Home > A Reasonable Doubt (Robin Lockwood #3)(26)

A Reasonable Doubt (Robin Lockwood #3)(26)
Author: Phillip Margolin

“I think Bobby is playing one of his games, and I, for one, am not in the mood to humor him. So I’m going home, and I suggest you do too.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Robin said, taking Jeff’s arm. “Shall we?”

“We shall.”

Claire turned to Miriam Ross. “If my husband shows up, don’t tell me.”

Then she and David Turner followed Robin and Jeff outside.

Auggie Montenegro smiled at Dobson. “Looks like your client took it on the lam.”

Then he turned to Miriam. “Unlike Claire, if Lord Bobby reappears, I am definitely interested in hearing about it. There might even be a finder’s fee for any information.” Auggie winked at Ross. Then he led his date toward the door.

“You get in touch, right away, if Bobby shows up,” Dobson told Ross before he left.

When the door closed, Miriam dropped onto a couch and held her head in her hands. She couldn’t believe Bobby would run out on her. Not after all the promises he’d made. He would show up. She was sure of it. Ross took a deep breath and got to her feet. The waitstaff was standing around, watching her.

“Let’s get this place cleaned up. I want it looking spotless when Mr. Chesterfield returns.”

Ross hoped that her tone carried more certainty than she felt.






“No further questions,” Robin said.

“I don’t have any either,” Deputy District Attorney Amy Arnold said. “Can Officer Mayfield be excused?”

“Miss Lockwood?” Judge Irving Knolls asked.

“That’s fine with me.”

“Any more witnesses?” the judge asked.

“No, Your Honor,” Robin said as the officer headed for the door to the courtroom.

“Your motion to suppress presents a fascinating legal issue, Miss Lockwood,” Judge Knolls said, “and this is definitely a close question. You may get a different result in the Court of Appeals, but you haven’t convinced me that the officers acted in violation of state or federal law when they searched your client’s car. So I’m going to deny the motion. Are you ready to proceed to trial?”

“Miss Arnold and I have been discussing a plea offer. If you give us a few minutes, we may be able to resolve this matter without a trial.”

“Okay. It’s getting close to twelve anyway. Let’s recess, and I’ll see you back here at one thirty,” the judge said.

“Why don’t you wait in the hall while I talk to the DA,” Robin told her client.

“So, Amy, what do you want to do?” Robin asked when the two lawyers were alone in the courtroom. “Lamar doesn’t have any priors, he’s got a good job, and he was taking the painkillers for a bad back.”

“And selling them illegally.”

“Have a heart,” Robin said. “Those drugs are expensive, and he’s just making it financially.”

The DA looked troubled. She went quiet, and Robin let her think.

“Will he go to rehab?” Arnold asked.

“Definitely. He’s addicted and he doesn’t like it. It’s causing problems at work and with his marriage.”

“Okay. If he waives his right to a speedy trial, agrees to go into rehab, and successfully completes it, I’ll dismiss the case.”

“Thanks. Let me ask Lamar if he’ll accept the deal.”


* * *


Robin’s client agreed to the deal, and Robin told him to be back in court at one thirty. Then she told Amy Arnold that her client was going to take the offer. When she left the courtroom to go to lunch, she found Jeff waiting for her in the hall.

“What a pleasant surprise,” Robin said. “Want to grab a bite?”

“Did you win the motion?”

“No, but I knew Arnold was worried that I’d win on appeal, so she gave Lamar a sweetheart deal. No jail, and she’ll dismiss if he successfully completes rehab.”

“Good work. I’ll treat for lunch.”

Robin smiled. “It’s great having a sugar daddy as a boyfriend.”

Jeff handed Robin a newspaper. “You left early for the gym, so I don’t think you’ve seen this.”


One month ago, Robert Chesterfield, a celebrity magician whose stage name is Lord Chesterfield, disappeared from his seaside mansion on the Oregon coast during a private showing of the Chamber of Death, an illusion he was preparing for his debut at the Babylon Casino in Las Vegas. Mr. Chesterfield had been chained inside a sarcophagus filled with poisonous snakes and scorpions. When the sarcophagus was opened, the magician had disappeared. According to his personal assistant, Miriam Ross, Mr. Chesterfield was supposed to reappear behind the audience, but he has not been seen since he escaped from the coffin.

A week ago, the United States Coast Guard discovered a speedboat belonging to Mr. Chesterfield floating off the coast of California in the vicinity of San Diego. Blood on a shoe that has been identified as belonging to Mr. Chesterfield and more blood recovered from the speedboat has been matched to Mr. Chesterfield by DNA testing. The San Diego Police Department has issued a statement saying that they have no further information concerning the whereabouts of the missing magician.

Robert Chesterfield gained notoriety in 1998, when he was arrested for the murder of Sophie Randall and Arthur Gentry and the attempted murder of Samuel Moser. Oregon attorney Regina Barrister represented Mr. Chesterfield and was instrumental in getting the case dismissed. No one else has been arrested since the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office dismissed the charges against Mr. Chesterfield. Peter Ragland, who prosecuted the case against Mr. Chesterfield, had no comment when asked about the current developments or the 1998 cases.


“What do you think?” Jeff asked when Robin finished reading the article.

“He could have staged the scene so people would think he was dead.”

“Or he could be the victim of foul play,” Jeff said.

Robin sighed. “It’s not our problem, Jeff.”

“Too true. But aren’t you dying to know what happened?”

“Honestly, no. Now, where do you want to eat?”


* * *


When Rafael Otero walked into Auggie Montenegro’s spacious corner office on the top floor of the Happy Mountain Casino, his boss was reading one newspaper, and two others were spread out in front of him.

“You wanted to see me, boss?”

Auggie kept reading, but he motioned toward a chair on the other side of his aircraft-carrier-size desk. “You seen these news stories about the speedboat?” Auggie asked.

“What speedboat?”

“Don’t you read or watch the news?”

“I’ve been busy. I don’t have time for TV or newspapers.”

“You should make time. The more educated you are, the better decisions you make.”

Rafael knew Auggie would get to the point eventually, so he didn’t say anything.

“Remember I told you about Chesterfield’s disappearing act? Well, Lockwood, his lawyer, thought he took off in a speedboat. The coast guard just found it floating offshore near San Diego. There was a lot of blood and a bloodstained shoe, like the one Chesterfield was wearing when he did his act.”

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