Home > Down and Dirty (Hot Jocks #5)(26)

Down and Dirty (Hot Jocks #5)(26)
Author: Kendall Ryan


Instead, I just enjoyed the feel of her in my arms, and try to quiet the worry in my head.





* * *



Relationship Goals





It’s Saturday night, and we’re all at Justin and Elise’s penthouse apartment.

There’s pizza and beer, and the basketball playoffs are on TV, though no one’s really watching it because everyone is clustered into small groups engaged in low conversation. Aubree is outside on the balcony with the ladies, enjoying the early evening breeze, while I’m inside with the guys, camped out around the kitchen counter, or more importantly, around the food.

She and I didn’t arrive together, and when I got here, I greeted her with a hug and a kiss pressed to her cheek. The strange looks and gasps from our friends were hard to ignore, but exactly what I did. Because whatever this is between Aubree and me, it’s no one’s business but ours.

“How’s wedding planning coming?” Teddy asks Owen around a mouthful of pizza.

“Straight. Everything’s done now. We’re just waiting for the RSVP cards to roll in.” Owen gives everyone a pointed look and waves his finger. “Which means, don’t forget to send those in.”

“I’ll be there,” Asher says. “Count me in.”

Owen shakes his head. “Dude, don’t tell me. Just send in the damn card. My mom loves collecting those little fuckers from the mailbox each day, and she calls Becca every night with a tally. There are seating charts, and yeah, basically it’s a whole thing.”

Asher nods, looking a bit panicked. I’d bet a hundred bucks that he already threw the card away. “Fine. I’ll send in the damn card,” he mutters, his eyes narrowed.

“You ready to be tied down to one woman for all of eternity?” Jordie asks, smirking.

“Hell yeah, man. I can’t wait,” Owen says, grinning like the lovesick fool he is.

Based on Jordie’s shocked expression, he was expecting a different response, for Owen to groan or laugh off the comment.

Even if I wouldn’t admit it to him, it’s actually pretty awesome how devoted he and his fiancée Becca are to each other. Hashtag relationship goals and all that.

I help myself to another bottle of beer and can’t help but think about how confusing things have been with Aubree. I bought her a car. Asked her to move in with me. Aren’t those the kind of things a good boyfriend does?

“Any tips on how to keep your woman happy? I’m all ears, boys,” I say with what I hope is an easygoing chuckle. But it comes out as more of a strained laugh, because is Aubree really my woman?

Owen grins. “You know what usually does the trick when Becca’s mad at me about something?”

Suddenly, I’m a little worried about what’s going to come flying out of his mouth next. Although I hope it’s something helpful, because I really need to gain some useful knowledge in Wife Management 101, I’m thinking his comment probably isn’t going to help at all.

“What’s that? I ask nervously.

“A good smash session,” he blurts out, plopping down onto a stool at the kitchen counter.

I roll my eyes. “Right, yeah, let me just make note of that.”

“I’m serious, dude,” Owen says. “Sex releases all kinds of endorphins. It’s science. Look it up.” He points to my phone lying facedown on the counter as he says this. “Plus, it feels really fucking good.”

“That’s the least helpful thing I’ve ever heard,” I say dryly.

He grins. “It’s hard to stay angry when you feel amazing.”

Teddy and Asher nod like this is actually sound advice. They’re such dumbasses. Sometimes I wonder how I’m the youngest member of this group.

“No, I meant it’s not helpful because I’ve haven’t done that.”

Owen’s eyebrows push together. “Wait. With Aubree or with anyone?”

“Can we just drop this?” I mutter. It’s not really the conversation I intended on having tonight. And certainly not with my teammates.

“Hell no, we can’t.” Owen leans forward on his elbows, his gaze meeting mine. “So you’ve never fucked? Like, ever?” His voice is filled with wonder and confusion.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm down. Owen’s about as subtle as a brick to the face.

“No,” I say flatly.

“In your whole life?” He blinks, staring at me in wonderment. “Like never?”

“Last time I checked.”

“Jesus, dude.” Owen shudders like the thought of abstaining physically pains him. “How have you survived?”

“I’m not a monk. I’ve been with girls. Just haven’t checked that particular item off the list yet.”

“Why the fuck not?” Owen’s face is drawn tight.

“Owen, drop it.” Asher chides him, giving me a sympathetic look. “Leave the guy alone. It’s his decision.”

I swallow. “It’s fine, Ashe.” I wave him off, perfectly able to fight my own battles. “Because I was waiting for the right girl.”

Jordie’s eyes are wide, and even Teddy has a shocked expression.

“Oh.” Owen breathes out the word on an exhale like he still can’t quite believe it.

I guess I get it. I mean, pussy is thrown around so often. Girls are always readily available to us, even to the guys on the team who are missing half their damn teeth. And before he got engaged, Owen was the kind of guy who indulged in it regularly, so his shock doesn’t surprise me, even if it is a little annoying.

“Let’s just move on, okay?”

Owen holds up one hand. “Of course. I’m sorry if I sounded like an asshole. I’m in full support of whatever you and your dick want to do—or don’t want to do.”

This pulls a laugh out of me, despite my surly mood.

I half expect him to demand to be the first to know when I finally give in and give it to Aubree, but thankfully he doesn’t.

“No means no,” Teddy says, raising his beer to me in a silent toast.

God, my friends are idiots.

Aubree chooses that moment to come inside from the balcony where she’s been chatting with the girls. Her hair is down, loose around her shoulders in soft waves, and she looks gorgeous. Memories of our last night together crash through me.

She tosses a flirty look my way, her eyes meeting mine with mischief, her lips parted with the hint of a smile. It’s the same kind of look she might make if she was in my lap riding my cock. My dick doesn’t fail to notice, hardening against my thigh without my permission.

I should feel like a shit for objectifying her. But who could blame me? My wife is hot as sin. Curves. Sass. Intelligence. She’s got it all.

My brain takes a sharp detour into the gutter, and I’m powerless to stop it. I shift my restless cock against my thigh, hoping I can get through the rest of the night without a string of filthy thoughts running rampant through my head.

We may not have come to the party together, but I’m going to make damn sure we leave it together.



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