Home > Found by Frost (Wings, Wands and Soul Bonds #1)(5)

Found by Frost (Wings, Wands and Soul Bonds #1)(5)
Author: Terry Bolryder

He looks like he walked out of a men’s clothing catalogue.

A sudden flash of lust bursts through me, making me wish he was currently in the underwear section of said catalogue.

I flush as I focus on chomping through more of my pizza.

“I can’t believe you can eat that with fruit on it,” Brett says, scowling at my plate as an ash-blond lock of hair falls over his forehead.

He has two interesting bracelets on his arm that show when he nervously moves his sleeve up to scratch his wrist. They’re made of leather and old-looking, and I make a note to take a closer look sometime when it’s less awkward.

“Hawaiian is the best,” I say, plopping down on the couch between Tanner and Ian, the dark-haired and light-haired ones respectively, who both look surprised by my proximity.

There’s room for us not to be touching, and despite being big men, they appear to be doing their best to curl into their sides of the couch to give me space.

I’ve hung out with a lot of people, but no one as respectful as this group.

“So where are you from again?” I ask, taking another bite of pizza.

“North,” Brett says sharply. “That’s all you need to know.”

I eye him, letting my eyes run down him just for the way it makes his high, perfect cheekbones turn pink. “I think I need to know a whole lot more than that.” I look at the dark-haired one who still looks like he thinks I’ll burn him. “Like why all of you are so good-looking. You models or something?”

Brett barks out a laugh, and Ian joins him until they realize I’m not kidding.

I point at them with my half-eaten pizza. “I mean, you have to know it’s a little unusual. The four of you just hanging out.” I cock my head at Ian and then Flynn. “You guys partners or something?”

Flynn laughs as Ian goes even paler, if possible, so his skin matches his very light hair.

“No,” Ian says. “The four of us work together.”

“Doing what?” I ask.

They look at each other, and it’s honestly like a bunch of conspirators realizing they haven’t come up with a story and need to do so quickly.

“Male strippers?” I ask jokingly.

Tanner, the dark-haired one with the striking, sharp features, gives me an amused look. “You are very blunt.”

I shrug. “No time for delicacy.”

“What we do for work isn’t important,” Brett says, looking even more tense than before.

Someone needs to get that guy a massage. Relax him a little.

“If nothing is my business, why did you guys even invite me down here to hang out?” I take another bite, chewing thoughtfully. “Just to share pizza?”

“No,” Brett says, finally walking over to plop down in a fuzzy orange chair that looks like it was pulled straight out of the seventies. He crosses his long legs and faces me, and for just a second, the oddest thing happens.

Something flashes through me, feeling like it’s melting me head to toe with pure lust.

Images flood my mind of me and the ash-blond man across from me, entwined in passion. My pulse races. My chest feels like bursting.

I can barely breathe, barely think straight for the sheer need rushing through me. Like all the pent-up attraction I never felt, that sexual urge that everyone else spoke of, is just now spilling out from behind a dam I didn’t know was there.

No one else seems to notice, except for Brett, who is fiddling with one of his bracelets as he locks eyes with me. The whole thing seems to take only a few milliseconds, though it feels like an eternity in my mind.

The he slides his bracelet up his arm again, and I feel all the feelings disappear, evaporated instantly.

Like if someone could snap their fingers and undo a rainstorm.

I realize the others are talking, joking, but Brett is peering at me, blue eyes narrowed so little frosty sparks seem to peek from below his long lashes.

He runs his tongue over his lower lip slowly, and, with the images of us together still playing in my mind, I’m unable to look away.

I’m still hot and aching, and I can’t stop picturing what it would be like to kiss him.

In the background, I vaguely hear someone ask me a question, and I blink, coming back to myself. “What?”

“I asked what you do for fun,” Flynn says, smiling at me calmly.

“Uh, I mostly work,” I say, shrugging one shoulder. “Not much time for fun.”

“We saw you out there helping with the snow,” Ian says. “You seem like a nice person.”

Brett looks to the side, seemingly unaffected, making me wonder if the moment between us even happened.

“Next time, ask us for help,” Brett says calmly.

“Yes,” Ian says with a small laugh. “Brett’s an expert at snow removal.”

Brett sends him a glare, then turns his attention back to me.

For some reason, even him looking at me causes my body to heat in a weird way.

I focus on taking another bite of pizza. I’m planning to go out again tonight, so I’ll need my strength.

“Well, all help is welcome,” I say, setting aside my empty plate. “The stupid landlord doesn’t hire a plow. He expects us to do everything.” I shake my head, wiping my hands on a napkin.

I’m out of pizza, but just as I’m about to get up to leave, another plate is set on my lap. I look up, surprised to see Brett standing there.

“Here,” he says tersely, not meeting my eyes as he looks to the side. “For the road, as you might say.”

I grin. “As I might say?”

He nods.

“You really are different, aren’t you? Just a little bit odd,” I say

He cocks his head, his beautiful eyes narrowing. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’m not sure,” I say, eating more pizza. “You just don’t… act like other people. None of you do.”

They all seem a little disappointed by this, but I have no idea why.

“It’s a good thing,” I say. “You offer to share. You’re kind.” I point a half-eaten piece of pizza at him. “You might have freaked me out last night, but it was nice of you to check on me.” I smile at all of them. “All in all, I’m glad we’re neighbors.”

I stand, holding my plate. “Well, I need to head out to work again in a few hours, so—”

Brett steps into my path, muscular arms folded. “What do you mean? Didn’t you just get home?”

I gulp as I attempt to not stare at his chest, bringing my eyes all the way up to his face. “Yes. Some people have more than one job.”

There’s silence in the room as some of them look at each other as if trying to figure out what to do next.

I can tell they wish I wasn’t leaving so early, but they have no excuse to get me to stay.

A prickle of fear moves up my spine, and I get a feeling that I’m missing something about the situation.

It’s not normal.

And I would know about not normal.

“It’s fine. We’re just glad you came down,” Flynn says, charming as ever, his warm smile putting me at ease as he glides past Brett to open the door. “Our door is always open, gorgeous. Stop by anytime.”

I flush because I’m not the type to get called gorgeous, given how little effort I generally put into making myself up.

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