Home > Searching for Sylvie Lee(63)

Searching for Sylvie Lee(63)
Author: Jean Kwok


Sylvie: She did not wish to die a dog’s death, Ma. And, in the end, she shed the red dust of the mortal world with the grace of floating clouds and flowing water.

Ma: I am glad you were with her, Snow Jasmine. I only wish— [sobs]

Sylvie: Oh, Ma.

Amy: Sylvie, it’s me. Talking is too much for Ma right now.

Sylvie: Hey, I’ve missed you.

Amy: Are you doing okay?

Sylvie: Oh, sweetie. Actually, it’s been pretty hard. [Voice breaks] I loved Grandma so much.

Amy: I know, Sylvie. But she’s still with you. I’m sure of it. When are you coming home?

Sylvie: I’m not sure. My work here’s not quite finished. I’ll fly back as soon as I can.

Amy: Of course, Sylvie. I can’t wait to see you.

Sylvie: Take care of Ma for me, okay?

Amy: I will. See you soon.

Sylvie: Love you. I’ll be back before you know it.



Chapter 26





Sunday, May 15


The Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra has a website in English. I check their program and see they’re performing tonight in Amsterdam at the Dutch National Opera and Ballet. Got you now, Filip. They’re set to play Dvoƙák’s Rusalka, a favorite of mine, an opera about a water nymph who leaves her own kind and thereby gives up the power of speech. But the show is completely sold out, and I wouldn’t be able to speak to him there anyway. I’ll have to confront him afterward or during one of the two intermissions. I think back to our ride on the Epsilon boat. He’s a smoker. Everything indoors in the Netherlands is nonsmoking, so he’ll likely be outside during the break. I know the first act takes about an hour. If I hurry, I might be able to catch him today.

I take the train to Amsterdam Central Station, and transfer to a subway to Waterlooplein. It’s now past eight o’clock in the evening and still light outside. I have to squint against the setting sun.

I walk past the sweeping, blocklike mass of the main building to reach the curved facade of the opera house facing the Amstel River. I lean against one of the dock posts and watch as the skies darken, the white marble front evolving from a golden sunlit glow into columns of brilliant sapphire, lit by blue artificial lights. Several boats are docked along the waterfront. Beyond them, the river has turned brooding and black. The large windows reveal curved interior foyers and multilevel terraces barren of people.

Someone’s propped open a few doors and I can hear the faint strains of “Song to the Moon” from Act I. I haven’t missed the first intermission then. The singer’s melancholy voice floats across the water, yearning for love:

Moon, high and deep in the sky

You travel around the wide world,

and see into people’s homes.

Moon, tell me where is my dear.


It reminds me of Sylvie. The Autumn Festival, which falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, was always her favorite holiday. She would stand at our window and gaze out at the full moon. I once heard her whisper, “Uncle Moon, come down and have a piece of cake.” She had told me, “When I moved to America from the Netherlands, the moon was the only thing that came with me.” It was one of the few times she spoke about the life she had before I existed. Out here, in the lonely night, the tears run down my cheeks, where no one can see.

I hear a gong and the crowd of well-dressed people inside begin to approach the doors. It’s time. There are several exit points. I pace back and forth, afraid to miss him, and wonder what I’m doing, confronting a man I think might be involved in my sister’s death. But who could I have brought as backup? The police think I’m being ridiculous and Lukas has disappeared. The sounds of Dutch and laughter drift like a cloud all around me. I stare carefully into each person’s face, hoping to find Filip in the half darkness. There, a bunch of people in black tie walk out of a side door that looks like it could be the exit for the musicians. I circle them, but he is not a part of the group.

Then I catch sight of a lone cigarette’s glow and recognize Filip at once: his athletic build, the tilt of his head. He stands by himself at the water’s edge on the periphery of the crowd. A raw breeze whips through me and I shiver. People chatter loudly to one another and drink champagne. Would anyone see or hear if he pushed me in the water?

As I step up to him, he jerks and drops his cigarette. “You startled me.”

“You owe me an explanation.”

He waves his hand in a dismissive gesture. “This is not a good time. I have to go back inside soon.”

My neck goes stiff and my pulse pounds in my ears. I shove him in the chest, hard, despite the fact that he’s almost a foot taller than me. He stumbles backward. My voice comes out in a furious hiss. “My. Sister. Is. Dead. You lied to me. You must have lied to her. How dare you try to get rid of me now?”

His eyes flare and his face turns into something hard and furious. He raises his arm as if to strike me and I am suddenly afraid. It’s so dark. I’m sure no one can see us. The waves lap at the dock and the water seems sinister and vast. I step back.

The anger drains from his face and he presses a fist against his chest. He squeezes his eyes shut. “I am sorry. For everything.”

I am still trembling and wrap my arms around myself. “W-why did you jump on my bicycle?”

He stares into the distance, unable to meet my eyes. He scuffs his foot against the ground. “I was back in the village, seeing my folks. I had a concert on Mother’s Day, so I would not be able to go home. I went to give my mother her gift early. I was on my way when I spotted you with Lukas and Estelle outside the café and I understood immediately who you were. So I followed you. Once you started going back to Lukas’s house, it was simple to figure out where I could intercept you, especially since you bike slower than a snail.” A small smile creases his lips at this.

A sudden gust of wind sweeps my hair forward. I gather it back out of my face impatiently. “But why?”

He swipes a hand over his face. “I cared about Sylvie. I was hoping you would hire Epsilon. I have no right, but you do because you are a family member. I had suggested them to Lukas, but he would not listen to me. He was still angry over something that happened in Venice. I was afraid if I told you the truth, you would ask Lukas about me and he would stop you. He pretty much went out of his mind when she disappeared. I have never seen him like that, like a beast had taken him over. I think he was in denial that she might be dead.” He throws his hands up.

I cross my arms and try to make out his expression. “Why didn’t you tell me who you were after we got to know each other a bit? I would have done anything to help Sylvie, including keeping a secret from Lukas.”

He sighs. “It began with an impulse and then I was caught in the lie. I was trying to find the right moment to tell you, but then—” He breaks off and tugs at his ear.

There is a moment of awkward silence. I finish for him. “I developed that ridiculous crush on you. I stared at you and called you a sex object and sent you a million texts. You were embarrassed.” My cheeks must glow in the darkness. But it doesn’t matter. I need to figure out what happened to Sylvie. “Why did you and Lukas fight? I mean, what was the real reason?”

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