Home > Love According to Science_ A Hot Enemies-to-Lovers Romantic Comedy (Dirty Martini Running Club #2)(11)

Love According to Science_ A Hot Enemies-to-Lovers Romantic Comedy (Dirty Martini Running Club #2)(11)
Author: Claire Kingsley

Her hands went to her hips and she tilted her head, still standing in front of the open refrigerator. After another few seconds, she opened the freezer.

She made a little noise in her throat and reached in to draw out her bag. I coughed, trying to suppress the chuckle attempting to work its way up from my chest.

Hazel spun around, clutching the frosty bag in a tight fist. I could feel her eyes on me. Feel her staring me down, daring me to look at her. To meet her eyes and betray my guilt.

The sense of smug amusement that stole through me was very un-Corban-like. But damn it if riling up Hazel Kiegen wasn’t satisfying as hell.

Slowly, I lifted my gaze. She was rooted in place, staring me down like a wild animal ready to charge.

One corner of my mouth hooked upward. Her eyes widened. I went back to my lunch.

I didn’t look up again as she huffed and marched out of the staff lounge.

Shots fired.









“Everyone has their weak spot. The one thing that, despite their best efforts, will always bring you to your knees, regardless of how strong you are otherwise. For some people, it’s love. Others, money or alcohol. Mine was worse: calculus.” ~ Sarah Dessen



The spring air was pleasantly warm, the sun shining behind me. Students milled around the courtyard, backpacks and bags in tow. Some wandered by, headed to classes or to get lunch or coffee. Others clustered in small groups, finding spots at tables or spreading out on the grassy areas.

I sat on a bench with my legs crossed at the ankles, the remains of my lunch—not frozen, today, thank you very much—in a bag next to me, and watched.

A guy in a t-shirt smiled at the girl next to him and angled his body to lean closer. The confident set of his shoulders and suggestive grin indicated flirtatious intentions. Her body language sent clear signals of acceptance. She tilted her head and fingered a lock of her hair. Smiled up at him. Shifted her feet in a subtle movement to square her body with his.

Moving my attention to a small group on the grass, I watched them talk. Animated hand gestures and serious expressions suggested a weighty topic. Perhaps even a debate.

I loved it when the sun came out. Students and staff seemed to come out of the woodwork to soak up the sunlight. Seattle came by its reputation for clouds and rain honestly, so when the weather dried up, it was as if everyone came outside to replenish their stores of vitamin D. Which made for excellent people-watching.

People fascinated me. They always had. As a child, I’d been considered quiet, but it hadn’t been shyness that had kept me on the outskirts of the social goings-on around me. I’d simply been watching. I liked to see how people interacted. Puzzle out their nonverbal cues and make guesses as to their personality traits based on what I observed.

The world was my laboratory and people were my subjects.

But even people-watching on a sunny afternoon wasn’t enough to keep my mind from wandering to Corban Nash. I knew he’d put my lunch in the freezer yesterday. He hadn’t fessed up, but I’d seen it in his eyes. In that smirk he’d given me.

The man was infuriating.

What I needed was a way to get back at him. I’d see his childish prank and raise him one of my own.

I was peripherally aware that contemplating revenge was very unlike me. But Corban made me irrational.

My phone buzzed with a text, so I picked it up to check.

Nora: I’ve been thinking about your problem, Hazel. If you really want to get under his skin, go for his weakness.

Me: I don’t know what his weakness is.

Nora: He’s a man. They all have the same weakness.

Sophie: Ooh she’s right.

Everly: I have to agree.

Me: What weakness?

Nora: YOU are his weakness, my sexy little minx.

Me: I’m not following.

Nora: For a genius, you’re adorably clueless. I honestly love that about you.

Sophie: She means you can distract him by being sexy.

Everly: I feel a little bad for liking this plan. But he did freeze your lunch.

Me: Corban doesn’t think I’m sexy.

Nora: He does. Trust me. And if he doesn’t realize it yet, you’re going to show him.

Me: How? I don’t like him. I don’t think I can flirt with him.

Nora: You don’t have to flirt. Just find ways to emphasize your hotness when he’s watching.

Sophie: Wear skirts as much as possible.

Everly: You do have gorgeous legs.

Nora: Use your natural gifts. You have a banging body underneath all those cardigans.

Me: What’s wrong with my cardigans?

Nora: Nothing, love. Your style is beautifully you. My point is, use your assets to drive him crazy.

Everly: Is it bad that I’m giggling?

Nora: Remember the trifecta of man distractions: Mouth. Boobs. Butt. Starting with your mouth. Touch it. Lick your lips. Bite something, but not your nails.

Me: I don’t bite my nails.

Nora: Good.

Everly: Nibble on your lower lip.

Sophie: Lick food off your fingers.

Nora: Boobs: Leave the top of your blouse unbuttoned. Let your bra show.

Sophie: Pretend you got something on your shirt and brush it off.

Everly: Wear a necklace and play with it so it draws attention to your neck and chest.

Nora: Butt: Touch your hips. Carry a pen and drop it so you have to bend over to pick it up.

Sophie: Ask him if you got something on your pants.

Everly: Wear that polka dot skirt you always say isn’t work-appropriate. It makes your butt look amazing.

Nora: For maximum impact, try combinations. Lean over a desk or table and tap a pen against your lips.

Sophie: Take a bite of something, lick your lips in slow motion, then suck on your fingertips.

Nora: Good one, Soph.

Sophie: Thanks!

Everly: Don’t forget to look at his lips while he’s talking to you.

Nora: Absolutely. Stare at his package too.

Me: I’m not going to stare at his genital region.

Nora: I didn’t say genital region, I said package. And why not? Is his package not worth staring at?

Me: I don’t know.

Nora: Yes you do, you just don’t want to admit it.

Me: I can’t stare at his penis.

Nora: I’m all for using valid names for things, but penis is one of the world’s unsexiest words.

Me: Calling it “package” is better?

Nora: Clearly better. Also cock, manhood, bulge, etc. But we’re getting off track. Trust me on this, Hazel. There won’t be any better revenge than making him want you.

Everly: Good luck, sweetie!

Sophie: You’ve got this!

I let out a breath, still looking at my phone. I knew Nora could easily pull off the type of behavior she was suggesting. She was not only gorgeous, but enviably comfortable with her sexuality. Everly as well. They possessed a natural aptitude for this sort of flirtatious—or faux-flirtatious, as it were—behavior.

I’d never been good at this. I often felt stiff and awkward around men. Especially men I found attractive.

Not that I found Corban attractive.

I put my phone in my purse and went back to people-watching. Observing was easier.

Picking at the remains of my lunch, I watched Ivy Cole, a literature professor I’d met on my first day, greet a man with a kiss. Her husband, presumably. He had a large white dog on a leash and a little girl in his arms. Ivy hugged the child, then crouched down to pet the dog. They were a lovely family, but what captured my attention was the way Ivy’s husband gazed at her. The look of adoration on his face made my chest ache.

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