Home > The Lying Season (Seasons #1)(27)

The Lying Season (Seasons #1)(27)
Author: K.A. Linde

His response came almost immediately.

Fuck, man. I have liquor. Come on over.



I sighed with a semblance of relief as I trotted into the subway and headed back into town. It took a half hour to get to Court’s place. I spent the entire time ignoring Claire’s ever-increasingly desperate text messages and tugging on my hair at the root. I was physically and mentally exhausted. And irritated. And I felt like I wanted to put my fist through something.

None of these were good feelings to have and then talk to Claire. Especially about our supposed “break.” Everyone knew that was just code so that she could go and fuck other dudes in Europe. It had nothing to do with anything else. And I couldn’t deal with it. I didn’t want to deal with any of it.

I just wanted to get to Court’s place and get fucked up with him. Misery loved company.

I slipped past the lingering reporters and pressed the button for Court’s penthouse elevator. Finally, the thing dinged open. I stepped toward it, only to find two people standing in the elevator.

I froze with a frown on my face. The very last person I wanted to see right now was there. I couldn’t deal with that complication at the moment.

“Hey,” I forced out, stepping back to let them get out of the elevator.

“Going to see Court?” she asked with pep in her voice.

“Yep.” I darted into the elevator.

“Try to get him sober for us?” She smiled brightly at me.

And I just did a combination of shaking my head and shrugging. Court sober was the opposite of what I wanted right now. I just wanted oblivion.

“Court does what he wants.”

She looked at me like I had just stepped on a land mine and it might explode any second.

I nodded at her hand still holding the door open. “Are you done?”

Because, god, I needed this to be over.

“Uh, yeah. Are you okay?” Her voice was laced with concern. I couldn’t handle it.

“Fine,” I said, jamming the up button. “Just a long week.”


Then mercifully, the elevator door closed in her face. I slumped back against the metal container, feeling like a total fucking jackass. Lark probably thought I was crazy. But right now, it was hard to care. Hard to care about anything.

My girlfriend of two years had just dumped me. Something I’d never dreamed would happen. Claire had been so…dependable. But here I was, being forced to face reality. I’d moved to New York for a girl who was taking off at the first opportunity. Now, I had to stay until November, and I had no idea what I wanted anymore.



Part III



The High Road









The campaign office finally quieted down over the next couple of weeks.

English had officially taken the position to work with Court and moved into my guest bedroom for the time being. She spent most of her time dealing with Court, but having her in town was infinitely better than having her clear across the country.

The city was in flux as well. By Memorial Day weekend, the city had emptied of my friends and family as everyone migrated to the Hamptons or Paris for the season. While I was stuck here with the tourists. It was one thing I missed about my old life—getting to jet off to exotic locales whenever I liked. I was basically stuck in the city until November.

Stuck here, dealing with Sam being…strange.

I’d confronted him after how he acted at Court’s apartment, but he’d just smiled and shrugged it off. As if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. If English hadn’t been there, I would have thought I’d made the whole thing up.

Even though I knew that I hadn’t. I couldn’t possibly have invented the way he had been acting toward me since that night.

I wouldn’t say he had been avoiding me at work because it seemed impossible. The office was too small for that. We had to see each other. My job was to work with all of the head of departments, which meant I worked with Gibbs from legal. Not that it had stopped Sam and I from talking before. But suddenly, all my communication went through Gibbs alone. As if Sam could no longer contact me at all. I’d even asked Gibbs if he’d tightened the reins on intra-office communication.


It was just Sam.

“Lark!” Demi said, sashaying past Aspen’s desk to enter my office. “I know you normally stay another couple hours. But one, it’s Memorial Day. So, we shouldn’t even be working at all. And two, a new bar just opened down the street. Which means we must emancipate you from this square box and take you out for drinks.”

She had clearly come prepared with a speech. She thought she had to convince me. But the truth was that after what had happened with Court, my life had been hell. I needed to take a few hours off early today. I should have cajoled Shawn into giving everyone today off. Though…he’d claimed we’d have a day off soon—probably the day after the Fourth of July.

“Come on,” Demi groaned. “Shawn already left to deal with some field issue. Please tell me you’ll come. We’re dying to get you out of here.”

“All right, I’m in.”

“Really?” she gasped.

“Yeah. We should have taken today off anyway.”

“Oh my god, I’m so excited. Let me tell Aspen. She’s going to flip.”

I laughed and nodded. “Who else is coming? I think I’ll tell everyone to take the rest of the day off.”

“You’re the best!” She stepped out of my office and up to Aspen’s desk. “The rest of the day off!”

Aspen slapped her hand in a loud high five. I just shook my head and closed everything up. My head hurt, and I needed to get out of here. Even if I would have preferred to head home and chill with English, this was good for my team.

Especially since word was stewing that the mayor might get a primary challenge. It wasn’t uncommon for some nobody to enter against the incumbent, just hoping to get their name out there. But after Court’s debacle, I feared that someone from her own party would try to make a splash and actually attempt to get the nomination. And I feared even more that they might have a chance.

I didn’t want to think about it. Instead, I walked around the office and told everyone to go home. We were done for the day.

I told myself that I wasn’t purposely leaving Sam’s office for last. But…

“Hey,” I said, peeking my head inside.

His office looked like a bomb had just gone off in it. I’d shared an office with Sam for months before I needed my own, and he’d been meticulously tidy. This was…crazy.

He glanced up once and then returned his gaze to his computer. “Hey. Can I help you?”

“Actually, we’re done for the day. Memorial Day and all.”


“Also, some of us are checking out a bar that just opened. Any interest in heading over with us?”

He shook his head. “I really can’t. I’m so bogged down here.”

I could see that he was. “Oh, okay. You know, it’s crazy for me to say this, but it’s all going to be there in the morning.”

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