Home > The Wrong Right Man(20)

The Wrong Right Man(20)
Author: Aurora Rose Reynolds


I look up from my computer when someone clears their throat and smiles. “Hey, Mat.”

“Mike.” He points his thumb at his chest. “I’m Mike.” Darn, I should be able to tell the two men I work with apart, but honestly, they look almost identical, both with brown wavy hair that’s messily styled, both tan, and both attractive in that wholesome kind of way.

“Sorry.” I smile sheepishly.

“It’s okay. It happens.” He shrugs, tucking his hands into the front pocket of his slacks. “I just wanted to come over and tell you that I really liked your show today. We all did.” He looks around then leans into me. “Kathy is cool, but she’s not really open to new ideas.”

“I kind of got that.” I laugh softly. During my entire show this afternoon she was watching me with a scowl and a whole lot of headshakes because I wasn’t following her notes completely. Instead I was doing what I felt would draw in customers, and I think it worked since I sold out of the product I was presenting.

His eyes drop to my mouth, and he clears his throat before meeting my gaze once more. “A few of us are getting together after work tonight for a drink across the street at the Gull. It would be cool if you’d join us.”

“I’d like that.”

“Awesome, I’ll see you there.”

“Yeah, see you there,” I agree, and he smiles before he turns and walks away. I glance down at my phone, wondering if I should send Braxton a message, then get annoyed with myself for even thinking about checking in with him. He’s not my boyfriend; I don’t need to let him know what I’m doing. Besides, I’m just going out for one drink. I can still meet him for dinner afterward. With that last thought, I get back to work, trying to incorporate Kathy’s ideas with some of my own for the next time I’m scheduled to be on air which isn’t easy to do, but I’m determined.

I yawn for the second time and glance at the clock on my computer, realizing then that I’ve been working for almost four hours straight. I rub my eyes then pick up my can of Coke to take a sip, finding it empty. Since it’s about time for me to leave for the day, I shut down my computer then sigh when my desk phone rings. “Dakota Newton’s desk,” I answer after putting it to my ear.

“Dakota, please come to my office,” Kathy’s voice greets me, and then before I can even say “sure,” the line goes dead. I inwardly groan and slip back on my black heels I kicked off under my desk and stand. I rub my hands down the front of my gray slacks and straighten my top before I head across the office, catching a few curious looks as I go.

When I reach Kathy’s door, I knock twice, waiting for her to call for me to come in before I push the door open. I find her sitting behind her desk with a beautiful woman maybe a couple years older than me, sitting across from her. Both of them smile, but I can’t tell if their smiles are genuine or not.

“Dakota, I’d like you to meet my niece Hanna. Hanna, this is Dakota.”

Hanna, the Hanna Braxton dated, the Hanna he still works with. My stomach drops.

“Hi, Dakota.” Hanna stands, and I instinctively hold out my hand toward her. She takes it, giving it a squeeze, then tips her head to the side. “You’re even prettier in real life than you are on TV.”

“Thank you.” I say softly thinking she’s pretty too, actually gorgeous with long blonde hair that is perfectly styled with the top pulled away from her face, making her bright blue eyes and pixie like features stand out. She’s the kind of woman who would look perfect on the arm of a man like Braxton. Jealousy curls in the pit of my stomach on that thought, and I despise the emotion immediately.

“Hanna came down here today to talk to me about moving you upstairs,” Kathy says, and my attention goes to her as Hanna releases the hold she has on me. “Apparently Braxton is insistent.”

The feeling of jealousy in the pit of my stomach is replaced with annoyance at Braxton. We talked about this last night, and I thought I got through to him and that he was respecting me and my choice. I guess not. “I don’t want to move.”

“Braxton mentioned that,” Hanna replies, and I focus on her. “But he showed Chris who is the head of marketing some of your show ideas, and Chris agreed with him. Your style is edgy, modern, and he thinks you could add a lot to our marketing team.” She smiles, and I look over at Kathy, noting she looks anything but happy. “Chris would really like the chance to talk to you.”

“That’s very nice, and I don’t want to seem unappreciative, but I really want to stay where I am,” I say, praying Kathy doesn’t think I’ve gone behind her back.

“I totally get it,” Hanna tells me, taking a seat once more. “Let me know if and when you change your mind and I’ll pass it along.”

“Okay,” I agree, feeling stuck—something I loathe. I don’t want to make anyone mad, especially the person who took a chance on me in offering me a job in the first place. I also have no desire to work in marketing, this job is my dream job, I just hope I can prove to Kathy that I can bring something new and fresh while blending the old with the new.

“Now that you’ve officially tried to steal one of my employees, I think this meeting can be over,” Kathy says, and Hanna laughs.

I force a grin in Kathy’s direction. “I won’t be that easy to get rid of.”

“I’m thinking it might not be your choice.”

Her words send a chill down my spine. A part of me knows she’s right. It might not be my choice. I’ve danced with the devil, and now he’s playing with my life. I want to resent him for stepping in and taking over even after I told him not to, but I’m not even sure he would understand. He’s used to always getting his way, and I’m sure he thinks I’ll eventually give in. I just don’t understand why he’s so insistent on me moving.

“It was so nice to meet you, Dakota. We should get a drink sometime,” Hanna says, catching me off guard with the sincerity in her tone.

I really don’t want to like her. But I can’t help it. There is something about her that seems sweet. I just wonder if she would be so nice if she knew about Braxton and my current relationship.

I drag in a breath and smile at her putting the jealousy I feel aside. “I’d like that.” I need friends here, and Braxton says their relationship is nothing but professional, maybe that’s the truth and they are just friends. I guess only time will tell.

“I’ll get your number from my aunt,” she says, and I nod once then look at Kathy, catching her lift her chin ever so slightly toward the door, signaling me to leave.

“I look forward to that,” I tell her then turn back to Kathy. “I’m going to head out. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Have a good evening, Dakota.”

“You too.” I turn on my heel and head out the door, back to being seriously annoyed with Braxton once again for his highhandedness.



Chapter 8


I FEEL MY cell phone buzz in the back pocket of my jeans, and I don’t even bother checking to see who it is. Braxton has been calling and messaging for the last hour and a half. I messaged him back after the first text, letting him know I was getting a drink with a few of my coworkers but would be at his place for dinner and conversation about him sending Hanna down to talk to Kathy and me.

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