Home > Love According to Science_ A Hot Enemies-to-Lovers Romantic Comedy (Dirty Martini Running Club #2)(42)

Love According to Science_ A Hot Enemies-to-Lovers Romantic Comedy (Dirty Martini Running Club #2)(42)
Author: Claire Kingsley

Although I was still a bit jet-lagged from my trip, I was glad to be meeting my friends for a run today. Seeing them would provide the bit of normalcy I needed after the conference.

Specifically, after all the mind-blowing hotel sex I’d had with Corban.

That first night at the conference, we’d both said it wouldn’t happen again. But we’d continued to succumb to the temptation of each other, over and over. On the one hand, it had been enjoyable and satisfying. Incredibly satisfying. Intensely satisfying, unlike anything I’d ever experienced before.

But on the other hand, I wasn’t sure what it all meant. Or whether it would continue. Or how I’d feel about it if it did continue… or if it didn’t.

It was a lot of information to process. An afternoon spent with my friends, focused on running, was just what I needed.

That, and a very strong martini afterward.

Nora pulled up in her red convertible Jeep with Sophie in the passenger’s seat. They both got out, and Nora adjusted the straps of her sports bra. Her dark hair was in a ponytail today, and she wore a fitted tank top and black shorts that showed off her legs. I’d always admired the confidence she had in her body.

“How was Florida?” she asked. “And why aren’t you tan?”

“The conference was… very informative. And I was mostly indoors.”

“That’s better for your skin, anyway. You look great. Very satisfied.”

I looked away and lifted my other leg to stretch it. “It was time well spent, but I’m glad to be home.”

“Time well spent? Oh, Hazel.”


Nora smiled at me. “Nothing.”

“You do look great,” Sophie said. Her curly hair was unusually tame, most of the strands contained in a thick bun. She wore a purple tank top, black capris, and what looked like a new pair of running shoes.

“Thank you. Are the shoes new?”

“They are.” She stuck out one foot, pointing her toe. “Thanks for noticing. I went to a fancy running-shoe store last weekend. The sales guy who helped me was so cute.”

“Did you get his number?” Nora asked.

“No. I kind of knocked over one of the big shoe displays. After that, I just wanted to get out of there. But that’s okay, because I got these and they’re the most comfortable shoes I’ve ever had. I ran seven whole miles the other day and my feet felt great. Plus, I didn’t trip once.”

“That’s a very impressive mileage gain,” I said.

“Thanks,” Sophie said brightly. “I’m not very fast yet, but I’m really starting to think I’ll be able to finish this race.”

“Of course you will,” Nora said. “Hazel came up with the training schedule, and she’s brilliant, so we know it’ll work.”

“It will definitely work. The research says—”

“Stop,” Nora said, and I closed my mouth. “You know I love you, but you already told us all about the research.”

“You’re right, I did. Perhaps we should just get started.”

Nora nodded once. “Let’s get this over with.”

“Uh-oh.” Sophie gestured toward the parking lot entrance. “It’s them again.”

A white SUV pulled into a spot a few cars down, and the Bedazzled Bitches poured out. They were wearing their gem-encrusted tank tops and had added matching hats to their attire—decorated with more bedazzling.

“Could they be any trashier?” Nora crossed her arms.

“Oh look, aren’t you three cute?” Bella and her minions stopped in front of us. “But it looks like you’re missing someone. What happened to the ditzy blonde?”

“Oh no she didn’t,” Sophie mumbled.

I put a hand on her arm.

“If she doesn’t come back, you’ll have to get someone to take her place. Otherwise who’s going to be the dumb one? You already have the curvy one”—Bella made air quotes when she said curvy—“the nerdy one, and the slutty one.”

“Was that supposed to be an insult?” Nora asked.

Drew spoke up. “Obviously.”

“I’m just wondering if that’s the best she can do. Sophie is curvy. Women would pay good money for boobs and hips like that. Calling Hazel nerdy? Really? Every woman who wears glasses just collectively rolled their eyes at you. And I assume I’m the slutty one?”

“If the shoe fits,” Bella said.

“Boring and unoriginal. And not very insulting. Better luck next time, sweetie. Maybe stick to jogging and dressing like truck-stop strippers.”

Bella put her hands on her hips. “Drew and I were only dancing to pay for school, and it wasn’t at a truck stop.”

“I don’t think that was intended to insult your choice of employment,” I said. “But rather your taste in fashion, or lack thereof.”


“This is a total waste of time,” Nora said.

“Indeed.” I checked my watch. “We have a half-marathon to train for.”

Bella burst out laughing. Drew and their two minions followed suit, although I doubted they understood the cause of Bella’s amusement.

“You’re training for a half-marathon?” Bella asked, swiping a tear from the corner of her eye. “The Soggy Seattle Half?”

I glanced at my friends in confusion. “Yes. And I fail to see why that’s funny.”

“We do that race every year,” Bella said. “It’s a little out of your league. None of you are serious runners.”

My gaze swept over the Bedazzled Bitches and their gaudy attire. “And you are?”

“Dead serious.” Bella held out her wrist, showcasing a Garmin running watch. The other three did the same. Naturally, they all matched.

“Running is basically our life,” Drew said and the other three nodded, their expressions serious. “I even subscribe to Runner’s World magazine.”

“How nice for you,” Nora said.

“No offense, but…” Bella made a dramatic show of looking us up and down. “None of you are really made for this. A half-marathon isn’t a little jog around the block.”

“We’re aware of the distance and training required,” I said.

“Oh my god, every time you talk I get cramps.” Bella turned her scathing glare on me. “Can you just not with the whole I’m-so-smart monotone thing? It was weird in high school and it’s still weird now.”

“You know what?” Sophie stepped forward. “I’m done with this. I don’t care if you have low self-esteem or if you’re just crappy human beings, you have no right to be mean to my friends. And yes, we are going to run the Soggy Seattle Half, and you know what else? We’re going to kick all four of your asses doing it.”

Bella’s face twisted in a scowl and she crossed her arms. “You think you can beat us?”

“I know we can.” Sophie moved closer. “We’re going to finish before any of you and we’ll be at the finish line when you cross, with signs that say suck it, Bedazzled Bitches. With glitter.”

Bella pointed at Sophie, sweeping her finger up and down. “You must be joking if you think all that is going to finish with a better time than me.”

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