free will. But if that were true, wouldn’t she have taken more belongings? Wouldn’t she have taken more money? She had access. She had credit cards and an ATM card... yet they were all found in an Illinois hotel.

At nearly two in the morning, Tony was all alone. The various screens displaying the estate were devoid of people. Everyone was fast asleep. Even the crickets outside his open windows knew to leave him in silence. Yet, with no one to hear, he spoke the question he’d been wrestling with for days, “Why, Claire? Why?” In one gulp he downed the amber liquid from the crystal tumbler. Though the rich Glen Garioch Whiskey went down smoothly, it didn’t ease the ache in his head or the pain in his chest.

His facade of the last few days successfully drained his strength. Tony knew he needed sleep, but how could he sleep in their bed? He couldn’t even stand to enter their room or see the unfinished nursery. It was the not knowing that hurt the most. If he knew she was safe. If he knew she did this of her own free will... but he didn’t know. Last time -- in 2012 -- he knew. And the pain he’d put her through back then added to his current torment.

In the past few days he’d spent untold amounts of money, had private and public agencies search every inch of Iowa, the surrounding states, country – damn -- the world. There were plenty of tips... a large reward will bring those. Yet, none paid off. How could Claire evaporate into thin air?

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