Home > Archangel's War(28)

Archangel's War(28)
Author: Nalini Singh

   “Stop, stop, your modesty is too much.” Elena glared at him. “Will you please take this seriously? I grew a fricking tree out of a miniature.”

   “I cannot see how you can use it in battle.” Raphael rubbed his jaw. “Perhaps you can grow sudden trees in the path of enemy angels. Boom, smack. Truly, it is a power most terrible.”

   “I swear, I’m this close to decking you.” But he’d made her relax, want to laugh at herself. “Yeah, fine, growing trees isn’t awful in the scheme of things.” In point of fact, it was pretty neat.

   “Would you like to see if you can repeat it?”

   Elena grinned. “Yes, let’s go.” She glanced at Suhani, who was starting to come around. “Can you mind-talk one of the healers to come check on her?”

   A shake of his head at her softness, but he summoned the healer. The doors opened on the experienced vampire medic just before Suhani rose to full consciousness. “I’m so sorry, Suhani,” Elena said again. “I’ll find you another hundred-year-old bonsai.”

   The other woman frowned, blinked, her pupils huge.

   “You fainted,” Elena explained. “Raphael put you in the chair so you’d be comfortable.”

   Raphael shifted into Suhani’s line of sight. “It pleases me that you are not hurt.”

   Huge eyes before they rolled back in her head and she passed out again. Elena groaned. “That was not funny. The poor woman is in total awe of you.”

   “As she should be.” A squeeze of her nape. “Suhani is a mid-level vampire who cannot afford to feel anything but fear and awe for angelkind. Bloodlust lies just beneath her skin.”

   Elena found it difficult to see prim and proper Suhani as consumed by bloodlust, but she knew the compulsion existed in all vampires. The old and disciplined ones like Dmitri had long ago gotten it under control, but even Dmitri wouldn’t deny its existence. “What’s going to happen to Honor? Ashwini?” Former hunters and young vampires both. “Are they at risk?”

   “Honor has a near-preternatural calm within her. Keir has commented on it—as if she is much older than her years.”

   “I know what he means.” Elena always felt calmer and more centered around Honor, her presence a deep, content pool.

   “As for Ashwini, she walks to her own beat, and none of us can predict her development—but she is a hunter, with the attendant discipline.” The two of them stepped out into the misty rain. Putting one arm around her, Raphael flew them up onto the upper entrance of the Legion building.

   Elena! Aeclari! Raphael! Aeclari!

   The voices were a storm that rapidly contained itself into a rumbling murmur. Despite her recent visit, she sighed anew at the beauty inside the humid warmth of the Legion’s home. Flowers bloomed out of season, vines crawled up the walls, grass grew underfoot. And when they asked for the seedling of a tree, the Primary urged them to follow him to the ground floor.

   Elena couldn’t resist burying her nose in the crook of Raphael’s neck as he took them down, her lips tasting his skin. His eyes flamed blue fire at her when their feet hit the ground.

   Tree children. The Primary waved to an entire row of potted plants. For you. We made for your new house of glass. Two are trees.

   Elena’s throat got thick. “The mandarin orange,” she said, her voice husky. “Archangel, can you place it in a clear area?”

   Raphael soon had the pot positioned, while the Primary looked on silently. Up above, hundreds more faces were turned their way. It should’ve been eerie to glance up and see all those gray faces looking down, bat wings held in silence, but she couldn’t be frightened of the Legion, especially when they whispered excitedly in her head.

   Show us, Ellie. What is this? Show us.

   “Not sure there’ll be anything to see,” she muttered. “I have no idea how I did this the first time.”

   “Consider your thoughts then, and try to repeat them.”

   Elena frowned. “I was just admiring the bonsai, thinking how wonderful it was.” As wonderful as this gift to help her repopulate her greenhouse. She stroked the glossy leaves, admiration and joy in the contact.

   Nothing happened.

   Disappointment gnawed at her, the wound surprisingly brutal. I feel like a child throwing a tantrum, but I needed this more than I knew. Just one thing to balance out having lost my wings. A stone in her gut, she petted the tree’s leaves. “Not your fault.”

   The roots of the plant erupted out of the sides of the pot, spraying her with dirt. She scrambled back and out of the way before getting to her feet. The tree grew. Tiny white flowers bloomed on the branches, formed into mandarin oranges, turned plump and ripe.

   Chosen to fit inside her greenhouse, the final tree wasn’t huge, but it was taller than Raphael, its branches heavy with fruit.

   Elena began to smile, then grin, her cheeks aching.

   On the other side of the tree, the Primary stood motionless. When he did finally speak, it was with a chorus of hundreds of other voices, an unearthly choir. This, we have not seen. Not in all our eons of life.





Still on a high from the whole tree thing, Elena had showered and was pulling on fresh clothes—clothes that actually fit, because Montgomery was a magician—when her phone buzzed. Earlier that day, she’d given the phone to Vivek and he’d loaded it up with the numbers of friends, family, associates, but this one came up as unknown.

   She answered it anyway. Every so often, she liked to startle a hapless telemarketer by informing them whom they’d inadvertently cold-called. Her favorite one was the vampire who’d thanked her for hauling him back to his angel eight years ago. “Met the love of my life six months later. She’s fine as fine can be and she don’t take no shit, and now we have a little man of our own. His name’s Eldev after you.”

   Later, he’d sent her photos of his ebony-skinned and chubby-cheeked “little man,” the kid’s smile a weapon, it was so adorable.


   “Beth.” Elena sat down on the edge of the bed, dressed only in her panties and a strappy tank. “This isn’t your number.”

   “Oh, this is Grandma’s phone. She finally let Grandpa get her one, though she mostly leaves it lying around gathering dust.” Her younger sister’s voice wobbled. “I wanted to talk to you.”

   “Are you at Majda and Jean-Baptiste’s?” Unlike Beth, Elena found it difficult to call them Grandma and Grandpa—despite all the torture and pain they’d suffered, the two were eternally young and would stay that way forever. “I’ll come over.” No point hiding now that she no longer looked like an escapee from the local boneyard. The world would make of her wingless state what it would.

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