Home > Love on Beach Avenue (The Sunshine Sisters #1)(16)

Love on Beach Avenue (The Sunshine Sisters #1)(16)
Author: Jennifer Probst

“I love dress shopping,” Bella said dreamily. “I swear it’s magic when a bride finds her fit. Did Vera pick out something wonderful?”

Avery took another bite of her croissant, and fortified with the sweet, creamy filling, she managed to tell the rest of the story. How Ally had liked but not loved any of the dresses she and Vera had picked. How Carter had ended up finding the dress. “Now, why don’t we get started? We’re all set for the Johns’ wedding this weekend, but I need all hands on deck, especially with the threat of rain. How about—”

“Wait a minute. How did Carter find the dress?” Taylor interrupted.

She glared. “Because he’s pushy. He made some silly declaration he knew exactly what Ally wanted, hit the racks, and got lucky. It’s not worth discussing. At least Ally’s happy and found her dress. That’s what truly matters.”

Her sisters stared at her. Then burst into laughter.

“What’s so damn funny?” she demanded.

Taylor shook her pink hair and let out a half snort. “You must’ve been so pissed! You hate when people intrude. Remember that MOH who kept dragging in dresses she liked for the bride to try on, and you got her deliberately drunk so you could get rid of her?”

Avery tilted her chin and narrowed her gaze. “What’s our motto? ‘Protect the bride at all costs.’ I simply had no choice. And I was not pissed.”

“Liar,” Taylor sang.

“Leave her alone, T,” Bella said, but her blue eyes danced with humor. “Is Carter cute? Maybe he can be your summer assistant.”

That awful prickle of heat skated down her spine. It was probably her body’s way of reminding her it had been almost a year since she’d hooked up with a man. She’d been too busy and hadn’t needed any distractions. Work fulfilled her. Why go looking for trouble?

But maybe she’d passed the limit of when her body rebelled. Maybe after this summer, she’d go on a date.

“God, no, he’s not cute,” she said. “He’s a nerd and a bit subhuman in his ability to hide and control all of his emotions. I wish he’d go back to DC and leave me with Ally. Plus, he’s old.”

“Oh, too bad,” Bella said.

Taylor cocked her head. “Gray-hair old?”

Avery shifted in her seat and concentrated on her croissant. “Just old. Now, if you’re done teasing me, can we move on? I need this wedding tight in all aspects. Let’s go over your tasks one more time.”

Her sisters rolled their eyes but followed orders. They knew it was the only way to end the meeting, while Avery knew it was her exact scheduling, distribution of tasks, and ruthless double-checking that made Sunshine Bridal the best.

She intended to keep it that way.


The next day, Avery drove down Beach Avenue and scored a parking space right across from Bagel Time Cafe. She was meeting Ally and Carter to take them to see two vendors for the reception venue. After working her contacts hard, she’d been able to score the appointments and get the date held temporarily. Every weekend in August had long been snatched up, but there’d been a cancellation at one, and a rare open spot at the other, giving her an opportunity to get Ally the perfect place in town. If they didn’t like either of them, she’d have to look farther out of Cape May.

She got out of the car, crossed the street, and popped into the café. The line twisted out the door, but she squeezed her way to the counter and flagged down Christina.

“Hey, Avery, what can I get you?” The girl had a casual ponytail, bright smile, and fresh, dewy skin that screamed YOUNG.

“Tuna salad on a sesame bagel, please. Lettuce and tomato, no sides.”

Christina scratched the order on her pad and stuck the pen behind her ear. “Give me five?”

“Thank you. And just add it to my tab. I’m already receiving death stares.”

Christina laughed. “Beach-rush time. No worries. Locals need to have some perks, right?”

“God, yes. When you get married, I’ll give you a discount.”

“No, thanks. I plan to remain hopelessly, happily single.” Her ponytail bobbed as she disappeared into the kitchen.

Avery headed outside to wait, scrolling through her phone messages and answering emails with lightning-quick fingers. Finally, she looked up, leaned against the building, and took in the familiar sights and sounds of the small beach town she’d grown up in.

Summer was in full swing, and the beach was already packed—a sea of brightly colored umbrellas set up to witness the magnificent waves crashing over the surf. The air was sharp with sea salt and sunscreen. Small shops lined both sides of the street, selling beach gear, ice cream, pizza, and the all-essential fudge. Sandals slapped against concrete, seagulls screeched and dove for leftovers, and bikes rang their tinkly bells as families pedaled down the roads.

Most of the time, living by the ocean was as magical as everyone believed. Other times, getting stuck with a rush of tourists cramming the streets and overtaking the shops and cafés was just frustrating. The locals had to fight for space and ended up retreating to a few spots that were hidden from visitors.

Cape May was a tourist attraction all the way through Christmas, but then everything pretty much shut down until spring. For those few months, a deep hush blanketed the town, and people stayed indoors. Unfortunately, the bridal business was still busy during the break, when careful planning was critical to getting through the wedding season smoothly.

Avery stared longingly at the beach right across the street. When was the last time she’d grabbed a few hours to lie out in the sun or take a swim? Bella took Zoe regularly. Taylor carved out an entire day a week to play—no matter what the schedule. Avery had no right to feel jealous of their free time when she chose to work.

Wasn’t it worth it? Sunshine Bridal had just been announced as one of the top planners for beach weddings on the Knot. They were famous. Overbooked. Brides begged to be taken as clients. She’d gotten everything she ever wanted.

Christina waved her in. She thanked her, grabbed the sandwich, and found an open table next to a group of college-age girls. The girls let out a loud whoop, then burst into hysterical giggles without shame or apology. She smiled, shaking her head, until the image of her running wild and free back in college hit her full force. The heady hit of dancing past midnight, learning new subjects that sparked her creativity, and the endless spill of time spread before her. Even with a full-time class schedule and a part-time job, Avery had felt as if she were discovering herself and blooming in DC. The world was a giant mystery waiting to be deciphered.

When had she lost that excitement? Sure, she adored most aspects of her job, but if she kept up her constant schedule, would she eventually burn out?

She finished her bagel, popped a breath mint, and pushed the endless questions aside. She had appointments throughout the evening, and then the three-day weekend would begin, full of back-to-back activities for the Johns’ wedding.

Right now, she had no time for doubts.

Kind of ironic.

She headed down the sidewalk toward Congress Hall, where she was supposed to meet Ally and Carter. The sprawling, elegant, sunny-yellow hotel had been transformed years ago from a horror house and was now one of the top-rated venues for weddings and receptions in Cape May.

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