Home > Skin Game (Teddy Fay #3)(23)

Skin Game (Teddy Fay #3)(23)
Author: Stuart Woods

   “I see.”

   “There is one other common thread. Several of the conference attendees are also big-game hunters.”

   Teddy mouth dropped open. “And they’re all attending that panel?”

   “Yes, all of them.”

   “So there may be more to that panel than meets the eye. Keep digging. Let me know if you find something.”

   “How can I reach you?”

   Teddy took out a spare burner phone and gave it to him. “Text me from this phone. No message, just an address. I’ll meet you there.”

   “What address?”

   “Choose someplace touristy, where there will be a lot of people. You don’t have to say when. I’ll come right away. Just text me where and go.”

   “You think it’s that important?”

   “Something has to be.”




   TEDDY CHECKED IN at the Agency.

   “You got something?” Norton said.

   “I’m afraid not. I just wanted to alert you to an incident.”


   “Agent Kristin Rowan and I were attacked last night after dinner.”


   “Mugged, really. I was the target. Two men set on me, and Agent Rowan came along and scared them away.”

   “Are you kidding me?”

   “She was armed. She got the drop on them and they fled.”

   “Did you report this to the police?”

   “No, we did not. I figured the Agency didn’t need the gendarmes messing around in our business. They’re not going to find anything, which means they’d be here forever searching for a motive.”

   “You’re probably right. Where did this happen?”

   “Outside Le Meurice.”

   “You dined at Le Meurice?”

   “What can I say? I was trying to impress a young lady.”

   “Did it work?”

   “It’s hard to make an impression when you have to be rescued. She was impressive, though.”

   “You’re treating this awfully cavalierly. Is there something about this attack you’re not telling me?”

   “One of the attackers had a gun. I knocked it away from him. Apparently the other one grabbed it because we couldn’t find it.”

   “Did they demand money?”

   “It never reached that stage. I reacted the moment I saw the gun. That led to a brief hand-to-hand skirmish before Agent Rowan broke it up.”

   “Were they trying to kill you?”

   “Hard to say. A mugging certainly makes sense. I suppose the other agents should be on alert, but I think it’s an isolated incident.”

   Norton frowned. He clearly wanted to say something, but couldn’t think of what.

   Teddy left the embassy. He was gratified to find Agent Morrow on his tail. Morrow was the only agent besides Kristin who hadn’t tailed him yet. Teddy led him to the Gare de Lyon Railway Station. He went down and opened box 29, and took out a thousand dollars of Claude Fisher’s money. He went back upstairs and managed to lose Agent Morrow in the station. The last thing Teddy saw was the pudgy agent heading downstairs to search his locker.

   His phone bleeped with a text message.

   It was from Jacques.

Top of Eiffel Tower.




   TEDDY GOT OUT of the elevator to find Jacques standing at the rail, looking out over the city. Teddy went up, leaned with his back against the rail, and cocked his head in Jacques’s direction. “The Eiffel Tower?”

   Jacques shrugged. “You said touristy.”

   “This better be good.”

   “It’s not good, but it’s something. I was mistaken when I said the Syrians had three zoologists in their party. Two of the professors are zoologists, but the third is a world-renowned microbiologist.”


   “Yes, and there are microbiologists in each party.”


   “There’s more. Some of the men flagged as weapons dealers are actually weapons designers and constructors. It was the word weapons that was flagged, not the word dealers.”

   “So this conference is actually about biological warfare?”

   “As far as I can tell, the majority of the conference’s presenters and attendees are legitimate. As is the programming, with the exception of that one particular panel they are all attending, along with their scientists. That is by invitation only, and could well be a front for something involving biological weapons.”

   Teddy thought that over. “Okay. Let’s keep this between us for now. You say another subgroup of this panel is big-game hunters?”

   “That’s right. Though there is some overlap. Some of the big-game hunters are also into arms sales.”

   “Let’s concentrate on them. Don’t set off any alarms by investigating the microbiologists. Investigate the hunters. I’m particularly interested in any wealthy Americans who may be looking to spend big bucks to kill the rarest and most expensive big game. I want to know where they are, when they are going to get here, and where they intend to be in the meantime. Get me everything you can by tomorrow morning.”

   “Fine. Do I text you where to meet?”

   Teddy smiled. “Sorry to spoil your fun, but I’ll meet you at the café.”




   AS TEDDY WENT down the Eiffel Tower, he checked to see if he was being followed. He wasn’t. He took evasive maneuvers anyway, out of habit, then hopped in a cab and headed for Stone’s house.

   Stone met him at the door in his bathrobe.

   “Just getting up?” Teddy said.

   Stone led him into the living room and offered him a drink.

   “Where’s Dino?”

   “He’s having lunch with the prefect of police. I imagine they’re talking shop.”

   “I hope he doesn’t eat too much.”

   “Why is that?”

   “I thought we might go out tonight, if you can arrange a dinner.”

   “I can always arrange a dinner. Luckily, I have nothing booked. What did you have in mind?”

   A svelte Frenchwoman, wrapped in a towel and dripping wet—yet somehow still effortlessly elegant—padded into the room.

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